Waikato > Community Health and Social Services >
Coromandel Independent Living Trust
Community Health Service, Social
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
Coromandel Independent Living Trust (or CILT) is a broad-based community services provider for the Upper Coromandel peninsula.
Operating in Coromandel Town, we deliver a wide range of programmes and services to meet the needs of our community. Our transport and disability programmes have become essential to the lives of many people in Coromandel.
We currently deliver more than 15 programmes across 10 sites. Our programmes are aimed at addressing needs including: rural isolation, disability services, education, environmental programmes, digital connectivity and whānau support services.
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Contact us
Please call or email us.
07 866 8358
Walk in
150 Pound Street Coromandel Town
Anyone can access
Enrolled patients
Casual (not enrolled) patients
Make an appointment
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Services Provided
We have an advocate who visits us once a month. Please call us for more information. We have an advocate who visits us once a month. Please call us for more information.
We have an advocate who visits us once a month. Please call us for more information. We have an advocate who visits us once a month. Please call us for more information.
We have an advocate who visits us once a month. Please call us for more information.
Incredible Years Parent Programme. We hold a number of contracts to administer Whanau support services. Incredible Years Parent Programme. We hold a number of contracts to administer Whanau support services.
Incredible Years Parent Programme. We hold a number of contracts to administer Whanau support services. Incredible Years Parent Programme. We hold a number of contracts to administer Whanau support services.
Incredible Years Parent Programme. We hold a number of contracts to administer Whānau support services.
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
- Parenting education
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
Te Mana Tangata - Te Mana Tangata is a big whānau where everyone supports each other to set and achieve goals. The programme supports people who have a mental health issue and or intellectual and physical disability as well as probation clients and youth. Artists in the Making - A support group for people with a disability. Participants use art and craft to help uncover their creative and artistic skills, meeting every Wednesday and Friday.
Te Mana Tangata - Te Mana Tangata is a big whānau where everyone supports each other to set and achieve goals. The programme supports people who have a mental health issue and or intellectual and physical disability as well as probation clients and youth. Artists in the Making - A support group for people with a disability. Participants use art and craft to help uncover their creative and artistic skills, meeting every Wednesday and Friday.
Te Mana Tangata - Te Mana Tangata is a big whānau where everyone supports each other to set and achieve goals. The programme supports people who have a mental health issue and or intellectual and physical disability as well as probation clients and youth.
Artists in the Making - A support group for people with a disability. Participants use art and craft to help uncover their creative and artistic skills, meeting every Wednesday and Friday.
Transport to Hospital Appointments - We will either find you a volunteer driver, or provide compensation towards your transport costs to attend qualifying hospital appointments in Thames or Hamilton. Community Van - The Coromandel Community Services Van travels to Thames on Thursdays. This is a service for anyone in the community, and can be used for any reason, such as shopping trips, appointments, visiting friends etc. Social Van Outings - Monthly social van outings for pensioners and those with mobility issues. These are fun day trips to interesting locations, often with a cup of tea or coffee somewhere. Transport to Hospital Appointments - We will either find you a volunteer driver, or provide compensation towards your transport costs to attend qualifying hospital appointments in Thames or Hamilton. Community Van - The Coromandel Community Services Van travels to Thames on Thursdays. This is a service for anyone in the community, and can be used for any reason, such as shopping trips, appointments, visiting friends etc. Social Van Outings - Monthly social van outings for pensioners and those with mobility issues. These are fun day trips to interesting locations, often with a cup of tea or coffee somewhere.
Transport to Hospital Appointments - We will either find you a volunteer driver, or provide compensation towards your transport costs to attend qualifying hospital appointments in Thames or Hamilton. Community Van - The Coromandel Community Services Van travels to Thames on Thursdays. This is a service for anyone in the community, and can be used for any reason, such as shopping trips, appointments, visiting friends etc. Social Van Outings - Monthly social van outings for pensioners and those with mobility issues. These are fun day trips to interesting locations, often with a cup of tea or coffee somewhere. Transport to Hospital Appointments - We will either find you a volunteer driver, or provide compensation towards your transport costs to attend qualifying hospital appointments in Thames or Hamilton. Community Van - The Coromandel Community Services Van travels to Thames on Thursdays. This is a service for anyone in the community, and can be used for any reason, such as shopping trips, appointments, visiting friends etc. Social Van Outings - Monthly social van outings for pensioners and those with mobility issues. These are fun day trips to interesting locations, often with a cup of tea or coffee somewhere.
