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Te Ikaroa Rangatahi Social Services
Social Service, Abuse and Violence Support, Kaupapa Māori
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Te Ikaroa Rangatahi Social Services Inc is a community based organisation that deliver services to young people and their whānau. We aim to empower clients to achieve positive outcomes for themselves and their whānau, with a holistic approach which encourages a kaupapa Māori framework.
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Contact us
We will support you and your whānau through Kaupapa Māori Based Practice. Please contact us for non-judgemental support and guidance from our caring team of skilled professionals.
Make an appointment
Many of our services are taken on a referral basis from Oranga Tamariki, MBIE, police, Ministry of Justice and our Iwi Ngāti Kahungunu.
Walk in
You may walk in during business hours.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Free, Fees apply
Fees and Charges Description
Some of our programmes may require a part charge, please enquire.
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM |
We have an on call service for whānau who are with our organisation : 06 8799 495
Languages Spoken
English, Māori
Services Provided
Our Whakamana Whanau programme provides domestic violence education and support for victims of family harm. Our Whānau Hui is an avenue for mediation between whānau members with an appointed facilitator. We also provide counselling and therapy to whānau who need someone to talk to. This can be done individually or as a whānau roopu by a qualified counsellor to address mental health issues including grief, loss, family violence, relationship issues, sexual abuse, stress, anger, depression and effects of maltreatment as a child. There is a cost for counselling. Our Whakamana Whanau programme provides domestic violence education and support for victims of family harm. Our Whānau Hui is an avenue for mediation between whānau members with an appointed facilitator. We also provide counselling and therapy to whānau who need someone to talk to. This can be done individually or as a whānau roopu by a qualified counsellor to address mental health issues including grief, loss, family violence, relationship issues, sexual abuse, stress, anger, depression and effects of maltreatment as a child. There is a cost for counselling.
Our Whakamana Whanau programme provides domestic violence education and support for victims of family harm. Our Whānau Hui is an avenue for mediation between whānau members with an appointed facilitator. We also provide counselling and therapy to whānau who need someone to talk to. This can be done individually or as a whānau roopu by a qualified counsellor to address mental health issues including grief, loss, family violence, relationship issues, sexual abuse, stress, anger, depression and effects of maltreatment as a child. There is a cost for counselling. Our Whakamana Whanau programme provides domestic violence education and support for victims of family harm. Our Whānau Hui is an avenue for mediation between whānau members with an appointed facilitator. We also provide counselling and therapy to whānau who need someone to talk to. This can be done individually or as a whānau roopu by a qualified counsellor to address mental health issues including grief, loss, family violence, relationship issues, sexual abuse, stress, anger, depression and effects of maltreatment as a child. There is a cost for counselling.
- Counselling
- Education programmes
- Family violence intervention
- Information and support
- Referral to specialist services
Our Whakamana Whānau programme provides domestic violence education and support for victims of family harm.
Our Whānau Hui is an avenue for mediation between whānau members with an appointed facilitator.
We also provide counselling and therapy to whānau who need someone to talk to. This can be done individually or as a whānau roopu by a qualified counsellor to address mental health issues including grief, loss, family violence, relationship issues, sexual abuse, stress, anger, depression and effects of maltreatment as a child. There is a cost for counselling.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Alternative Action is a mentoring programme for young persons who are at low-level offending, referred by Police and/or Oranga Tamariki. The support service is to support the youth in education, training or similar and address reparation for offences.
Alternative Action is a mentoring programme for young persons who are at low-level offending, referred by Police and/or Oranga Tamariki. The support service is to support the youth in education, training or similar and address reparation for offences.
Alternative Action is a mentoring programme for young persons who are at low-level offending, referred by Police and/or Oranga Tamariki. The support service is to support the youth in education, training or similar and address reparation for offences.
This programme requires a referral from Oranga Tamariki. We also accept referrals from whānau with further Korero. An Iwi-led social service that is child-centred, whānau focused and culturally responsive. To support whānau to develop their own solutions to the issues they face. Whānau and professionals work together to agree how they can keep mokopuna safe, keeping their welfare and interests at the centre.
This programme requires a referral from Oranga Tamariki. We also accept referrals from whānau with further Korero. An Iwi-led social service that is child-centred, whānau focused and culturally responsive. To support whānau to develop their own solutions to the issues they face. Whānau and professionals work together to agree how they can keep mokopuna safe, keeping their welfare and interests at the centre.
This programme requires a referral from Oranga Tamariki. We also accept referrals from whānau with further Kōrero.
