
Waikato > Community Health and Social Services >

Eastern Coromandel Community Services

Social Service, Community Health


9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.


The Eastern Coromandel Community Services is a one stop shop for a range of friendly, professional and confidential Social Services available in Whangamatā, Tairua, Pauanui, Hikuai and Whiritoa areas. 


We envision a community where individuals and families experience support and guidance on their journey to building resilience and self-reliance, now and into the future. 

Our services are confidential and easily accessed. 

Read more below


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Please contact us for non-judgemental support and advice from our team of caring and skilled professionals.

Make an appointment


Eastern Coromandel Community Services accept self-referrals, referrals from medical centres in Tairua, Pauanui and Whangamatā and other service agencies.

Walk in

Website / App

Fees and Charges Categorisation

Free, Fees apply

Fees and Charges Description

All our services are free. 

The exception is the school holiday programme that incurs a small charge, we endeavour to keep costs for families as low as possible.


9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Mon 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Tue – Thu 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Fri 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken

English, Māori

Services Provided

Strengthening Families

The Strengthening Families process is a way for families to get coordinated access to multiple services. It is run in a way that meets the unique needs of families/ whanau. Strengthening Families builds on the strengths and hopes of families with the help of external support agencies.

Service types: Family / whānau support, Pregnancy and parenting, Parent wellbeing, Parenting education, Family / whānau support, Advocacy.

The Strengthening Families process is a way for families to get coordinated access to multiple services. It is run in a way that meets the unique needs of families/ whānau. Strengthening Families builds on the strengths and hopes of families with the help of external support agencies.


Social services crisis assessment

Social Work - Whānau Support & Wellbeing - Crisis Intervention We provide a range of services and supports aimed at restoring family wellbeing. We are regularly tasked to intervene when whanau safety is of concern, especially when whanau circumstances have devolved to the stage where violence ensues. We work alongside whanau towards restoring safety.

Service types: Social work, Social services crisis assessment, Counselling, Advocacy.

Social Work - Whānau Support & Wellbeing - Crisis Intervention
We provide a range of services and supports aimed at restoring family wellbeing. We are regularly tasked to intervene when whānau safety is of concern, especially when whānau circumstances have devolved to the stage where violence ensues. We work alongside whānau towards restoring safety.

Abuse and violence support

Whanau Support - is a free service offered to those needing wrap around practical support and individuals and families who are impacted by family harm. This can include being a liaison with other agencies, support for improving current lifestyle situations, support with parenting, and general support to help keep you safe. Referrals come from ISR, Schools, the Community and you can refer yourself. Whanau Resilience - support for whānau to live violence-free and to eliminate violence for the next generation. Supervised contact - is where contact with a child takes place in a safe, controlled place, with someone such as a relative, another person or an organisation. It usually happens when one parent has been violent, either towards the other parent or towards the child. Supervised contact can give a parent the chance to rebuild their relationship with their child. You can choose to use a supervised contact service, or the court might order it. Whanau Support - is a free service offered to those needing wrap around practical support and individuals and families who are impacted by family harm. This can include being a liaison with other agencies, support for improving current lifestyle situations, support with parenting, and general support to help keep you safe. Referrals come from ISR, Schools, the Community and you can refer yourself. Whanau Resilience - support for whānau to live violence-free and to eliminate violence for the next generation. Supervised contact - is where contact with a child takes place in a safe, controlled place, with someone such as a relative, another person or an organisation. It usually happens when one parent has been violent, either towards the other parent or towards the child. Supervised contact can give a parent the chance to rebuild their relationship with their child. You can choose to use a supervised contact service, or the court might order it.

  • Counselling
  • Education programmes
  • Family violence intervention
  • Information and support
  • Referral to specialist services
  • Supervised contact

Whānau Support - is a free service offered to those needing wrap around practical support and individuals and families who are impacted by family harm. This can include being a liaison with other agencies, support for improving current lifestyle situations, support with parenting, and general support to help keep you safe. 
Referrals come from ISR, Schools, the Community and you can refer yourself. 

Whānau Resilience - support for whānau to live violence-free and to eliminate violence for the next generation. 

Supervised contact - is where contact with a child takes place in a safe, controlled place, with someone such as a relative, another person or an organisation. It usually happens when one parent has been violent, either towards the other parent or towards the child. Supervised contact can give a parent the chance to rebuild their relationship with their child. You can choose to use a supervised contact service, or the court might order it.

Food support

We coordinate the local community food bank. It is run entirely from donations and every little bit helps and is much appreciated. If you or someone you know, is finding it difficult to make ends meet or having trouble putting food on the table, we can help. This service is free and completely confidential. Simply contact the office and we can have a chat. Conditions apply * We coordinate the local community food bank. It is run entirely from donations and every little bit helps and is much appreciated. If you or someone you know, is finding it difficult to make ends meet or having trouble putting food on the table, we can help. This service is free and completely confidential. Simply contact the office and we can have a chat. Conditions apply *

We coordinate the local community food bank. It is run entirely from donations and every little bit helps and is much appreciated. If you or someone you know, is finding it difficult to make ends meet or having trouble putting food on the table, we can help. This service is free and completely confidential. Simply contact the office and we can have a chat. Conditions apply *

Te Reo Māori Classes

Whangamata Community Marae Trust and Eastern Coromandel Community Services Trust have collaborated for the last two years to offer Te Reo classes. We have built up a great community to learn and share together. Te Reo classes are organised and delivered by the Whangamata Community Marae Trust. See their website for more information: www.wcm.maori.nz//programmes/

Service types: Kaupapa Māori.

Whangamatā Community Marae Trust and Eastern Coromandel Community Services Trust have collaborated for the last two years to offer Te Reo classes. We have built up a great community to learn and share together. 

Te Reo classes are organised and delivered by the Whangamatā Community Marae Trust. See their website for more information: www.wcm.Māori.nz//programmes/

Youth Support

OSCAR School holiday programme and youth counselling.

Service types: Counselling.

OSCAR School holiday programme and youth counselling.


Our wonderful team of volunteers provide transport to DHB medical appointments in Thames, Hamilton and Tauranga, by donation. Our wonderful team of volunteers provide transport to DHB medical appointments in Thames, Hamilton and Tauranga, by donation.

  • Hospital transport/ shuttle

Our wonderful team of volunteers provide transport to DHB medical appointments in Thames, Hamilton and Tauranga, by donation.

Family / whānau support

Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.

Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.

Social and group activities

Community van trips and personal shopping service. These trips are a great way for elderly or people who are isolated to connect with each other and with services outside of Whangamata including banking, visiting friends and grocery shopping. Community van trips and personal shopping service. These trips are a great way for elderly or people who are isolated to connect with each other and with services outside of Whangamata including banking, visiting friends and grocery shopping.

Community van trips and personal shopping service.

These trips are a great way for elderly or people who are isolated to connect with each other and with services outside of Whangamatā including banking, visiting friends and grocery shopping.

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, Child / Tamariki friendly, LGBTQIA+ friendly, Online / virtual / app


Eastern Coromandel Community Services office has wheelchair accessibility and free parking out the front and back of our building.



Contact Details

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Book an appointment

505B Port Road
Waikato 3620

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Street Address

505B Port Road
Waikato 3620

This page was last updated at 3:55PM on December 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Eastern Coromandel Community Services.