- Disability transport (total mobility)
- Hospital transport/ shuttle
Transport to Hospital Appointments - We will either find you a volunteer driver, or provide compensation towards your transport costs to attend qualifying hospital appointments in Thames or Hamilton.
Community Van - The Coromandel Community Services Van travels to Thames on Thursdays.
This is a service for anyone in the community, and can be used for any reason, such as shopping trips, appointments, visiting friends etc.
Social Van Outings - Monthly social van outings for pensioners and those with mobility issues. These are fun day trips to interesting locations, often with a cup of tea or coffee somewhere.
The Coromandel Resource Centre is a busy ‘one stop shop’ for residents in the heart of Coromandel Town, this is our HQ and where we coordinate our various projects and services. Our excellent staff are able to provide expert advice and can help you receive support. We provide information on health and disability services, funding to enable people to attend hospital appointments in Thames and Hamilton and rooms for agencies not located in the area to hold regular clinics. We have computers with free internet access, a high quality printer, and friendly staff to help you out.
The Coromandel Resource Centre is a busy ‘one stop shop’ for residents in the heart of Coromandel Town, this is our HQ and where we coordinate our various projects and services. Our excellent staff are able to provide expert advice and can help you receive support. We provide information on health and disability services, funding to enable people to attend hospital appointments in Thames and Hamilton and rooms for agencies not located in the area to hold regular clinics. We have computers with free internet access, a high quality printer, and friendly staff to help you out.
The Coromandel Resource Centre is a busy ‘one stop shop’ for residents in the heart of Coromandel Town, this is our HQ and where we coordinate our various projects and services.
Our excellent staff are able to provide expert advice and can help you receive support. We provide information on health and disability services, funding to enable people to attend hospital appointments in Thames and Hamilton and rooms for agencies not located in the area to hold regular clinics. We have computers with free internet access, a high quality printer, and friendly staff to help you out.
Community WiFi Network - We are establishing a free WiFi network covering the Coromandel Town centre. This is made possible thanks to support from Thames Coromandel District Council, Trust Waikato, and The Coromandel Area School. Firstport Computers - We have three computers available for public use at the Resource Centre. These are connected to a high quality printer, and have word processing programmes installed.
Community WiFi Network - We are establishing a free WiFi network covering the Coromandel Town centre. This is made possible thanks to support from Thames Coromandel District Council, Trust Waikato, and The Coromandel Area School. Firstport Computers - We have three computers available for public use at the Resource Centre. These are connected to a high quality printer, and have word processing programmes installed.
Community WiFi Network - We are establishing a free WiFi network covering the Coromandel Town centre. This is made possible thanks to support from Thames Coromandel District Council, Trust Waikato, and The Coromandel Area School.
Firstport Computers - We have three computers available for public use at the Resource Centre. These are connected to a high quality printer, and have word processing programmes installed.
CILT currently has 14 pensioner flats located near the centre of the town, 200 metres from shops and healthcare and social services. The flats are provided for people aged over 60 years with limited assets and low incomes who are able to live independently.
CILT currently has 14 pensioner flats located near the centre of the town, 200 metres from shops and healthcare and social services. The flats are provided for people aged over 60 years with limited assets and low incomes who are able to live independently.
CILT currently has 14 pensioner flats located near the centre of the town, 200 metres from shops and healthcare and social services. The flats are provided for people aged over 60 years with limited assets and low incomes who are able to live independently.
Provision of information, guidance, advice, and resources.
Provision of information, guidance, advice, and resources.
Provision of information, guidance, advice, and resources.
Provision of education and/or training courses to the community.
Provision of education and/or training courses to the community.
- Life skills
- Skills courses
Provision of education and/or training courses to the community.
Disability Assistance
Wheelchair access, Wheelchair accessible toilet, Mobility parking space, Quiet, low sensory environment, Support to make decisions, Assistance to move around, More space to move around
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Child / Tamariki friendly, Speak with women / wahine, Phone, Speak with men / tane
Contact Details
150 Pound Street, Coromandel
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
(07) 866 8358
150 Pound Street
Waikato 3543
Street Address
150 Pound Street
Waikato 3543
Postal Address
PO Box 25
Coromandel 3543
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This page was last updated at 11:46AM on December 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Coromandel Independent Living Trust.