
Central Auckland, North Auckland, South Auckland, West Auckland > Community Health and Social Services >

Age Concern Auckland

Social Service, Community Health


57 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


Age Concern Auckland is committed to promoting wellbeing, rights, respect and dignity for older people. Our vision is that older people are enabled to live a valued life in an inclusive society.

We are one of the most significant providers of support and services to older people in the Auckland region and are one of a nationwide network of 31 members, branches and associates affiliated to Age Concern New Zealand (ACNZ). We provide services, information, advice, support, education and advocacy to older people in response to local needs. Our Counties Manukau office provides support from as far south as Mercer, north to Māngere, east to Kaiaua and west to the Awhitu Peninsula, including the Franklin region.

Age Concern Auckland works towards a society where older people are respected, valued, supported and empowered. We enhance the health and wellbeing of older people by promoting quality-assured activity, information, support and advice, and ensuring that older people have the opportunity for choice and continued independence. We are active and vocal on issues affecting older people. 


Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Contact us, Make an appointment, Referral, Walk in

Fees and Charges Description

Our services are available free of charge to older people in South Auckland. 

People can become members with an annual subscription paid in July for the following year. Members receive a quarterly newsletter.


57 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken


Services Provided

Age Concern Counties Manukau Brochure

Information, resources and services for people over the age of 65 years living in South Auckland

Information, resources and services for people over the age of 65 years living in South Auckland

Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.

Elder abuse

Elder Abuse Response Service If you are concerned about elder abuse and neglect, whether you are an older person yourself, a family member, friend, neighbour or professional, you can contact our Elder Abuse Response Service for free and confidential advice. Contact reception on (09) 279 4331 to be transferred through to one of our social workers. National Help line 0800 EA NOT OK (0800 32 668 65) EANP education-awareness Elder Abuse Response Service If you are concerned about elder abuse and neglect, whether you are an older person yourself, a family member, friend, neighbour or professional, you can contact our Elder Abuse Response Service for free and confidential advice. Contact reception on (09) 279 4331 to be transferred through to one of our social workers. National Help line 0800 EA NOT OK (0800 32 668 65) EANP education-awareness

Elder Abuse Response Service

If you are concerned about elder abuse and neglect, whether you are an older person yourself, a family member, friend, neighbour or professional, you can contact our Elder Abuse Response Service for free and confidential advice. Contact reception on (09) 279 4331 to be transferred through to one of our social workers. 

National Help line 0800 EA NOT OK (0800 32 668 65)

EANP education-awareness


We have a qualified and experienced counsellor, with an affinity and empathy for older people and the issues that concern them. Read more counselling service South Auckland We have a qualified and experienced counsellor, with an affinity and empathy for older people and the issues that concern them. Read more counselling service South Auckland

We have a qualified and experienced counsellor, with an affinity and empathy for older people and the issues that concern them. Read more counselling service South Auckland

Wellness / healthy lifestyle

Health Promotion We run a range of Health Promotion Programmes throughout the year and on request as required. All seminars, workshops and courses are free to all older people, both members and non-members of Age Concern. Read more health-promotion Community Strength and Balance Classes in South Auckland Community Strength and Balance Lead Agency visit our website or the Live Stronger for Longer website - Use it or Lose It Positive Ageing Network We facilitate a Positive Ageing Network in the Counties Manukau Region. This network is made up of organisations working with older people in South Auckland. You can view our members and useful information about the network by visiting the Positive Ageing website on this link http://www.positiveageingnetwork.org.nz Health Promotion We run a range of Health Promotion Programmes throughout the year and on request as required. All seminars, workshops and courses are free to all older people, both members and non-members of Age Concern. Read more health-promotion Community Strength and Balance Classes in South Auckland Community Strength and Balance Lead Agency visit our website or the Live Stronger for Longer website - Use it or Lose It Positive Ageing Network We facilitate a Positive Ageing Network in the Counties Manukau Region. This network is made up of organisations working with older people in South Auckland. You can view our members and useful information about the network by visiting the Positive Ageing website on this link http://www.positiveageingnetwork.org.nz

