Bay of Plenty, Lakes > Community Health and Social Services >
Ngā Puawaitia
Community Health Service, Kaupapa Māori
1199 Amohia Street, Rotorua
1/60 Parton Road, Papamoa
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Ngā Puāwaitia Ltd is an ACC accredited Rongoā Māori practitioner.
Ngā Puawai provides traditonal māori healing to the community. While providing services such as mirimiri a wairua, romiromi & rongoā they also offer products containing natural and traditional ingredients.
The use of these traditional healing practices can help to clear energetic blocks within the body, often resulting from physical and/or emotional trauma. This powerful practice can bring release, clarity and a sense of balance.
Ka piki whakarunga taku tirohanga ki tōku Maunga kōtihitihi a Māuao.
Ka huri au ki te tāhapatū o te rangi, ko Takitimu te waka e hoe ana ki runga i Te Awanui, arā ko Tauranga.
Ka huri taku aroaro ki tōku marae a Hairini e poipoi ana i te Hapū o Ngai te Ahi.
Ko te Iwi o Ngāti Ranginui tēra e tū ana hei mana whenua.
Nga Puawaitia is ACC Registered & is part of an external Collective & Whare Hauora. Collectively we are able to share our particular skill sets to promote ora within.
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
If you have an ACC claim number, contact the team directly on Phone 0800 101 996.
Email and let them know you would like to access Rongoa Māori.
Give them my details, and ask them to send me a confirmation email straight away so we can start your Hauora care plan.
Business name: Ngā Puāwaitia
Vendor ID: VBH 255
Contact us
You can email me on;
Make an appointment
You can book directly on;
Anyone can access
- You can also access Rongoā Māori services if you have health insurance through NIB & Southern Cross.
- Through organistion EAP providers - Telus Health (formerly Benestar), Wellnz & Vitae.
Contact your provider to see if you're eligible for organision funded services.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees apply, Free
Fees and Charges Description
If you have an ACC claim, there is no cost to you as this is part of the ACC cover.
Ngā Puāwaitia currently DO NOT charge a surcharge.
1199 Amohia Street, Rotorua
Thu | 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM |
- Thursday based at: Physio Direct. 1199 Amohia Street, Rotorua.
1/60 Parton Road, Papamoa
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mon | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
Tue | 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM |
Services Provided
ACC Rongoā Māori ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service. We respect that these aspects embrace ngā taonga tuku iho (intergenerational gifts and knowledge handed down from tupuna Māori). We see rongoā Māori in the wider context of traditional Māori healing methodologies. ACC don't consider healing techniques from non-Māori cultural traditions, such as reiki or hyperbaric oxygen treatment, part of rongoā Māori. Even if they're provided by rongoā Māori practitioners.
ACC Rongoā Māori ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service. We respect that these aspects embrace ngā taonga tuku iho (intergenerational gifts and knowledge handed down from tupuna Māori). We see rongoā Māori in the wider context of traditional Māori healing methodologies. ACC don't consider healing techniques from non-Māori cultural traditions, such as reiki or hyperbaric oxygen treatment, part of rongoā Māori. Even if they're provided by rongoā Māori practitioners.
- ACC registered rongoā Māori practitioner
ACC Rongoā Māori
ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service. We respect that these aspects embrace ngā taonga tuku iho (intergenerational gifts and knowledge handed down from tupuna Māori). We see rongoā Māori in the wider context of traditional Māori healing methodologies.
ACC don't consider healing techniques from non-Māori cultural traditions, such as reiki or hyperbaric oxygen treatment, part of rongoā Māori. Even if they're provided by rongoā Māori practitioners.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Online Booking URL
Bay of Plenty, Lakes
Contact Details
1/60 Parton Road, Pāpāmoa
Bay of Plenty
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
027 369 7765
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This page was last updated at 4:57PM on February 10, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Ngā Puawaitia.