Community Health and Social Services
These services help you and your whānau look after your money and give you advice on spending, saving and managing debt.
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Budgeting and help with debt Services 85 results
Communicare is a not for profit that reaches out to seniors to provide inclusiveness by running groups around Auckland
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. (09) 631 5968
Te Whai Community Trust
Providing wellbeing and social services, senior and whanau support, counselling services and Aroha food baskets (food parcels) to the Mangawhai community.
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. 09 431 3459
Literacy Aotearoa - Aoraki
Get the help you need to take charge of your life by improving your reading, writing, maths and other skills.
Community Link Upper Clutha
Community Link Upper Clutha is your local resource hub for social wellbeing services
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (03) 443 7799
Otautau and Districts Community Charitable Trust
Provision of integrated family support services for older persons, parents, and children through a one-stop shop
9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. (03) 225 8069
Tumanava Trust
Cook Islands and Pacific organisation that provides quality and leading social services to support Cook Islands and Pacific tamariki and kōpū tangata
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (09) 930 7402
Jubilee Budget Advisory Service
Budgeting advice and education, to empower those to be good stewards with their own finances
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 03 214 0942
Connected Eastern Southland
Connected Eastern Southland is a one-stop-shop for your community needs, across the Eastern Southland region.
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (03) 208 8480
Roopu A Iwi Trust
Roopu A Iwi Trust is the mandated Iwi Social Service provider for Ahuriri.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (06) 843 1590
Te Whangai Trust
Te Whangai Trust is a Charitable Trust CC24389 providing work, life skills training and multi-agency advocacy for whanau to develop pathways to transition into education
7:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
SIAOLA - Vahefonua Tonga Methodist Mission
Providing value-based services to our Tongan Communities, supporting Educational, Social, Health and Financial needs for our families.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 742 652
Kindred Family Services
With kindness we offer practical solutions to enhance safety and wellbeing.
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. (09) 420 7992
Whitianga Social Services
Our services include budgeting advice, foodbank and holiday programmes, hospital transport, free counselling and much more.
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. (07) 866 4476
Fonua Ola
Fonua Ola supports Pasifika families to be safe and well for a better future
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 436 682
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) - Glen Innes
If you're not sure what to do about something, please come and see us.
9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. (09) 528 3682
Anglican Trust for Women and Children
ATWC’s integrated Family, Early Education and Social Work services and programmes help to protect, nurture and provide opportunities for children, young people
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (09) 276 3729
Literacy Aotearoa - Northern South
Get the help you need to take charge of your life by improving your reading, writing, maths and other skills.
Wellington City Mission
The Wellington City Mission has been supporting those in need in the Wellington region since 1904.
8:30 AM to 6:00 PM. (04) 245 0900
Visions of a Helping Hand
Visions of a Helping Hand operates Transitional Housing and Contracted Emergency Accommodation across Rotorua and Taupō.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 4VISION or 0800 4847 466
Rotorua Budget Advisory Service
Free, confidential and non-judgmental budget advice and BFC services
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. (07) 346 3236
Iosis works with South Auckland parents in vulnerable situations to transform their family life for good.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (09) 269 0050
Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust
We are a voice for those who cannot express, and they are the expression of our voice.
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. (07) 315 5174
Piritahi Hau Ora Trust
Piritahi Hau Ora provides a range of Primary Health Care, Alcohol and Drug Services, Whanau Therapy, Social Work and Awhi Ora support.
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. (09) 372 0022
Taupo Baptist Church
Serving and partnering with the community is valued at Taupo Baptist.
8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. (07) 378 9275
Hapai Taumaha Hapūtanga – Crisis Pregnancy Support
Providing care for women faced with unexpected and unplanned pregnancies.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Otorohanga Support House - Whare Awhina
He āwhina, he tautoko i ngā pūrākau o ngā tangata - to support the journey of the people in our community
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 07 873 8156
Ngati Maniapoto Marae Pact Trust
The Ngati Maniapoto Marae Pact Trust provides a range of services including Housing and Recovery Services, Day Activity and Living Skills and Community Support Services.
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Literacy Aotearoa - Te Tai Tokerau
Get the help you need to take charge of your life by improving your reading, writing, maths and other skills.
Anglican Care Waiapu
Anglican Care Waiapu is a not for profit organisation, and is registered under the Charitable Trusts Act 2005.
(06) 834 0376
Literacy Aotearoa - Greater Auckland
Get the help you need to take charge of your life by improving your reading, writing, maths and other skills.
Paeroa Community Support Trust
A Regional Resource Centre providing programmes, events, activities, education and opportunities for children, youth, families and seniors all resulting in significant social input and impact.
Otamatea Community Services
Otamatea Community Services (OCS) is a service agency housed in the Maungaturoto Community House.
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (09) 431 9080
Whakatū Marae
Whakatū Marae currently provides Whānau Ora services, including, Whānau Ora Navigators and Social Work services for whānau.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (03) 546 9097
Family & Financial Solutions Trust
Providing a holistic individualized mentoring program for families with complex financial, housing, employment and health issues.
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. (07) 376 8166
Cambridge Community House
Providing social services, including budgeting, family violence support, counselling and probation services, for the people of Cambridge.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (07) 827 5402
Māngere Community Law Centre
We aim to meet the unmet legal need of the Mangere community.
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (09) 275 4310
Central Otago Budgeting Services
Providing budgeting and financial support services in Central Otago, Queenstown Lakes and Maniototo
8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. (03) 448 8072
Korean Positive Ageing Charitable Trust
To promote holistic wellbeing & quality of life of Korean older people and their families
(09) 2711 949
Literacy Aotearoa - Waiariki
Get the help you need to take charge of your life by improving your reading, writing, maths and other skills.