BHSc (Physiotherapy)
Claire graduated in 2008 and spent years in the public health service, developing acute breast surgery services. She trained to be a Lymphoedema Therapist in 2011 and guest lectured at AUT to future physiotherapists. Claire has been involved with AUT physiotherapy students in their research projects regarding Axillary Web Syndrome (an issue that can be present after breast surgery.) In 2019 Claire was asked to present in a webinar hosted by Breast Cancer New Zealand, titled: "Living with Lymphoedema."
Read more about Claire here
Claire also has special interests in head and neck cancer rehabilitation, as well as Breast Cancer Rehabilitation. Claire is a Pinc & Steel certified clinician.
Female / Wāhine
Scope of Practice
Eligible to practice, Annual Practicing Certificate Issue Date: 01 April 2024, expires: 31 March 2025
Languages Spoken
Contact Details
Claire Boyce is available at the following service:
Cancer & Lymph Rehab
This service is available at the following location: