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Raukawa Whānau Ora

Community Health Service, Abuse and Violence Support, Kaupapa Māori, Social


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.


Raukawa Whānau Ora supports the wellbeing of Māori through kaupapa based health, social and education services.

Raukawa Whānau Ora Health Services is a kaupapa Māori Iwi Health Provider. Hauora service delivery is for all.  Service delivery is mobile to your home, marae or community venue or at one of the base clinics. Hauora services include Tamariki Ora Well Child Services, Mental Health & Alcohol & Drug Support, Mobile Nursing, Māori Disability Support and more.

Toiora Whānau is an iwi based social service that promotes the wellbeing of whānau, hapu and iwi. We believe that whānau is an integral support system and Toiora Whānau offers assistance in empowering Whānau through child based whānau support services and education programmes. 

He Hikinga Manawa Services support childhood education.

Read more about these services below


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

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We provide non judgemental support and advice.


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Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

No fees apply


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken

English, Māori

Services Provided

Abuse and violence support

Abuse and violence support services provide support to individuals and whānau who are impacted by abuse, violence or family harm.

  • Conflict resolution mediation
  • Counselling
  • Education programmes
  • Family violence intervention
  • Information and support
  • Referral to specialist services
  • Support groups
  • Victim support

Abuse and violence support services provide support to individuals and whānau who are impacted by abuse, violence or family harm.

Alcohol & Drug Support (AOD)

Community support for those of any age affected by alcohol and/or drugs, providing an Alcohol and Other Drug Support Service for Māori, not excluding other cultures. Whānau centred co-operation with client consent, and also share in developing support for individuals to manage and improve their health and well being.

Community support for those of any age affected by alcohol and/or drugs, providing an Alcohol and Other Drug Support Service for Māori, not excluding other cultures. Whānau centred co-operation with client consent, and also share in developing support for individuals to manage and improve their health and well being.

Cancer Control Co-ordinator

Our kaupapa is to support improved access to services along the continuum of care for clients and their whānau affected by cancer.

Our kaupapa is to support improved access to services along the continuum of care for clients and their whānau affected by cancer.

Mobile Nursing

Our Mobile Nurse provides clinical nursing assessment in homes or within community clinics for clients aged 17 years and older who are suspected of, or diagnosed as having cardiac, diabetes and respiratory (breathing) problems. Our Mobile Nurse supports adults with diabetes, heart and respiratory conditions, to assist them and/or their whānau to independently manage the condition over a 12 month period. Our Mobile Nurse provides clinical nursing assessment in homes or within community clinics for clients aged 17 years and older who are suspected of, or diagnosed as having cardiac, diabetes and respiratory (breathing) problems. Our Mobile Nurse supports adults with diabetes, heart and respiratory conditions, to assist them and/or their whānau to independently manage the condition over a 12 month period.

  • Case management
  • Diabetes self management
  • Respiratory
  • Self management support
  • Asthma
  • Stop smoking
  • Older adult

Our Mobile Nurse provides clinical nursing assessment in homes or within community clinics for clients aged 17 years and older who are suspected of, or diagnosed as having cardiac, diabetes and respiratory (breathing) problems.

Our Mobile Nurse  supports adults with diabetes, heart and respiratory conditions, to assist them and/or their whānau to independently manage the condition over a 12 month period.


Toiora Whanau offers a free counselling service for Māori and the wider community using the Te Whare Tapa Wha concept. The four corners represent the healing place for all people Toiora Whanau offers a free counselling service for Māori and the wider community using the Te Whare Tapa Wha concept. The four corners represent the healing place for all people

Toiora Whānau offers a free counselling service for Māori and the wider community using the Te Whare Tapa Wha concept.  The four corners represent the healing place for all people

Disability support services

Māori Disability Support Service assists those with a disability particularly nga kaumātua (50 yrs and over) to access a Needs Assessment Service Coordinator (Supportlinks). Includes advocacy and liaison. This service is specifically for any persons whose lives are affected by physical, sensory or intellectual disability.

Māori Disability Support Service assists those with a disability particularly nga kaumātua (50 yrs and over) to access a Needs Assessment Service Coordinator (Supportlinks). Includes advocacy and liaison.  This service is specifically for any persons whose lives are affected by physical, sensory or intellectual disability.

Education and training

Toiora Whanau provide education programmes and support that focus on empowering whanau & whānau wellbeing. Our Rangatahi Achievement Programme gives rangatahi the best chance at gaining NCEA Level 2 or an equivalent qualification by helping them to take control of their learning. We can also support whānau to help find a local childcare service that best suits your child’s needs. Toiora Whanau provide education programmes and support that focus on empowering whanau & whānau wellbeing. Our Rangatahi Achievement Programme gives rangatahi the best chance at gaining NCEA Level 2 or an equivalent qualification by helping them to take control of their learning. We can also support whānau to help find a local childcare service that best suits your child’s needs.

