Bay of Plenty, Lakes > Community Health and Social Services >
Maketu Health & Social Services
Social Service, Abuse and Violence Support, Community Health, Kaupapa Māori, Stopping Violence, Mental Health, Addiction
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Maketu Health and Social Services is a kaupapa Māori charitable trust who provides high quality health and social services to Maketu and surrounding communities in the Western Bay of Plenty.
Mauri ora e te iwi, rarau mai ki te Whare Hauora o Maketu.
Services include:
- Whānau Ora - Mental Health and Addictions support for Adults
Individually tailored support that assists whānau to reach their goals and aspirations, overcoming any negative barriers. - Ahi Ora - Mental Health and Addictions for youth and children
- Kaumātua Day Programmes
Group programmes and individual support to assist koroua, kuia to lead active, fulfilling lifestyles. - Mate Huka Programme - Support people through Diabetes.
- Rangatahi Maia - School Holiday Programmes
- Non Violence Programmes
- Te Arawa Whānau Ora
- Family Centred Services
- Counselling
- Food Support
Read more about these services below
- Rangatahi Maia | Ramona Lidgard
- Te Arawa Whānau Ora / Pare Tapsell
- Ahi Ora and Whānau Ora / Nadene Harisunker
- Non Violence Programme / Susan (Huhana) Smith and Karen Waerea
- Kaumātua Day Programme | Tepora Ownens and Cath Prince
- Mate Huka - Ramona Lidgard
- NVP Administration | Dale Eru
- Tumuaki | Susan (Huhana) Smith
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Contact us
Please call us on (07) 533 2551 to talk to one of our caring and non-judgemental kaimahi.
Make an appointment
Website / App
Contact us online - we are here to help answer your questions.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
No charges apply
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Mon – Tue | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
Wed | 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM |
Thu – Fri | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
English, Māori
The Ahi Ora programme aims to reduce rangatahi substance abuse by focusing and supporting the strengths of individuals to reviatalise their wellbeing and resilience. This programme is available to youth and adolescents aged between the ages of 10-24 years who are exposed to or in the early stages of developing drug and alcohol problems. The programme provides awareness around substance abuse and draws inspiration from the legends of Maui. Participants will explore and learn to harness the positive energies within themselves to better identify who they are and where they want to be, creating an optimistic future for the individual. Benefits: One on One Mentoring, Cultural Development, Personal Development, Drug and Alcohol Education
The Ahi Ora programme aims to reduce rangatahi substance abuse by focusing and supporting the strengths of individuals to reviatalise their wellbeing and resilience. This programme is available to youth and adolescents aged between the ages of 10-24 years who are exposed to or in the early stages of developing drug and alcohol problems. The programme provides awareness around substance abuse and draws inspiration from the legends of Maui. Participants will explore and learn to harness the positive energies within themselves to better identify who they are and where they want to be, creating an optimistic future for the individual. Benefits: One on One Mentoring, Cultural Development, Personal Development, Drug and Alcohol Education
- Programme Areas
Addictions - drug & alcohol, Kaupapa Māori
- Programme Type
Community / social support (AOD), Kaupapa Māori (AOD)
- Regions
Lakes, Bay of Plenty
- Age Groups
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
This programme is available to youth and adolescents aged between the ages of 10-24 years who are exposed to or in the early stages of developing drug and alcohol problems.
Referrals can be made by whānau, schools, social workers and other health professionals.
The Ahi Ora programme aims to reduce rangatahi substance abuse by focusing and supporting the strengths of individuals to reviatalise their wellbeing and resilience.
This programme is available to youth and adolescents aged between the ages of 10-24 years who are exposed to or in the early stages of developing drug and alcohol problems.
The programme provides awareness around substance abuse and draws inspiration from the legends of Maui. Participants will explore and learn to harness the positive energies within themselves to better identify who they are and where they want to be, creating an optimistic future for the individual.
Benefits: One on One Mentoring, Cultural Development, Personal Development, Drug and Alcohol Education
Whānau Ora is a kaupapa Māori mental health and support service for adults and their whānau who are living independently within the community. Whānau Ora is a strength based approach that places whānau at the centre of service delivery. The service works holistically alongside individuals and their whānau to identify their goals and aspirations within the overall aim of leading healthy, self-sufficient lifestyles as a collective. Benefits: Confidential Support Service, One on One Mentoring, Advocacy and Support, Collaboration with External Agencies
Whānau Ora is a kaupapa Māori mental health and support service for adults and their whānau who are living independently within the community. Whānau Ora is a strength based approach that places whānau at the centre of service delivery. The service works holistically alongside individuals and their whānau to identify their goals and aspirations within the overall aim of leading healthy, self-sufficient lifestyles as a collective. Benefits: Confidential Support Service, One on One Mentoring, Advocacy and Support, Collaboration with External Agencies
- Programme Areas
Mental health, Kaupapa Māori
- Programme Type
Community based support - mental health, Kaupapa Māori - mental health
- Regions
Lakes, Bay of Plenty
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
This is an open service for adults aged 18 years + and their whānau.
