
Waikato > Community Health and Social Services >

Te Toi Ora ki Whaingaroa

Community Health Service, Social, Kaupapa Māori


9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.


Tainui a Whiro
Ngunguru ki te pō
Ngunguru ki te ao

Te Toi Ora ki Whaingaroa offers a range of clinical, social, mental health and Rongoa Māori services on behalf of the Whaingaroa Rohe.  

Led by Poihākena Marae, we provide our whānau and wider community with case management, manāki support, and connect them to hauora Māori services, including mirimiri and mahi tinana.  

Our vision is a whare hauora based in tikanga māori offering more holistic care that fills the gaps for our whānau. Hauora māori: for māori, by māori, for our hapori.

Poihakena Marae: Our current meeting house. The whare tupuna is Tainui a Whiro. Our marae connects to the Tainui waka, the moana Whaingāroa, the awa Wainui and the maunga Karioi.


Maine Tito: Clinical Lead - Registered Nurse 
Additional support for diabetes and hearthealth 

Tracey Frew: Registered Nurse/ Vaccinator/ Cerival Screener

Sarah Court: Counsellor; she has a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling, with a focus on Narrative Therapy and is registered with the New Zealand Association of Counsellors. She has had considerable experience working with children and families. As well as working for Earthhorse, she is a free-lance counsellor in Raglan and Hamilton.


Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Anyone can access, Contact us, Referral, Walk in, Make an appointment, Mobile community provider, Home visit provider, Website / App, Casual (not enrolled) patients

Fees and Charges Categorisation

Free, Fees apply

Fees and Charges Description

While most of our services are free, our Rongoa Māori service is koha based.


9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Our Marae Clinics currently operate monthly from Mai Uenuku ki te Whenua, Te Papatapu Marae and Poihakena Marae.

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Services Provided

Marae Outreach Clinics

Our Marae Outreach Clinics provide services based on whanau need, if you are interested in attending one of our clinics and after something more specific than the services listed above please contact our administrator. The clinics are currently operating monthly from Mai Uenuku ki te Whenua, Te Papatapu Marae and Poihakena Marae.

Service types: Novavax vaccine (12+ years), Immunisation, Measles / Mumps / Rubella (MMR) vaccine, Adult flu vaccine, Community nursing, Asthma, Diabetes self management, Health screening, Kaupapa Māori, Wellness / healthy lifestyle, Adult and Child Medical Care, Bowel screening, Cervical screening, Breast screening (mammogram), Diabetes screening, Prostate check, Lab Results, Whānau Ora, Rongoā Māori | Māori healing.

Our Marae Outreach Clinics provide services based on whānau need, if you are interested in attending one of our clinics and after something more specific than the services listed above please contact our administrator.

The clinics are currently operating monthly from Mai Uenuku ki te Whenua, Te Papatapu Marae and Poihakena Marae.

Ngā Tai ā Kupe

Our kaumātua programme aims to support whānau to improve their overall well-being by providing a mentally and socially stimulating environment, specifically for kuia and koroua. The programme is led by a Registered Nurse, where kaumātua take part in various interactive activities, outings and regular visits to/from a clinician. The activities are designed to provide many health, recreational and therapeutic benefits. Planned programme activities are scheduled quarterly by the facilitator and participants. A free pickup and drop off service is available and free to all enrolled/registered participants aged 55+.

Service types: Health screening, Information, education & support, Social and group activities, Kaupapa Māori, Wellness / healthy lifestyle, Community nursing.

Our kaumātua programme aims to support whānau to improve their overall well-being by providing a mentally and socially stimulating environment, specifically for kuia and koroua.

The programme is led by a Registered Nurse, where kaumātua take part in various interactive activities, outings and regular visits to/from a clinician. The activities are designed to provide many health, recreational and therapeutic benefits. Planned programme activities are scheduled quarterly by the facilitator and participants.

A free pickup and drop off service is available and free to all enrolled/registered participants aged 55+.

Rongoā Māori | Māori healing

Our Rongoa Māori service offers a holistic approach to healing based on recognising the needs and well-being of an individual while supporting them in improving their quality of life. We are able to offer rongoā in the form of mirimiri (massage) and whakawhitinga kōrero (discussion/advice). Our kaiāwhina are knowledgeable certified practitioners and are able to offer a range of therapies. These therapies seek to enable individuals to gain relief and healing within their tinana, hinengaro, wairua and whānau.

Our Rongoa Māori service offers a holistic approach to healing based on recognising the needs and well-being of an individual while supporting them in improving their quality of life.

We are able to offer rongoā in the form of mirimiri (massage) and whakawhitinga kōrero (discussion/advice). Our kaiāwhina are knowledgeable certified practitioners and are able to offer a range of therapies.

These therapies seek to enable individuals to gain relief and healing within their tinana, hinengaro, wairua and whānau.

COVID support

We can provide COVID support including: Manaaki distributions (cooked meals and groceries) if you’re isolating or need extra help Welfare checks for whānau who are isolating and kaumātua who need additional support Someone to talk to Managing positive COVID-19 cases (triage and referrals) Distribution point for rapid antigen tests Prescription deliveries (prescriptions sent directly to pharmacy where we collect them and deliver)

We can provide COVID support including:

  • Manaaki distributions (cooked meals and groceries) if you’re isolating or need extra help
  • Welfare checks for whānau who are isolating and kaumātua who need additional support
  •  Someone to talk to
  • Managing positive COVID-19 cases (triage and referrals)
  • Distribution point for rapid antigen tests
  • Prescription deliveries (prescriptions sent directly to pharmacy where we collect them and deliver)

Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule.

Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule.

Accommodation and housing support

Accommodation and housing support services can help you find and access suitable accommodation or housing.

Accommodation and housing support services can help you find and access suitable accommodation or housing.


Advocacy services can support you or work on your behalf when you are accessing health or social services. This can include listening to your concerns, talking through options with you and coming with you to appointments.

Advocacy services can support you or work on your behalf when you are accessing health or social services. This can include listening to your concerns, talking through options with you and coming with you to appointments.

Aids and equipment

Provision of equipment and aids to support daily tasks or communication. This might include wheelchairs, crutches, technology to help with communication, and medical alarms.

Provision of equipment and aids to support daily tasks or communication. This might include wheelchairs, crutches, technology to help with communication, and medical alarms.

Cancer support

Cancer support services provide support for you and your whānau if you have been affected by cancer.

Cancer support services provide support for you and your whānau if you have been affected by cancer.

Community nursing
Disability support services
Education and training

Provision of education and/or training courses to the community.

Provision of education and/or training courses to the community.

Elder abuse

Elder abuse services support older people/kaumātua who have experienced harm or abuse.

Elder abuse services support older people/kaumātua who have experienced harm or abuse.

Employment support

Employment support services help you prepare for work and/or find job opportunities. This may include help writing a CV, applying for jobs and interview preparation.

Employment support services help you prepare for work and/or find job opportunities. This may include help writing a CV, applying for jobs and interview preparation.

End of life care
Family / whānau support

Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.

Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.

Food support

Food support services provide food support to people experiencing hardship. This may include food parcels, food banks and social supermarkets.

Food support services provide food support to people experiencing hardship. This may include food parcels, food banks and social supermarkets.

Health screening

Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.

Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.

Home support

Home support services provide support with household tasks and personal care to help you live independently at home.

Home support services provide support with household tasks and personal care to help you live independently at home.

Information, education & support

Provision of information, guidance, advice, and resources.

Provision of information, guidance, advice, and resources.

Injury support services

Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence.

Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence. 

Kaupapa Māori

Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.

Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.

LGBTQIA+ support

Provision of information, advocacy and programmes with a focus on supporting members of the rainbow community (LGBTQIA+) and their family/whānau.

Provision of information, advocacy and programmes with a focus on supporting members of the rainbow community (LGBTQIA+) and their family/whānau.

Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)

LARC methods are very effective at preventing unplanned pregnancy and are “fit and forget” forms of contraception – you don’t need to remember them every day or every month. LARC methods: Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCD or IUD) are inserted through the cervix into a woman’s uterus. IUCDs may be either hormonal (Mirena® or Jaydess® ) or non-hormonal (copper IUCD). Jadelle® is a hormone-releasing implant that is inserted just under the skin of the upper arm. Depending on the type of device, it will need to be changed after between three and ten years. Read more about LARC methods here

LARC methods are very effective at preventing unplanned pregnancy and are “fit and forget” forms of contraception – you don’t need to remember them every day or every month. LARC methods:

  • Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCD or IUD) are inserted through the cervix into a woman’s uterus. IUCDs may be either hormonal (Mirena® or Jaydess® ) or non-hormonal (copper IUCD).
  • Jadelle® is a hormone-releasing implant that is inserted just under the skin of the upper arm.

Depending on the type of device, it will need to be changed after between three and ten years.

Read more about LARC methods here

Pacific People

Pasifika services providing community health and/or social support with a focus on health and wellbeing for Pacific peoples.

Pasifika services providing community health and/or social support with a focus on health and wellbeing for Pacific peoples. 

Pregnancy and parenting

Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.

Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.

Service navigator

Service navigators work alongside you to help connect you with the right health and social services to meet your needs.

Service navigators work alongside you to help connect you with the right health and social services to meet your needs.

Sexual and reproductive health

Sexual and reproductive health services including sexual health screening, information and birth control.

Sexual and reproductive health services including sexual health screening, information and birth control.

Social and group activities

Provision of social and group activities in the community.

Provision of social and group activities in the community.

Social work

Advocacy, information and support for you and your family/whānau.

Advocacy, information and support for you and your family/whānau.


Provision of community transport, including transport to and from medical appointments.

Provision of community transport, including transport to and from medical appointments.

Well Child Tamariki Ora

Well Child Tamariki Ora programme provides free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks to 5 years of age.

Well Child Tamariki Ora programme provides free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks to 5 years of age.

Wellness / healthy lifestyle

Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.

Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.

Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora services focus on the whānau as a whole, addressing individual needs within the context of the whānau. Whānau are supported to identify their own goals and supported to build their capacity to achieve them.

Whānau Ora services focus on the whānau as a whole, addressing individual needs within the context of the whānau. Whānau are supported to identify their own goals and supported to build their capacity to achieve them. 

Youth mentoring / development

Support young people/rangatahi to live confidently and achieve their goals.

Support young people/rangatahi to live confidently and achieve their goals.



Contact Details

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Book an appointment Book a vaccination

220 Wainui Road
Waikato 3225

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Street Address

220 Wainui Road
Waikato 3225

Postal Address

220 Wainui Road, Raglan 3297

This page was last updated at 2:14PM on November 21, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Toi Ora ki Whaingaroa.