An Iwi-led social service that is child-centred, whānau focused and culturally responsive. To support whānau to develop their own solutions to the issues they face. Whānau and professionals work together to agree how they can keep mokopuna safe, keeping their welfare and interests at the centre.
24hr, 7 days, supervised care within our residential facilities: Remand Home, Bail Home and Bespoke Homes
24hr, 7 days, supervised care within our residential facilities: Remand Home, Bail Home and Bespoke Homes
24hr, 7 days, supervised care within our residential facilities: Remand Home, Bail Home and Bespoke Homes
Community-based support and services to young people during their bail period. Open to young persons aged between 12-17 inclusive where Police believe there may be an issue regarding compliance with court ordered conditions.
Community-based support and services to young people during their bail period. Open to young persons aged between 12-17 inclusive where Police believe there may be an issue regarding compliance with court ordered conditions.
Community-based support and services to young people during their bail period. Open to young persons aged between 12-17 inclusive where Police believe there may be an issue regarding compliance with court ordered conditions.
Reintegration support for whānau who have been incarcerated for 2 years of more to aid in transition from prison to the community. Assisting with employment and/or training, access to appropriate support services on release.
Reintegration support for whānau who have been incarcerated for 2 years of more to aid in transition from prison to the community. Assisting with employment and/or training, access to appropriate support services on release.
Reintegration support for whānau who have been incarcerated for 2 years of more to aid in transition from prison to the community. Assisting with employment and/or training, access to appropriate support services on release.
To provide a localised solution targeting and supporting those with alcohol and drug dependency - addressing the wider impacts of whānau and communities project.
To provide a localised solution targeting and supporting those with alcohol and drug dependency - addressing the wider impacts of whānau and communities project.
To provide a localised solution targeting and supporting those with alcohol and drug dependency - addressing the wider impacts of whānau and communities project.
Referral needed from Oranga Tamariki Referral needed from Oranga Tamariki
Referral needed from Oranga Tamariki Referral needed from Oranga Tamariki
- Parenting education
Referral needed from Oranga Tamariki
Support young people/rangatahi to live confidently and achieve their goals.
Support young people/rangatahi to live confidently and achieve their goals.
Support young people/rangatahi to live confidently and achieve their goals.
Provision of information, advocacy and programmes with a focus on supporting members of the rainbow community (LGBTQIA+) and their family/whānau.
Provision of information, advocacy and programmes with a focus on supporting members of the rainbow community (LGBTQIA+) and their family/whānau.
Provision of information, advocacy and programmes with a focus on supporting members of the rainbow community (LGBTQIA+) and their family/whānau.
To support eligible rangatahi on their path to adulthood and long-term wellbeing. This will include preparation for their transition from care or youth justice; provide proactive contact and support as they establish themselves and assist the rangatahi to further develop their skills and achieve independence.
To support eligible rangatahi on their path to adulthood and long-term wellbeing. This will include preparation for their transition from care or youth justice; provide proactive contact and support as they establish themselves and assist the rangatahi to further develop their skills and achieve independence.
Service types: Youth mentoring / development.
To support eligible rangatahi on their path to adulthood and long-term wellbeing. This will include preparation for their transition from care or youth justice; provide proactive contact and support as they establish themselves and assist the rangatahi to further develop their skills and achieve independence.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, Speak with women / wahine, Speak with men / tane, Child / Tamariki friendly, LGBTQIA+ friendly
Hawke's Bay

Contact Details
7 Poole Street, Flaxmere, Hastings
Hawke's Bay
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
(06) 879 9495
Shop 1, 7 Poole Street
Hawke's Bay 4120
Street Address
Shop 1, 7 Poole Street
Hawke's Bay 4120
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This page was last updated at 1:19PM on July 30, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Ikaroa Rangatahi Social Services.
Our social work/whānau support includes community based support (home-based) and programmes with a wrap-around approach. Our social work support focuses on the whānau as a whole, builds on whānau strengths and increases their capacity so whānau are nurturing, resilient and self-reliant. Our social work/whānau support includes community based support (home-based) and programmes with a wrap-around approach. Our social work support focuses on the whānau as a whole, builds on whānau strengths and increases their capacity so whānau are nurturing, resilient and self-reliant.
Our social work/whānau support includes community based support (home-based) and programmes with a wrap-around approach. Our social work support focuses on the whānau as a whole, builds on whānau strengths and increases their capacity so whānau are nurturing, resilient and self-reliant.