Referrals can be made by self-referral, your whānau or other health professionals.
Whānau Ora is a kaupapa Māori mental health and support service for adults and their whānau who are living independently within the community.
Whānau Ora is a strength based approach that places whānau at the centre of service delivery. The service works holistically alongside individuals and their whānau to identify their goals and aspirations within the overall aim of leading healthy, self-sufficient lifestyles as a collective.
Benefits: Confidential Support Service, One on One Mentoring, Advocacy and Support, Collaboration with External Agencies
Services Provided
He Waa Me Te Waa No Nga Wahine is an Adult Safety Programme which promotes the protection of wahine subjected to domestic violence. The programme aims to build resilience within wahine to overcome and address the effects that domestic violence has on themselves and their tamariki. Wahine are encouraged to develop and maintain safety strategies for their whānau, strengthen their networks and broaden their choices with the hope of leading a violence free lifestyle. Benefits: Individual / Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping, Support Network He Waa Me Te Waa No Nga Wahine is an Adult Safety Programme which promotes the protection of wahine subjected to domestic violence. The programme aims to build resilience within wahine to overcome and address the effects that domestic violence has on themselves and their tamariki. Wahine are encouraged to develop and maintain safety strategies for their whānau, strengthen their networks and broaden their choices with the hope of leading a violence free lifestyle. Benefits: Individual / Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping, Support Network
He Waa Me Te Waa No Nga Wahine is an Adult Safety Programme which promotes the protection of wahine subjected to domestic violence. The programme aims to build resilience within wahine to overcome and address the effects that domestic violence has on themselves and their tamariki. Wahine are encouraged to develop and maintain safety strategies for their whānau, strengthen their networks and broaden their choices with the hope of leading a violence free lifestyle. Benefits: Individual / Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping, Support Network He Waa Me Te Waa No Nga Wahine is an Adult Safety Programme which promotes the protection of wahine subjected to domestic violence. The programme aims to build resilience within wahine to overcome and address the effects that domestic violence has on themselves and their tamariki. Wahine are encouraged to develop and maintain safety strategies for their whānau, strengthen their networks and broaden their choices with the hope of leading a violence free lifestyle. Benefits: Individual / Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping, Support Network
- Care and protection
- Education programmes
- Family violence intervention
- Information and support
- Victim support
He Waa Me Te Waa No Nga Wahine is an Adult Safety Programme which promotes the protection of wahine subjected to domestic violence. The programme aims to build resilience within wahine to overcome and address the effects that domestic violence has on themselves and their tamariki. Wahine are encouraged to develop and maintain safety strategies for their whānau, strengthen their networks and broaden their choices with the hope of leading a violence free lifestyle.
Benefits: Individual / Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping, Support Network
He Waa Me Te Waa Mo Nga Tane is a 17 session tikanga based mens programme aimed at ending domestic violence offending. The programme aims to increase the understanding of domestic violence and encourages participants to explore and practice violence free behaviour for the safety of themselves, their whānau and their community. Benefits: Whakawhanaungatanga, Assessment, Non-Violence Education, Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping. He Waa Me Te Waa Mo Nga Tane is a 17 session tikanga based mens programme aimed at ending domestic violence offending. The programme aims to increase the understanding of domestic violence and encourages participants to explore and practice violence free behaviour for the safety of themselves, their whānau and their community. Benefits: Whakawhanaungatanga, Assessment, Non-Violence Education, Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping.
He Waa Me Te Waa Mo Nga Tane is a 17 session tikanga based mens programme aimed at ending domestic violence offending. The programme aims to increase the understanding of domestic violence and encourages participants to explore and practice violence free behaviour for the safety of themselves, their whānau and their community. Benefits: Whakawhanaungatanga, Assessment, Non-Violence Education, Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping. He Waa Me Te Waa Mo Nga Tane is a 17 session tikanga based mens programme aimed at ending domestic violence offending. The programme aims to increase the understanding of domestic violence and encourages participants to explore and practice violence free behaviour for the safety of themselves, their whānau and their community. Benefits: Whakawhanaungatanga, Assessment, Non-Violence Education, Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping.