  • Exercise and activity

Health Promotion

We run a range of Health Promotion Programmes throughout the year and on request as required. All seminars, workshops and courses are free to all older people, both members and non-members of Age Concern. Read more health-promotion

Community Strength and Balance Classes in South Auckland

Community Strength and Balance Lead Agency visit our website or

the Live Stronger for Longer website - Use it or Lose It

Positive Ageing Network

We facilitate a Positive Ageing Network in the Counties Manukau Region.  This network is made up of organisations working with older people in South Auckland. You can view our members and useful information about the network by visiting the Positive Ageing website on this link http://www.positiveageingnetwork.org.nz

Home support

Accredited Visiting Service With our Accredited Visiting Service, we aim to improve the social interaction and connectedness and reduce the loneliness of older people, Koroua and Kuia in Counties Manukau. Read more Age Concern accredited-visiting-service Handyman Fieldworker Service We have a service that assists elderly people in their own homes to do the small jobs that they are unable to do, especially those who don't have families nearby to provide assistance. Read more ACCM handyman-fieldworker Accredited Visiting Service With our Accredited Visiting Service, we aim to improve the social interaction and connectedness and reduce the loneliness of older people, Koroua and Kuia in Counties Manukau. Read more Age Concern accredited-visiting-service Handyman Fieldworker Service We have a service that assists elderly people in their own homes to do the small jobs that they are unable to do, especially those who don't have families nearby to provide assistance. Read more ACCM handyman-fieldworker

  • Home equipment
  • Home visits

Accredited Visiting Service

With our Accredited Visiting Service, we aim to improve the social interaction and connectedness and reduce the loneliness of older people, Koroua and Kuia in Counties Manukau. Read more Age Concern accredited-visiting-service

Handyman Fieldworker Service

We have a service that assists elderly people in their own homes to do the small jobs that they are unable to do, especially those who don't have families nearby to provide assistance. Read more ACCM handyman-fieldworker


Please contact Auckland Transport on 09 366-6400 or email totalmobility@at.govt.nz regarding the Total Mobility Scheme Please contact Auckland Transport on 09 366-6400 or email totalmobility@at.govt.nz regarding the Total Mobility Scheme

  • Disability transport (total mobility)

Please contact Auckland Transport on 09 366-6400 or email totalmobility@at.govt.nz regarding the Total Mobility Scheme

Family / whānau support

Family Whanau and carers of older people can access information and resources to help them support the older person in their whanau Age-Concern-Auckland-resources Family Whanau and carers of older people can access information and resources to help them support the older person in their whanau Age-Concern-Auckland-resources

Family Whānau and carers of older people can access information and resources to help them support the older person in their whānau Age-Concern-Auckland-resources

Community Strength and Balance

Community Strength and Balance Programmes, We are part of a nation-wide movement to reduce falls and fractures and support older people to live stronger for longer. Older people pride themselves on being self-sufficient and maintaining their independence. We’re joining forces with our DHB, exercise providers, carers and health professionals throughout our region to support older people to live the lives they want to live, for as long as they can. This means we are working with exercise providers in the community to help create a pathway for referrals from GPs to programmes for older people in the region who would benefit from improved strength and balance to enable them to then access public classes. Community Strength and Balance

  • Community Strength and Balance Programmes

We are part of a nation-wide movement to reduce falls and fractures and support older people to live stronger for longer. Older people pride themselves on being self-sufficient and maintaining their independence.  We’re joining forces with our DHB, exercise providers, carers and health professionals throughout our region to support older people to live the lives they want to live, for as long as they can.  This means we are working with exercise providers in the community to help create a pathway for referrals from GPs to programmes for older people in the region who would benefit from improved strength and balance to enable them to then access public classes. Community Strength and Balance

Social work

Advocacy, information and support for you and your family/whānau.

Advocacy, information and support for you and your family/whānau.


Central Auckland, North Auckland, South Auckland, West Auckland

Contact Details

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

57 Rosebank Road
Auckland 1026

Information about this location

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Street Address

57 Rosebank Road
Auckland 1026

Postal Address

PO Box 19542
Auckland 1746

This page was last updated at 3:48PM on December 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Age Concern Auckland.