Doctor of Physical Therapy
Syed Alamdar Hussain is an experienced physiotherapist with a master's degree in Sports Physical Therapy and an undergraduate degree in Physiotherapy from Pakistan.
His professional journey began with specialised training at the Paediatric Rehabilitation Centre, where he honed his skills in working with children. Transitioning to the role of Clinical Physiotherapist and lecturer at Northwest General Hospital and Research Centre, he actively contributed to the education and training of future physiotherapy professionals.
Prior to his relocation to New Zealand, he enriched his expertise at Peshawar Institute of Cardiology, focusing on cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation. However, his proficiency extends far beyond, encompassing musculoskeletal and neurological rehabilitation, thereby enabling him to deliver comprehensive care to service users with diverse needs.
Alamdar’s hands-on involvement in Manual Therapy allows him to provide personalised and effective care.
Scope of Practice
Eligible to practice, Annual Practicing Certificate Issue Date: 01 April 2024, expires: 31 March 2025
Languages Spoken
Contact Details
Alamdar Hussain is available at the following service:
Nandish Health
This service is available at the following location:
Meadowlands Shopping Plaza, 112 Whitford Road, Somerville, Auckland
(09) 212 9693