BHSc (Physiotherapy)
David graduated from AUT in 2019 with a Bachelor of Health Science in Physiotherapy and in 2021 completed his post-graduate training in Western Acupuncture. Prior to making the switch to neuro rehab, David built a strong background in musculoskeletal physiotherapy management within workplace, community and sports settings. Since starting with Active+ in 2022, David has enagaed in further education for assessment and management of vestibular conditions, stroke and s[inal cord injuries. With an emphasis on self management education, David is passionate about equipping his clients with the tools to minimise risk of further injury and promoting healthy and active lifestyles. David also has a passion for music and hopes to incorporate music therapy into his neuro rehab skill set in the near future.
Scope of Practice
Eligible to practice, Annual Practicing Certificate Issue Date: 01 April 2024, expires: 31 March 2025
Contact Details
David Houston is available at the following service:
Active+ Albany North Shore
This service is available at the following location:
84 Don McKinnon Drive, Albany
(09) 444 1925
Healthlink EDI