Raukawa Whānau Ora

152 Bath Street, Levin

Contact Details

Phone (06) 368 8678
Email admin@rwo.nz

Street Address

152 Bath Street
Manawatu-Wanganui 5510

Postal Address

PO Box 586
Levin 5540


Raukawa Whānau Ora supports the wellbeing of Māori through kaupapa based health, social and education services.

Raukawa Whānau Ora Health Services is a kaupapa Māori Iwi Health Provider. Hauora service delivery is for all.  Service delivery is mobile to your home, marae or community venue or at one of the base clinics. Hauora services include Tamariki Ora Well Child Services, Mental Health & Alcohol & Drug Support, Mobile Nursing, Māori Disability Support and more.

Toiora Whānau is an iwi based social service that promotes the wellbeing of whānau, hapu and iwi. We believe that whānau is an integral support system and Toiora Whānau offers assistance in empowering Whānau through child based whānau support services and education programmes. 

He Hikinga Manawa Services support childhood education.

Read more about these services below

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

No fees apply


Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken

English, Māori


Adult Mental Health

Support for those 17 years and over who have an Axis 1 mental health diagnosis or suspected diagnosis. Our Māori Community Mental Health Support Workers (nga kaimahi) work with you and other health professionals involved in your care to support you to continue to live independently in your home and in the community. Support, advocacy and liaison are key roles. The kaupapa Māori guiding principles for assessment and support of what is required by nga tangata and their whānau encompasses the four walls of Whare Tapa Wha: Te Taha Wairua, Te Taha Hinengaro, Te Taha Tinana, Te Taha Whānau.

Programme Areas

Kaupapa Māori, Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health, Kaupapa Māori - mental health, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support



Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Access to services is available through self-referral, whānau referral, or referral from any other source. These services are open to individuals from any cultural background who meet the criteria.

Each service has criteria for eligibility. If you do not meet the entry criteria the Health Manager may be able to refer you to another Raukawa Whānau Ora service or another more appropriate service provider.


Support for those 17 years and over who have an Axis 1 mental health diagnosis or suspected diagnosis.

Our Māori Community Mental Health Support Workers (nga kaimahi) work with you and other health professionals involved in your care to support you to continue to live independently in your home and in the community. Support, advocacy and liaison are key roles.

The kaupapa Māori guiding principles for assessment and support of what is required by nga tangata and their whānau encompasses the four walls of Whare Tapa Wha: Te Taha Wairua, Te Taha Hinengaro, Te Taha Tinana, Te Taha Whānau.

Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Community Support Service

Community support for those of any age affected by alcohol and/or drugs. RWO provides a service to whānau to manage their addictions in conjunction with other kaimahi to provide wrap around services if required. The service aims to reach clients / whānau who require information and support to manage their addictions guided by a support worker. The kaupapa Māori guiding principles for assessment and support of what is required by nga tangata and their whānau encompasses the four walls of Whare Tapa Wha: Te Taha Wairua, Te Taha Hinengaro, Te Taha Tinana, Te Taha Whānau.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol, Kaupapa Māori

Programme Type

Community / social support (AOD), Kaupapa Māori (AOD)



Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Access to any of the services is by self-referral or referral from other sources, i.e., GP, MidCentral services etc.

Each service has criteria for eligibility. If you do not meet the entry criteria the Health Manager may be able to refer you to another Raukawa Whānau Ora service or another more appropriate service provider.


Community support for those of any age affected by alcohol and/or drugs. RWO provides a service to whānau to manage their addictions in conjunction with other kaimahi to provide wrap around services if required. The service aims to reach clients / whānau who require information and support to manage their addictions guided by a support worker.

The kaupapa Māori guiding principles for assessment and support of what is required by nga tangata and their whānau encompasses the four walls of Whare Tapa Wha: Te Taha Wairua, Te Taha Hinengaro, Te Taha Tinana, Te Taha Whānau.

