Waikato > Community Health and Social Services >
Social Service, Abuse and Violence Support
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Parentline offers individual and group counselling, therapy and social work services for tamariki, and their whānau, who have been traumatised by abuse and/or domestic violence.
We have an amazing team of counsellors, social workers, therapists and social services kaimahi who look forward to supporting you.
Parenting programmes are also available for the parents of children being seen at Parentline as are opportunities for family therapy to strengthen the whānau unit. We run a one day programme and one night programme every 6 months to meet the need of our whānau and our community.
Child / Tamariki, Adult / Pakeke, Youth / Rangatahi
How do I access this service?
Contact us
Please contact us for support and advice. Work with whānau is undertaken by trained and qualified team members who are counsellors, therapists, social workers or social service kaimahi.
Make an appointment
Phone us on 07 8394536
Walk in
48 Palmerston Street, Hamilton 3204
Website / App
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
Free Services for whānau supported by contracts and philanthropic funding.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mon – Thu | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM |
Fri | 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM |
Our services closes over the Christmas/New Year period with a return to work normally the 3rd Monday in January annually. Phones are diverted to a staff members mobile phone if you have an urgent query otherwise please contact us on our return - which will be Monday 15th January 2024 for this year.
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
English, Māori
Services Provided
We work with children who have been traumatised by abuse and domestic violence, providing free counselling, intervention and group therapy programmes for individuals and their parents/caregivers. We work with children who have been traumatised by abuse and domestic violence, providing free counselling, intervention and group therapy programmes for individuals and their parents/caregivers.
We work with children who have been traumatised by abuse and domestic violence, providing free counselling, intervention and group therapy programmes for individuals and their parents/caregivers. We work with children who have been traumatised by abuse and domestic violence, providing free counselling, intervention and group therapy programmes for individuals and their parents/caregivers.
- Counselling
- Education programmes
- Information and support
- Care and protection
- Family violence intervention
- Referral to specialist services
- Support groups
We work with children who have been traumatised by abuse and domestic violence, providing free counselling, intervention and group therapy programmes for individuals and their parents/caregivers.
We aim to ensure that any act by an individual, institution, or society as a whole, that interferes with the well-being of tamariki and deprives tamariki of his/ her / their rights, is challenged. We aim to ensure that any act by an individual, institution, or society as a whole, that interferes with the well-being of tamariki and deprives tamariki of his/ her / their rights, is challenged.
We aim to ensure that any act by an individual, institution, or society as a whole, that interferes with the well-being of tamariki and deprives tamariki of his/ her / their rights, is challenged. We aim to ensure that any act by an individual, institution, or society as a whole, that interferes with the well-being of tamariki and deprives tamariki of his/ her / their rights, is challenged.
We aim to ensure that any act by an individual, institution, or society as a whole, that interferes with the well-being of tamariki and deprives tamariki of his/ her / their rights, is challenged.
Parentline provides a range of individual interventions, group counselling and education programmes: Kids Against Violent Experiences (KAVe): approved Ministry of Justice programme for children aged between 4-12 years who have witnessed domestic violence and are covered by a Protection Order from the Family Court. The programme is offered individually or in a group setting over nine weeks, depending on the needs of tamariki. We can also offer this programme for whānau without protection orders. Transformers: for 5-13 year olds, which is a 6-week course to help prevent, contain, and resolve anger. He Tapu te Tinana - Keeping Ourselves Safe: a prevention and early intervention programme against sexual violence. For 5-13 year olds, KOS encourages tamariki who have been, or are being abused, to seek help. Mātua also take part with their tamariki. Parentline provides a range of individual interventions, group counselling and education programmes: Kids Against Violent Experiences (KAVe): approved Ministry of Justice programme for children aged between 4-12 years who have witnessed domestic violence and are covered by a Protection Order from the Family Court. The programme is offered individually or in a group setting over nine weeks, depending on the needs of tamariki. We can also offer this programme for whānau without protection orders. Transformers: for 5-13 year olds, which is a 6-week course to help prevent, contain, and resolve anger. He Tapu te Tinana - Keeping Ourselves Safe: a prevention and early intervention programme against sexual violence. For 5-13 year olds, KOS encourages tamariki who have been, or are being abused, to seek help. Mātua also take part with their tamariki.