  • Pre-school education
  • Life skills
  • Skills courses

Toiora Whānau provide education programmes and support that focus on empowering whānau & whānau wellbeing.

Our Rangatahi Achievement Programme gives rangatahi the best chance at gaining NCEA Level 2 or an equivalent qualification by helping them to take control of their learning.

We can also support whānau to help find a local childcare service that best suits your child’s needs.

Health screening

We provide free cervical smear tests and confidential services provided by friendly supportive nurses. Cervical screening is provided in our free clinic. Our kaupapa is to provide a free accessible service that is responsive to the cultural needs of wahine and their whānau. We provide free cervical smear tests and confidential services provided by friendly supportive nurses. Cervical screening is provided in our free clinic. Our kaupapa is to provide a free accessible service that is responsive to the cultural needs of wahine and their whānau.

  • Cervical screening

We provide free cervical smear tests and confidential services provided by friendly supportive nurses. Cervical screening is provided in our free clinic. Our kaupapa is to provide a free accessible service that is responsive to the cultural needs of wahine and their whānau.


Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule. We provide immunisations as per the National schedule for nga tamariki aged 6 weeks to 11 years and adults, 45 years and older. FREE flu vaccinations for those 65 years and over or those under 65 who have a chronic disease/disorder such as asthma and Maori and Pacific people 55 years and over.

  • Childhood immunisation programme
  • 45 year old vaccinations
  • 65 year old vaccinations
  • Adult flu vaccine
  • Measles / Mumps / Rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine

Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule.

We provide immunisations as per the National schedule for nga tamariki aged 6 weeks to 11 years and adults, 45 years and older.  FREE flu vaccinations for those 65 years and over or those under 65 who have a chronic disease/disorder such as asthma and Māori and Pacific people 55 years and over.

Kaupapa Māori

Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.

Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.

Pacific People

All services are available to those who wish to access these. All services are available to those who wish to access these.

All services are available to those who wish to access these.

Pregnancy and parenting

Our Mother & Pepi Service provides antenatal and postnatal mothercraft support, advocacy & advice from conception to 5 years for young / new mothers and parents. Lactation Consultant Service - a gentle, friendly approach providing breastfeeding support by a qualified consultant. Car seats for 0-8 years are available. WINZ quotes accepted. Please contact our car seat coordinator on 06 3688678. Family Start is a free home visiting programme that focuses on supporting parents from early stages of pregnancy until the child is 5 years old. We also focus on improving children’s growth, health, learning and relationships. Tikanga Ririki is a kaupapa education programme that connects whānau to Te Ao Māori to support the development of their tamariki. We will share with whānau, knowledge and practices that are grounded by tikanga Māori. Our Mother & Pepi Service provides antenatal and postnatal mothercraft support, advocacy & advice from conception to 5 years for young / new mothers and parents. Lactation Consultant Service - a gentle, friendly approach providing breastfeeding support by a qualified consultant. Car seats for 0-8 years are available. WINZ quotes accepted. Please contact our car seat coordinator on 06 3688678. Family Start is a free home visiting programme that focuses on supporting parents from early stages of pregnancy until the child is 5 years old. We also focus on improving children’s growth, health, learning and relationships. Tikanga Ririki is a kaupapa education programme that connects whānau to Te Ao Māori to support the development of their tamariki. We will share with whānau, knowledge and practices that are grounded by tikanga Māori.

  • Car seats and safety
  • Parenting education
  • Support after birth
  • Pregnancy support
  • Young mums
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Parent wellbeing
  • Family / whānau support

Our Mother & Pepi Service provides antenatal and postnatal mothercraft support, advocacy & advice from conception to 5 years for young / new mothers and parents.

Lactation Consultant Service - a gentle, friendly approach providing breastfeeding support by a qualified consultant.

Car seats for 0-8 years are available. WINZ quotes accepted. Please contact our car seat coordinator on 06 3688678.

Family Start is a free home visiting programme that focuses on supporting parents from early stages of pregnancy until the child is 5 years old. We also focus on improving children’s growth, health, learning and relationships.

Tikanga Ririki is a kaupapa education programme that connects whānau to Te Ao Māori to support the development of their tamariki. We will share with whānau, knowledge and practices that are grounded by tikanga Māori.

