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Age Concern Wellington
Social Service, Community Health
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Age Concern Wellington is a registered charity providing services and support for people aged 65 and over in the Wellington, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt region.
Our vision is for our older population to be a thriving, respected and engaged part of our community.
Our services help older people live their best lives. This means:
- connecting people with each other and their communities,
- protecting people from avoidable harm,
- promoting health and wellbeing,
- enabling people to maintain their independence, and
- helping people find fulfilment.
As a member of Age Concern New Zealand we work closely with a network of local Age Concern organisations which provide similar services to older people throughout the country.
Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Contact us, Make an appointment, Referral
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Wellington Anniversary (19 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Services Provided
Staying Safe refresher driving workshop for senior drivers Nutrition, sleep, and staying safe in the home workshops and presentations Staying Safe refresher driving workshop for senior drivers Nutrition, sleep, and staying safe in the home workshops and presentations
Staying Safe refresher driving workshop for senior drivers Nutrition, sleep, and staying safe in the home workshops and presentations Staying Safe refresher driving workshop for senior drivers Nutrition, sleep, and staying safe in the home workshops and presentations
Staying Safe refresher driving workshop for senior drivers
Nutrition, sleep, and staying safe in the home workshops and presentations
Would you like to go out more but find it difficult to go out on your own? If you’d like to go for a walk in your community, to the park, local café or shops, then we can help. Our carefully chosen and trained volunteer walking companions are keen to support you. We will match you with a local companion with similar interests so that you can enjoy a walk together. Find out more on our website https://www.acwellington.org.nz/companion-walking-service/ Accredited Visitor Service: Our Accredited Visitor Service (AVS) provides companionship to people over 65 who are lonely and would like a regular visit from a friendly volunteer. We aim to match people with volunteers who live in the same area and have similar interests. Our volunteers visit for about an hour each week. More information: https://www.acwellington.org.nz/accredited-visitor-service/ Steady as You Go Exercise Classes: Our ‘Steady as You Go’ exercise classes are available around the Wellington region. These classes are designed to improve strength and balance and help prevent a fall. SAY Go classes improve: Balance and leg strength Flexibility General fitness and wellbeing And are a great way to meet new people. Classes consist of a combination of sitting, standing and walking exercises, and take around an hour. More information: https://www.acwellington.org.nz/saygoexercise/
Would you like to go out more but find it difficult to go out on your own? If you’d like to go for a walk in your community, to the park, local café or shops, then we can help. Our carefully chosen and trained volunteer walking companions are keen to support you. We will match you with a local companion with similar interests so that you can enjoy a walk together. Find out more on our website https://www.acwellington.org.nz/companion-walking-service/ Accredited Visitor Service: Our Accredited Visitor Service (AVS) provides companionship to people over 65 who are lonely and would like a regular visit from a friendly volunteer. We aim to match people with volunteers who live in the same area and have similar interests. Our volunteers visit for about an hour each week. More information: https://www.acwellington.org.nz/accredited-visitor-service/ Steady as You Go Exercise Classes: Our ‘Steady as You Go’ exercise classes are available around the Wellington region. These classes are designed to improve strength and balance and help prevent a fall. SAY Go classes improve: Balance and leg strength Flexibility General fitness and wellbeing And are a great way to meet new people. Classes consist of a combination of sitting, standing and walking exercises, and take around an hour. More information: https://www.acwellington.org.nz/saygoexercise/
Would you like to go out more but find it difficult to go out on your own? If you’d like to go for a walk in your community, to the park, local café or shops, then we can help.
Our carefully chosen and trained volunteer walking companions are keen to support you. We will match you with a local companion with similar interests so that you can enjoy a walk together.
Find out more on our website https://www.acwellington.org.nz/companion-walking-service/
Accredited Visitor Service:
Our Accredited Visitor Service (AVS) provides companionship to people over 65 who are lonely and would like a regular visit from a friendly volunteer. We aim to match people with volunteers who live in the same area and have similar interests. Our volunteers visit for about an hour each week. More information: https://www.acwellington.org.nz/accredited-visitor-service/
Steady as You Go Exercise Classes:
Our ‘Steady as You Go’ exercise classes are available around the Wellington region. These classes are designed to improve strength and balance and help prevent a fall.
SAY Go classes improve:
- Balance and leg strength
- Flexibility
- General fitness and wellbeing
And are a great way to meet new people.
Classes consist of a combination of sitting, standing and walking exercises, and take around an hour. More information: https://www.acwellington.org.nz/saygoexercise/
Contact Details
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
(04) 499 6646
Dominion Building, Level 4, 78 Victoria Street
Te Aro
Wellington 6040
Street Address
Dominion Building, Level 4, 78 Victoria Street
Te Aro
Wellington 6040
Postal Address
PO Box 11108
Manners Street
Wellington 6142
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This page was last updated at 9:24AM on November 21, 2024.