Parentline provides a range of individual interventions, group counselling and education programmes: Kids Against Violent Experiences (KAVe): approved Ministry of Justice programme for children aged between 4-12 years who have witnessed domestic violence and are covered by a Protection Order from the Family Court. The programme is offered individually or in a group setting over nine weeks, depending on the needs of tamariki. We can also offer this programme for whānau without protection orders. Transformers: for 5-13 year olds, which is a 6-week course to help prevent, contain, and resolve anger. He Tapu te Tinana - Keeping Ourselves Safe: a prevention and early intervention programme against sexual violence. For 5-13 year olds, KOS encourages tamariki who have been, or are being abused, to seek help. Mātua also take part with their tamariki. Parentline provides a range of individual interventions, group counselling and education programmes: Kids Against Violent Experiences (KAVe): approved Ministry of Justice programme for children aged between 4-12 years who have witnessed domestic violence and are covered by a Protection Order from the Family Court. The programme is offered individually or in a group setting over nine weeks, depending on the needs of tamariki. We can also offer this programme for whānau without protection orders. Transformers: for 5-13 year olds, which is a 6-week course to help prevent, contain, and resolve anger. He Tapu te Tinana - Keeping Ourselves Safe: a prevention and early intervention programme against sexual violence. For 5-13 year olds, KOS encourages tamariki who have been, or are being abused, to seek help. Mātua also take part with their tamariki.
Parentline provides a range of individual interventions, group counselling and education programmes:
- Kids Against Violent Experiences (KAVe): approved Ministry of Justice programme for children aged between 4-12 years who have witnessed domestic violence and are covered by a Protection Order from the Family Court. The programme is offered individually or in a group setting over nine weeks, depending on the needs of tamariki. We can also offer this programme for whānau without protection orders.
- Transformers: for 5-13 year olds, which is a 6-week course to help prevent, contain, and resolve anger.
- He Tapu te Tinana - Keeping Ourselves Safe: a prevention and early intervention programme against sexual violence. For 5-13 year olds, KOS encourages tamariki who have been, or are being abused, to seek help. Mātua also take part with their tamariki.
Incredible Years Parenting: practical skills and parenting advice for parents/caregivers of children aged 3-8 years old, Incredible Years Parenting: practical skills and parenting advice for parents/caregivers of children aged 3-8 years old
Incredible Years Parenting: practical skills and parenting advice for parents/caregivers of children aged 3-8 years old, Incredible Years Parenting: practical skills and parenting advice for parents/caregivers of children aged 3-8 years old
- Parenting education
- Parent wellbeing
- Family / whānau support
- Incredible Years Parenting: practical skills and parenting advice for parents/caregivers of children aged 3-8 years old
Providing support to people who have used violence or who are concerned about their behaviour.
Providing support to people who have used violence or who are concerned about their behaviour.
Providing support to people who have used violence or who are concerned about their behaviour.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, Child / Tamariki friendly
Public Transport
Bus stop withing walking distance.
On site parking for whānau.
Contact Details
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
(07) 839 4536
48 Palmerston Street
Waikato 3204
Street Address
48 Palmerston Street
Waikato 3204
Postal Address
PO Box 5667
Hamilton 3242
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This page was last updated at 11:16AM on December 19, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Parentline.
Parentline offers a therapeutic service working with whānau who have been involved in or been witness to domestic violence or abuse. The service is available for tamariki up to the age of approx 13 years however we can also offer services for Mātua, so ask our friendly intake coordinator what we can do to help you. There is an initial assessment followed by up to 12 individual sessions over a 14 week period that includes a mid-point and end of intervention review. Parentline offers a therapeutic service working with whānau who have been involved in or been witness to domestic violence or abuse. The service is available for tamariki up to the age of approx 13 years however we can also offer services for Mātua, so ask our friendly intake coordinator what we can do to help you. There is an initial assessment followed by up to 12 individual sessions over a 14 week period that includes a mid-point and end of intervention review.
Parentline offers a therapeutic service working with whānau who have been involved in or been witness to domestic violence or abuse. The service is available for tamariki up to the age of approx 13 years however we can also offer services for Mātua, so ask our friendly intake coordinator what we can do to help you.
There is an initial assessment followed by up to 12 individual sessions over a 14 week period that includes a mid-point and end of intervention review.