Child, Adolescent and Family (CAFS)

CAFS provides support for 0-17 year olds and their whānau who have a mental health diagnosis and/or on-going behavioural challenges. Our Māori Community Mental Health Support Workers (nga kaimahi) work with you and other health professionals involved in your care to support you to continue to live independently in your home and in the community. Support, advocacy and liaison are key roles. The kaupapa Māori guiding principles for assessment and support of what is required by nga tangata and their whānau encompasses the four walls of Whare Tapa Wha: Te Taha Wairua, Te Taha Hinengaro, Te Taha Tinana, Te Taha Whānau.

Programme Areas

Kaupapa Māori, Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health, Kaupapa Māori - mental health



Age Groups

Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Access to services is available through self-referral, whānau referral, or referral from any other source. These services are open to individuals from any cultural background who meet the criteria.

Each service has criteria for eligibility. If you do not meet the entry criteria the Health Manager may be able to refer you to another Raukawa Whānau Ora service or another more appropriate service provider


CAFS provides support for 0-17 year olds and their whānau who have a mental health diagnosis and/or on-going behavioural challenges.

Our Māori Community Mental Health Support Workers (nga kaimahi) work with you and other health professionals involved in your care to support you to continue to live independently in your home and in the community. Support, advocacy and liaison are key roles.

The kaupapa Māori guiding principles for assessment and support of what is required by nga tangata and their whānau encompasses the four walls of Whare Tapa Wha: Te Taha Wairua, Te Taha Hinengaro, Te Taha Tinana, Te Taha Whānau.

Day Activity Recovery Support Service

Group activities to promote socialisation for individuals 17 years and over who have a mental health diagnosis. Transport is provided. Our Māori Community Mental Health Support Workers (nga kaimahi) work with you and other health professionals involved in your care to support you to continue to live independently in your home and in the community. Support, advocacy and liaison are key roles. The kaupapa Māori guiding principles for assessment and support of what is required by nga tangata and their whānau encompasses the four walls of Whare Tapa Wha: Te Taha Wairua, Te Taha Hinengaro, Te Taha Tinana, Te Taha Whānau.

Programme Areas

Kaupapa Māori, Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health, Kaupapa Māori - mental health, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support



Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Access to services is available through self-referral, whānau referral, or referral from any other source. These services are open to individuals from any cultural background who meet the criteria.

Each service has criteria for eligibility. If you do not meet the entry criteria the Health Manager may be able to refer you to another Raukawa Whānau Ora service or another more appropriate service provider.


Group activities to promote socialisation for individuals 17 years and over who have a mental health diagnosis. Transport is provided.

Our Māori Community Mental Health Support Workers (nga kaimahi) work with you and other health professionals involved in your care to support you to continue to live independently in your home and in the community. Support, advocacy and liaison are key roles.

The kaupapa Māori guiding principles for assessment and support of what is required by nga tangata and their whānau encompasses the four walls of Whare Tapa Wha: Te Taha Wairua, Te Taha Hinengaro, Te Taha Tinana, Te Taha Whānau.

Alcohol & Drug Service for Offenders

Community rehabilitation support for those affected by substance use, providing support in identifying and practicing successful life choices.

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol, Kaupapa Māori

Programme Type

Community / social support (AOD), Kaupapa Māori (AOD)



Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types


Referral Process

Access to this service is via Single Point of Entry through Community Probation.

Service is provided by an AOD clinician.


Community rehabilitation support for those affected by substance use, providing support in identifying and practicing successful life choices.

Services Provided

Abuse and violence support
Cancer Control Co-ordinator
Mobile Nursing
Disability support services
Education and training
Health screening
Kaupapa Māori
Pacific People
Pregnancy and parenting
Social work
Stopping violence services
Well Child Tamariki Ora
Whānau Ora

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access, Support to make decisions, Assistance to move around, More space to move around

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, Online / virtual / app, Child / Tamariki friendly, LGBTQIA+ friendly