He Waa Me Te Waa Mo Nga Tāne is a 17 session tikanga based mens programme aimed at ending domestic violence offending. The programme aims to increase the understanding of domestic violence and encourages participants to explore and practice violence free behaviour for the safety of themselves, their whānau and their community.
Benefits: Whakawhanaungatanga, Assessment, Non-Violence Education, Group Sessions, Safety Planning, Behaviour Mapping.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
- Parenting education
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
Budgeting services help you and your whānau look after your money and give you advice on spending, saving and managing debt.
Budgeting services help you and your whānau look after your money and give you advice on spending, saving and managing debt.
Budgeting services help you and your whānau look after your money and give you advice on spending, saving and managing debt.
Employment support services help you prepare for work and/or find job opportunities. This may include help writing a CV, applying for jobs and interview preparation.
Employment support services help you prepare for work and/or find job opportunities. This may include help writing a CV, applying for jobs and interview preparation.
Employment support services help you prepare for work and/or find job opportunities. This may include help writing a CV, applying for jobs and interview preparation.
Provision of advice and assistance for legal or consumer issues.
Provision of advice and assistance for legal or consumer issues.
- Legal advice
Provision of advice and assistance for legal or consumer issues.
The Mate Huka service is a community based kaupapa Māori diabetes programme for Type 1 and 2 diabetics and their whānau. The service aims to educate, inform and support tangata whaiora and their whānau in the management of their condition. Tangata whaiora recieve regular visits, access to clinics and numerous education sessions to raise their awareness around the challenges they may face and encourage healthy wellbeing. Benefits: Regular Monitoring, Blood Glucose Checks, Blood Pressure Checks, Podiatry, Mirimiri, Education, Resources. The Mate Huka service is a community based kaupapa Māori diabetes programme for Type 1 and 2 diabetics and their whānau. The service aims to educate, inform and support tangata whaiora and their whānau in the management of their condition. Tangata whaiora recieve regular visits, access to clinics and numerous education sessions to raise their awareness around the challenges they may face and encourage healthy wellbeing. Benefits: Regular Monitoring, Blood Glucose Checks, Blood Pressure Checks, Podiatry, Mirimiri, Education, Resources.
The Mate Huka service is a community based kaupapa Māori diabetes programme for Type 1 and 2 diabetics and their whānau. The service aims to educate, inform and support tangata whaiora and their whānau in the management of their condition. Tangata whaiora recieve regular visits, access to clinics and numerous education sessions to raise their awareness around the challenges they may face and encourage healthy wellbeing. Benefits: Regular Monitoring, Blood Glucose Checks, Blood Pressure Checks, Podiatry, Mirimiri, Education, Resources. The Mate Huka service is a community based kaupapa Māori diabetes programme for Type 1 and 2 diabetics and their whānau. The service aims to educate, inform and support tangata whaiora and their whānau in the management of their condition. Tangata whaiora recieve regular visits, access to clinics and numerous education sessions to raise their awareness around the challenges they may face and encourage healthy wellbeing. Benefits: Regular Monitoring, Blood Glucose Checks, Blood Pressure Checks, Podiatry, Mirimiri, Education, Resources.
- Diabetes self management
- Self management support
The Mate Huka service is a community based kaupapa Māori diabetes programme for Type 1 and 2 diabetics and their whānau.
The service aims to educate, inform and support tangata whaiora and their whānau in the management of their condition. Tangata whaiora recieve regular visits, access to clinics and numerous education sessions to raise their awareness around the challenges they may face and encourage healthy wellbeing.
Benefits: Regular Monitoring, Blood Glucose Checks, Blood Pressure Checks, Podiatry, Mirimiri, Education, Resources.
The Te Arawa Whānau Ora services is a support service which assists whānau to achieve and succeed in their goals whilst developing skills to lead independent and healthy lifestyles. A Paearahi (Navigator) works alongside whānau to develop a Whānau Plan which assists to identify their individual strengths and skills to achieve their goals and aspirations. The following areas are concentrated on to assist whānau to achieve their goals: finances, culture, employment, relationships, sports, health, addictions, justice, pro-social interaction. The Te Arawa Whānau Ora services is a support service which assists whānau to achieve and succeed in their goals whilst developing skills to lead independent and healthy lifestyles. A Paearahi (Navigator) works alongside whānau to develop a Whānau Plan which assists to identify their individual strengths and skills to achieve their goals and aspirations. The following areas are concentrated on to assist whānau to achieve their goals: finances, culture, employment, relationships, sports, health, addictions, justice, pro-social interaction.
