
Waikato > Community Health and Social Services >

South Waikato Pacific Islands Community Services Trust

Community Health Service, Abuse and Violence Support, Pacific People, Social


South Waikato Pacific Islands Community Services Trust (SWPICS) delivers a range of community health, social and Whānau Ora services to the people of Tokoroa.

We act as a community hub, providing wrap-around support for the full range of needs of our community, including prevention services. We aim to bring services to you directly, when we can. If we don't offer a service that you need, we can often organise this for you or get you in touch with the right providers. 

To be the best Pacific Provider of Quality Services For The Pacific Peoples in the South Waikato

"Kua riro ei putuputuanga matutu no te raveanga I te au angaanga no te iti tangata o Te-Moana-Nui-O-Kiva Pasifika I roto I te pae Tonga O Waikato"

Ia avea ma fa'afetai o Galuega mautu mo tagata, Atumotu I Waikato I Saute

Me uasivi na neimami veiqaravi e na soqosoqo Wasa Pasifika oqo Kivei iratou kece na dui vei Kaikai ni Wasa Pasifika I na Waikato Sauca


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Please contact us for non judgemental support and advice.

Make an appointment


Walk in

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

All services are FREE


The Plaza, 50 Kensington Street, Putāruru

3rd Thursday of each month from July 24 - Nov 24

Languages Spoken

Cook Islands Māori, Samoan

Services Provided


Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule.

  • Measles / Mumps / Rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • COVID-19 vaccination and boosters

Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule.

Abuse and violence support

Anti-bullying and violence prevention programmes. Anti-bullying and violence prevention programmes.

  • Education programmes
  • Family violence intervention
  • Information and support
  • Referral to specialist services

Anti-bullying and violence prevention programmes.


Advocacy services can support you or work on your behalf when you are accessing health or social services. This can include listening to your concerns, talking through options with you and coming with you to appointments.

Advocacy services can support you or work on your behalf when you are accessing health or social services. This can include listening to your concerns, talking through options with you and coming with you to appointments.

Pregnancy and parenting

Breastfeeding peer counselling programmes, Breastfeeding peer counselling programmes

  • Family / whānau support
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Parenting education
  • Pregnancy support
  • Breastfeeding peer counselling programmes
Stopping violence services

Providing support to people who have used violence or who are concerned about their behaviour.

Providing support to people who have used violence or who are concerned about their behaviour.

LGBTQIA+ support

Provision of information, advocacy and programmes with a focus on supporting members of the rainbow community (LGBTQIA+) and their family/whānau.

Provision of information, advocacy and programmes with a focus on supporting members of the rainbow community (LGBTQIA+) and their family/whānau.

Community nursing

Well Child, Well Child

  • Diabetes self management
  • Pasifika mobile health
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Self management support
  • Women's wellbeing
  • Well Child
Family / whānau support

Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.

Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.

Home support

Supporting clients' independence in their homes, including co-ordination of additional home support needs Supporting clients' independence in their homes, including co-ordination of additional home support needs

  • Home visits

Supporting clients' independence in their homes, including co-ordination of additional home support needs

Pacific People

Pasifika services providing community health and/or social support with a focus on health and wellbeing for Pacific peoples.

Pasifika services providing community health and/or social support with a focus on health and wellbeing for Pacific peoples. 

Health screening

Screening and health checks for chronic conditions, Hearing checks, Screening and health checks for chronic conditions Hearing checks

  • Breast screening (mammogram)
  • Cervical screening
  • Diabetes screening
  • Throat swab for rheumatic fever prevention
  • Screening and health checks for chronic conditions
  • Hearing checks
Sexual and reproductive health

Targeted to youth 12 - 18 year olds. We provide free contraception and access to services to support informed decision making. Targeted to youth 12 - 18 year olds. We provide free contraception and access to services to support informed decision making.

  • Contraception (birth control) advice

Targeted to youth 12 - 18 year olds. We provide free contraception and access to services to support informed decision making.

Wellness / healthy lifestyle

Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.

  • Exercise and activity
  • Foot care
  • Healthy eating education

Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.

Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora is about a transformation of whānau – setting their own goals, focusing on the family as a whole rather than the individual. The Whānau Ora service aspires to clients self-managing their own health and wellbeing. Whānau Ora is about a transformation of whānau – setting their own goals, focusing on the family as a whole rather than the individual. The Whānau Ora service aspires to clients self-managing their own health and wellbeing.

  • Pasifika

Whānau Ora is about a transformation of whānau – setting their own goals, focusing on the family as a whole rather than the individual. The Whānau Ora service aspires to clients self-managing their own health and wellbeing.

Information, education & support

Health promotion programmes for adults and children. Health promotion programmes for adults and children.

Health promotion programmes for adults and children.

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, Child / Tamariki friendly, LGBTQIA+ friendly




Contact Details


50 Kensington Street
Waikato 3411

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Street Address

50 Kensington Street
Waikato 3411

Postal Address

PO Box 564
Tokoroa 3444

This page was last updated at 12:29PM on July 9, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by South Waikato Pacific Islands Community Services Trust.