Waikato > Community Health and Social Services >
Mokotaiahua Rongoā Health
Community Health Service, Kaupapa Māori
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
We practice a traditional approach to clients which is Māori healing,
Rongoā and Spiritual work.
We create Māori Rongoā and specialize in how the
physical, emotional and spiritual world connects to a person's health and well-being.
We also provide: Te Rehua o te romiromi (not painful)
Te Rehua o te mirimiri (soft massage)
Pure' (cleansings)
Rongoā Māori tailored to your ailment and pain.
Please bring a list of medications and any relevant hospital papers you have.
Everybody welcome
Donna is an ACC registered Rongoā Māori practitioner
“Ka mahuru te hāura, ka mahuru i a Io Matangaro”
Ko Ngā Puhi, ko Ngai Tūhoe, ko Waikato me Ngāti Hauā ngā iwi. Nō Tauwhare marae ahau. Pai marire ki te Kīngitanga nui me ngā iwi o te motu. Tēnā koutou katoa.
Kia ora my name is Donna Maree, an initiated Tohunga Tapu o Io Matangaro and certified teacher of Rongoā Māori highly skilled in holistically treating a wide range of ailments having been trained intensively by the esteemed Tohunga Taputapu Arikinui Billy Tuhua over 4 years with on-going for a further 4 years which continues to this day and beyond. I also work at Henry Bennett inpatients since 2020 & Adult Mental Health Addictions in Hamilton. My passion also includes making Māori Rongoā and going deep sea diving.
“He mokopuna au nā Io Matangaro”
Ko Maungatautari rāua ko Maungakawa ngā maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Hauā te iwi
Ko Te Iti o Hauā te hapu
Ko Tauwhare te marae
Tēnā koutou katoa
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Contact us
Phone: 027 523 3124
Email: mokotaiahua@gmail.com
To access support from ACC, you will need to contact them.
Phone: 0800 101 996
Email: claims@acc.co.nz
Make an appointment
Please contact my phone number or email. We welcome non-ACC members and whānau group healings.
Anyone can access
We respect all people, all cultures and their beliefs, we are a confidential, clean, honest, safe service with consideration and compassion to our clients.
Home visit provider
Home visits are done case by case depending on their location and status. We just require a space for our massage table with children safely out of the way. We welcome anybody to contact us directly for more information.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Free, Partial fees apply
Fees and Charges Description
If you are looking for something specifically please don't hesitate to contact me.
Specialised Rongoā ranging from hormonal tinctures, pain tinctures (inflammation, anxiety, sleep), tonics or balms. Once the website is made then the whole collection will be available to the public.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mon | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
Tue | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
Thu | 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM |
Fri | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
Every Friday we are based at Morrinsville Community house.
Saturday is an extra cost based at Tauwhare region.
Monday I will be based in Ruakura, Hamilton.
Tuesday and Thursday afternoon are at Home clinic, Tauwhare, Matangi region.
Services Provided
ACC Rongoā Māori ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service. We respect that these aspects embrace ngā taonga tuku iho (intergenerational gifts and knowledge handed down from tupuna Māori). We see rongoā Māori in the wider context of traditional Māori healing methodologies. ACC don't consider healing techniques from non-Māori cultural traditions, such as reiki or hyperbaric oxygen treatment, part of rongoā Māori. Even if they're provided by rongoā Māori practitioners.
ACC Rongoā Māori ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service. We respect that these aspects embrace ngā taonga tuku iho (intergenerational gifts and knowledge handed down from tupuna Māori). We see rongoā Māori in the wider context of traditional Māori healing methodologies. ACC don't consider healing techniques from non-Māori cultural traditions, such as reiki or hyperbaric oxygen treatment, part of rongoā Māori. Even if they're provided by rongoā Māori practitioners.
- ACC registered rongoā Māori practitioner
ACC Rongoā Māori
ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service. We respect that these aspects embrace ngā taonga tuku iho (intergenerational gifts and knowledge handed down from tupuna Māori). We see rongoā Māori in the wider context of traditional Māori healing methodologies.
ACC don't consider healing techniques from non-Māori cultural traditions, such as reiki or hyperbaric oxygen treatment, part of rongoā Māori. Even if they're provided by rongoā Māori practitioners.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Tauwhare home clinic is located behind the main house. Please come down the end of the driveway and park anywhere on the grass.
Ruakura has a lot of parking and wheelchair access.
Morrinsville has off-site parking and wheelchair access.

Contact Details
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
027 523 3124
Tauwhare & Morrinsville.
New location at 420 Ruakura Lane, Hamilton
Tauwhare Road
Waikato 3287
Street Address
Tauwhare Road
Waikato 3287
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This page was last updated at 9:55AM on January 30, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Mokotaiahua Rongoā Health.