The Te Arawa Whānau Ora services is a support service which assists whānau to achieve and succeed in their goals whilst developing skills to lead independent and healthy lifestyles. A Paearahi (Navigator) works alongside whānau to develop a Whānau Plan which assists to identify their individual strengths and skills to achieve their goals and aspirations. The following areas are concentrated on to assist whānau to achieve their goals: finances, culture, employment, relationships, sports, health, addictions, justice, pro-social interaction. The Te Arawa Whānau Ora services is a support service which assists whānau to achieve and succeed in their goals whilst developing skills to lead independent and healthy lifestyles. A Paearahi (Navigator) works alongside whānau to develop a Whānau Plan which assists to identify their individual strengths and skills to achieve their goals and aspirations. The following areas are concentrated on to assist whānau to achieve their goals: finances, culture, employment, relationships, sports, health, addictions, justice, pro-social interaction.
The Te Arawa Whānau Ora services is a support service which assists whānau to achieve and succeed in their goals whilst developing skills to lead independent and healthy lifestyles.
A Paearahi (Navigator) works alongside whānau to develop a Whānau Plan which assists to identify their individual strengths and skills to achieve their goals and aspirations.
The following areas are concentrated on to assist whānau to achieve their goals: finances, culture, employment, relationships, sports, health, addictions, justice, pro-social interaction.
Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence.
Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence.
- Foot care
- Self management
Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence.
Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.
Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.
Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.
Whānau Ora services focus on the whānau as a whole, addressing individual needs within the context of the whānau. Whānau are supported to identify their own goals and supported to build their capacity to achieve them.
Whānau Ora services focus on the whānau as a whole, addressing individual needs within the context of the whānau. Whānau are supported to identify their own goals and supported to build their capacity to achieve them.
- Kaupapa Māori
Whānau Ora services focus on the whānau as a whole, addressing individual needs within the context of the whānau. Whānau are supported to identify their own goals and supported to build their capacity to achieve them.
Rangatahi Maia is our youth development service where young people in Maketu can participate in organised, safe and fun activities that see them engaged with and valued by their community. The programme aims to work alongside rangatahi, identifying their needs and providing them with therapeutic after-school and holiday programmes that reduce and minimise any at risk behaviours they may develop. Services include: After School Programmes, Community Youth Events, School Holiday Programmes Rangatahi Maia is our youth development service where young people in Maketu can participate in organised, safe and fun activities that see them engaged with and valued by their community. The programme aims to work alongside rangatahi, identifying their needs and providing them with therapeutic after-school and holiday programmes that reduce and minimise any at risk behaviours they may develop. Services include: After School Programmes, Community Youth Events, School Holiday Programmes
Rangatahi Maia is our youth development service where young people in Maketu can participate in organised, safe and fun activities that see them engaged with and valued by their community. The programme aims to work alongside rangatahi, identifying their needs and providing them with therapeutic after-school and holiday programmes that reduce and minimise any at risk behaviours they may develop. Services include: After School Programmes, Community Youth Events, School Holiday Programmes Rangatahi Maia is our youth development service where young people in Maketu can participate in organised, safe and fun activities that see them engaged with and valued by their community. The programme aims to work alongside rangatahi, identifying their needs and providing them with therapeutic after-school and holiday programmes that reduce and minimise any at risk behaviours they may develop. Services include: After School Programmes, Community Youth Events, School Holiday Programmes
Rangatahi Maia is our youth development service where young people in Maketu can participate in organised, safe and fun activities that see them engaged with and valued by their community.
The programme aims to work alongside rangatahi, identifying their needs and providing them with therapeutic after-school and holiday programmes that reduce and minimise any at risk behaviours they may develop.
Services include: After School Programmes, Community Youth Events, School Holiday Programmes
Disability Assistance
Wheelchair access
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, Speak with women / wahine, Speak with men / tane, Child / Tamariki friendly, LGBTQIA+ friendly
Bay of Plenty, Lakes
Contact Details
3 Little Waihi Road, Maketu, Paengaroa
Bay of Plenty
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
(07) 533 2551
(07) 533 2541
3 Little Waihi Road
Paengaroa 3189
Street Address
3 Little Waihi Road
Paengaroa 3189
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This page was last updated at 10:50AM on July 18, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Maketu Health & Social Services.
Advocacy, information and support for you and your family/whānau.
Advocacy, information and support for you and your family/whānau.