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Hospice Waiheke Homecare
Community Health Service
Hospice Waiheke Homecare seeks to exemplify the World Health Organisation’s definition of hospice/palliative care which states “an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness…”
Specially trained volunteers offer individuals and families support and respite on a regular basis as needed.
Grief counselling and support including bereavement follow-up.
Provision of relaxation, massage, reflexology and life-story recordings.
Provision of equipment into patient homes free of charge.
Regular funding to the Waiheke Health Trust to enable the community nurse specialists to provide in-home palliative care.
If specialist inpatient symptom management is required, patients can go to the Mercy Hospice, College Hill, Ponsonby in Auckland, following a GP or DN referral.
Adult / Pakeke
How do I access this service?
Contact us
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
We offer our services free of charge to the community. We receive no government funding, so always appreciate donations, to keep our services available and to enhance support for those in the community.
Public Holidays: Closed on all public holidays.
Services Provided
Home support services provide support with household tasks and personal care to help you live independently at home.
Home support services provide support with household tasks and personal care to help you live independently at home.
Home support services provide support with household tasks and personal care to help you live independently at home.
Central Auckland
Contact Details
2/11 Moa Avenue, Oneroa, Waiheke Island
Central Auckland
(09) 372 7131
2/11 Moa Avenue
Waiheke Island 1081
Street Address
2/11 Moa Avenue
Waiheke Island 1081
Postal Address
P.O Box 89,Oneroa, Waiheke Island.
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This page was last updated at 11:21AM on June 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Hospice Waiheke Homecare.