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Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Pikiao Community Health

Community Health Service, Kaupapa Māori, Social

Note: This is NOT a RAT Collection Site.  Please refer to the list of RATS Collection Sites. 



Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao was established in 1987 with the creation of a Rūnanga to meet the needs of ngā uri o Ngāti Pikaio, the descendants of Ngāti Pikiao.

We have three key service areas – training, health and social services.

We focus on providing services that are whānau-centred and give the level of support, awhi and guidance that tamariki, rangatahi, pakeke and koeke need most.

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao is an iwi organisation that is owned, managed and supported by descendants of Pikiaorangi, a renowned Chief and ancestor.

Pikiaorangi is the son of Kawatapuarangi and grandson of Rangitihi renowned chief and ancestor of Ngāti Pikiao.

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao General Practice services can be found here. Details of our community health and social services can be found below.


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Contact us, Make an appointment, Walk in

Fees and Charges Categorisation

Fees apply

Fees and Charges Description

All community services are free. There are some fees with the GP services please contact us for more info.


Mon – Fri 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Preferred urgent care clinic out of hours: Practice Plus 0800 7722 7587 Website- www.practiceplus.nz

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken

Māori, English

Services Provided


Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule.

  • Childhood immunisation programme
  • Catch-up missed vaccinations
  • 45 year old vaccinations
  • Measles / Mumps / Rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine

Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule.

Health Services

General Practitioner and nurse led clinics, support and education for diabetes management, COPD management, lifestyle and smoking cessation.

General Practitioner and nurse led clinics, support and education for diabetes management, COPD management, lifestyle and smoking cessation.

Matauranga / Education

SEEK THE TREASURE YOU VALUE MOST DEARLY: IF YOU BOW YOUR HEAD, LET IT BE TO A LOFTY MOUNTAIN Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei Ngāti Pikiao offers a range of programmes and services which can support parents, tamariki and rangatahi. Early Childhood Education (ECE) Participation Whānau support to engage their child into ECE Support whānau to make informed decisions about the ECE

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei


Ngāti Pikiao offers a range of programmes and services which can support parents, tamariki and rangatahi.

Early Childhood Education (ECE) Participation

  • Whānau support to engage their child into ECE
  • Support whānau to make informed decisions about the ECE
Rongoā Māori | Māori healing

Mirimiri - Health & Wellbeing through Gentle Touch Ngāti Pikiao Health offers a mirimiri service to registered patients who experience the attention of a gifted Rongoa Māori practitioner. Our practitioner will discuss the most appropriate mirimiri with you at the time of your visit.

Mirimiri - Health & Wellbeing through Gentle Touch

Ngāti Pikiao Health offers a mirimiri service to registered patients who experience the attention of a gifted Rongoa Māori practitioner. Our practitioner will discuss the most appropriate mirimiri with you at the time of your visit.

Pacific People

Ngāti Pikiao Health Services help patients of Pacific Island descent to access healthcare and social services within our community. They coordinate healthcare services with doctors, hospitals and other health professionals; promote immunisation and health services; and contact patients for follow-up care. Ngāti Pikiao Health Services help patients of Pacific Island descent to access healthcare and social services within our community. They coordinate healthcare services with doctors, hospitals and other health professionals; promote immunisation and health services; and contact patients for follow-up care.

Ngāti Pikiao Health Services help patients of Pacific Island descent to access healthcare and social services within our community.

They coordinate healthcare services with doctors, hospitals and other health professionals; promote immunisation and health services; and contact patients for follow-up care.

Health screening

Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.

  • Cervical screening
  • Diabetes screening

Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.

Pregnancy and parenting

Incredible Years Parenting Programme Facilitator A 14 week Programme. The Incredible Years parenting programme is designed to develop positive family relationships, empower parents to make change and to manage difficult behaviour. This particular programme is designed for parents who have children that are 3—8 years old Practical step-by-step suggestions help in handling everyday situations parents face Incredible Years Parenting Programme Facilitator A 14 week Programme. The Incredible Years parenting programme is designed to develop positive family relationships, empower parents to make change and to manage difficult behaviour. This particular programme is designed for parents who have children that are 3—8 years old Practical step-by-step suggestions help in handling everyday situations parents face

  • Breastfeeding support
  • Health checks
  • Parenting education
  • Support after birth
  • Pregnancy support
  • Young mums

Incredible Years Parenting Programme Facilitator

  • A 14 week Programme. The Incredible Years parenting programme is designed to develop positive family relationships, empower parents to make change and to manage difficult behaviour. This particular programme is designed for parents who have children that are 3—8 years old
  • Practical step-by-step suggestions help in handling everyday situations parents face
Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora services focus on the whānau as a whole, addressing individual needs within the context of the whānau. Whānau are supported to identify their own goals and supported to build their capacity to achieve them.

  • Kaupapa Māori
  • Pasifika

Whānau Ora services focus on the whānau as a whole, addressing individual needs within the context of the whānau. Whānau are supported to identify their own goals and supported to build their capacity to achieve them. 

Kaupapa Māori

Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.

Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.

Youth mentoring / development

Achievement in Kura Working with whānau to support their tamariki/rangatahi on their education journey To work with whānau to engage their non-participating 3-4 year old tamariki into Kohanga Teo, Puna Reo or Early Childhood Education (ECE) centres. To work with whānau to support their 16-17 year old learner currently in the education system, to gain NCEA Level 2 or equivalent qualification. To work with whānau to support their 16-17 year old learner not engaged in the education system, to gain NCEA Level 2 or equivalent qualification. To work with whānau to increase achievement rates for their tamariki in Years 1 – 8, and who are below the Ngā Whanaketanga / National Standards (literacy and numeracy). Achievement in Kura Working with whānau to support their tamariki/rangatahi on their education journey To work with whānau to engage their non-participating 3-4 year old tamariki into Kohanga Teo, Puna Reo or Early Childhood Education (ECE) centres. To work with whānau to support their 16-17 year old learner currently in the education system, to gain NCEA Level 2 or equivalent qualification. To work with whānau to support their 16-17 year old learner not engaged in the education system, to gain NCEA Level 2 or equivalent qualification. To work with whānau to increase achievement rates for their tamariki in Years 1 – 8, and who are below the Ngā Whanaketanga / National Standards (literacy and numeracy).

Achievement in Kura
Working with whānau to support their tamariki/rangatahi on their education journey

  • To work with whānau to engage their non-participating 3-4 year old tamariki into Kohanga Teo, Puna Reo or Early Childhood Education (ECE) centres.
  • To work with whānau to support their 16-17 year old learner currently in the education system, to gain NCEA Level 2 or equivalent qualification.
  • To work with whānau to support their 16-17 year old learner not engaged in the education system, to gain NCEA Level 2 or equivalent qualification.
  • To work with whānau to increase achievement rates for their tamariki in Years 1 – 8, and who are below the Ngā Whanaketanga / National Standards (literacy and numeracy).

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair accessible toilet, Assistance to move around



Contact Details

Our online feedback form

Freephone 0508 PIKIAO (745426)

1208 Amohia Street
Bay Of Plenty 3010

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Street Address

1208 Amohia Street
Bay Of Plenty 3010

Postal Address

PO Box 2241
Rotorua 3040

This page was last updated at 11:32AM on September 3, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Runanga O Ngati Pikiao Community Health.