Social work

Social Worker in Schools (SWIS) is a school based service for tamariki in the 5 -12 age group. The Social Worker is placed within specific schools, and is available to support tamariki and whānau with issues outside the classroom, that may be affecting the well-being of a child, and the child’s ability to learn Social Worker in Schools (SWIS) is a school based service for tamariki in the 5 -12 age group. The Social Worker is placed within specific schools, and is available to support tamariki and whānau with issues outside the classroom, that may be affecting the well-being of a child, and the child’s ability to learn

Social Worker in Schools (SWIS) is a school based service for tamariki in the 5 -12 age group. The Social Worker is placed within specific schools, and is available to support tamariki and whānau with issues outside the classroom, that may be affecting the well-being of a child, and the child’s ability to learn

Stopping violence services

The Whai Ao Ki Te Ao Marama programme is a community based 12 Week Stopping Violence Education Programme for men offered by Toiora Whanau. The programme is for men who behave violently and abusively. We work to eliminate violence in our society. We deal with domestic violence in the context of family/whanau and community safety. We work with other victim and family/whanau agencies. The Whai Ao Ki Te Ao Marama programme is a community based 12 Week Stopping Violence Education Programme for men offered by Toiora Whanau. The programme is for men who behave violently and abusively. We work to eliminate violence in our society. We deal with domestic violence in the context of family/whanau and community safety. We work with other victim and family/whanau agencies.

The Whai Ao Ki Te Ao Marama programme is a community based 12 Week Stopping Violence Education Programme for men offered by Toiora Whānau. The programme is for men who behave violently and abusively. We work to eliminate violence in our society. We deal with domestic violence in the context of family/whānau and community safety. We work with other victim and family/whānau agencies.

Toitu Te Ora Alcohol & Drug Support

Community rehabilitation support for those affected by substance use, providing support in identifying and practicing successful life choices.

Community rehabilitation support for those affected by substance use, providing support in identifying and practicing successful life choices.

Well Child Tamariki Ora

Our Whanāu / Tamariki Ora Well Child Service provides child growth and developmental checks (0-5 years) as per the National Well Child Schedule, vision and hearing profiles and immunisations; and includes assessment of other members of the whānau if requested. Lactation Consultant Service is available to anyone needing to access the service to having a gentle, friendly approach with breastfeeding assistance. Our Whanāu / Tamariki Ora Well Child Service provides child growth and developmental checks (0-5 years) as per the National Well Child Schedule, vision and hearing profiles and immunisations; and includes assessment of other members of the whānau if requested. Lactation Consultant Service is available to anyone needing to access the service to having a gentle, friendly approach with breastfeeding assistance.

Our Whanāu / Tamariki Ora Well Child Service provides child growth and developmental checks (0-5 years) as per the National Well Child Schedule, vision and hearing profiles and immunisations; and includes assessment of other members of the whānau if requested.
Lactation Consultant Service is available to anyone needing to access the service to having a gentle, friendly approach with breastfeeding assistance.

Wellness / healthy lifestyle

Te Ohu Auahi Mutunga (Smoking Cessation) is a Kaupapa Māori support service and advice to quit smoking. Te Ohu Auahi Mutunga (Smoking Cessation) is a Kaupapa Māori support service and advice to quit smoking.

  • Stop smoking

Te Ohu Auahi Mutunga (Smoking Cessation) is a Kaupapa Māori support service and advice to quit smoking.

Community Mental Health Support

We are a Kaupapa Māori Community Mental Health Support Service and have four separate services: Adult Mental health Alcohol and Other Drugs [AOD] Child, Adolescent and Youth Services [CAYS]; and Day Activities. Māori Community Mental Health Support Workers work with you, other health professionals and other services involved in your care.

We are a Kaupapa Māori Community Mental Health Support Service and have four separate services:

  • Adult Mental health
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs [AOD]
  • Child, Adolescent and Youth Services [CAYS]; and
  • Day Activities.

Māori Community Mental Health Support Workers work with you, other health professionals and other services involved in your care.

Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora Navigation Service is guided by kaupapa tuku iho, this whānau centred support service uses a holistic focused model of well being to help whānau dream, plan and work toward a future that is determined by their own aspirations. This journey aims to reinstate rangatiratanga and move whānau to a position where they are living healthier, happier and culturally rewarding lives. Whānau Ora Navigation Service is guided by kaupapa tuku iho, this whānau centred support service uses a holistic focused model of well being to help whānau dream, plan and work toward a future that is determined by their own aspirations. This journey aims to reinstate rangatiratanga and move whānau to a position where they are living healthier, happier and culturally rewarding lives.

  • Kaupapa Māori
  • Pasifika

Whānau Ora Navigation Service is guided by kaupapa tuku iho, this whānau centred support service uses a holistic focused model of well being to help whānau dream, plan and work toward a future that is determined by their own aspirations. This journey aims to reinstate rangatiratanga and move whānau to a position where they are living healthier, happier and culturally rewarding lives.

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access, Support to make decisions, Assistance to move around, More space to move around

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, Online / virtual / app, Child / Tamariki friendly, LGBTQIA+ friendly




Contact Details

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

152 Bath Street
Manawatu-Wanganui 5510

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Street Address

152 Bath Street
Manawatu-Wanganui 5510

Postal Address

PO Box 586
Levin 5540

This page was last updated at 2:55PM on November 4, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Raukawa Whānau Ora.