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Open Home Foundation - Rotorua

Social Service


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.


Our vision

Every child/tamaiti and young person/rangatahi growing up in a secure, loving family/whānau and receiving a depth of care which will bless them throughout their life.

Our mission

Providing quality, child-centred, family-focused, trauma informed, Christian social services.

We encourage children and parents to be proud of their family/whānau and cultural heritage. In particular, we have a commitment to work in a manner which is honouring to Māori, and reflects the Treaty of Waitangi.

We know that children and young people are best cared for by their own family/whānau and we will work to strengthen families so they can nurture and care for their children and young people successfully.

We provide:

  • Registered Social Work support and services
  • Out of home care and respite services
  • Residential home for young parents
  • Prevention of entry into care
  • Family/Whānau reunification
  • Family Group Conference monitoring 
  • Supervised Access services


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

How do I access this service?

Contact us, Referral, Make an appointment


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

We also have staff on call after hours, via our main number.

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Services Provided

Social work services

OHF provides social work services for families/whānau referred by Oranga Tamariki. These services include: Social Work Support to OT Caregivers and Kin Carers; Safety Planning Services to prevent children entering care or to lead the reunification to whānau when they have been in care. OHF also provides Supervised Contact at the request of Oranga Tamariki or the Family Court. OHF is contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide social work services to families who have children or young people with a disability. OHF provides social work services for families/whānau referred by Oranga Tamariki. These services include: Social Work Support to OT Caregivers and Kin Carers; Safety Planning Services to prevent children entering care or to lead the reunification to whānau when they have been in care. OHF also provides Supervised Contact at the request of Oranga Tamariki or the Family Court. OHF is contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide social work services to families who have children or young people with a disability.

OHF provides social work services for families/whānau referred by Oranga Tamariki. These services include: Social Work Support to OT Caregivers and Kin Carers; Safety Planning Services to prevent children entering care or to lead the reunification to whānau when they have been in care. OHF also provides Supervised Contact at the request of Oranga Tamariki or the Family Court.

OHF is contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide social work services to families who have children or young people with a disability.

Care Services

Even with a high level of support there are times when it becomes necessary for children and young people to leave the care of their parents. Wherever possible this care is undertaken by family/whānau. Where this is not possible, foster care can be provided for a short time as respite or for a longer term. This can lead to a permanent placement arrangement if necessary. Open Home Foundation (OHF) provides care for the Ministry of Health, Oranga Tamariki and for children and young people who are in the custody-care of OHF.

Service types: Advocacy, Family / whānau support, Information, education & support, Social work.

Even with a high level of support there are times when it becomes necessary for children and young people to leave the care of their parents. Wherever possible this care is undertaken by family/whānau. Where this is not possible, foster care can be provided for a short time as respite or for a longer term. This can lead to a permanent placement arrangement if necessary. Open Home Foundation (OHF) provides care for the Ministry of Health, Oranga Tamariki and for children and young people who are in the custody-care of OHF.

Oasis Respite Care

Oasis is a family-based, out-of-home, overnight respite care service. Oasis is there to support families and whānau to care for their children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder or with Intellectual Disability. Services are located in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Wellington and Hawke’s Bay. How to get help from OASIS Your child/young person can only be referred by your local NASC (Needs Assessment Service Co-ordination Agency). A list of the NASCs can be found here. OHF will get the referral and contact you and get as much information as possible about your child so respite breaks meet their needs as well as yours. We need to make sure we can tell the Oasis family as much as possible about your child’s likes, dislikes, habits and preferences to ensure transition to respite is as easy for them as possible. As part of this process, we will ask your permission to speak with people who know your child outside of home, such as a teacher or therapist.

Service types: Accommodation and housing support, Advocacy, Disability support services, Accommodation, Autism support services, Disability information and advisory services, Needs assessment and service coordination (NASC), Respite, Information, education & support, Social work.

Oasis is a family-based, out-of-home, overnight respite care service. Oasis is there to support families and whānau to care for their children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder or with Intellectual Disability. Services are located in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Wellington and Hawke’s Bay.

How to get help from OASIS

Your child/young person can only be referred by your local NASC (Needs Assessment Service Co-ordination Agency). A list of the NASCs can be found here.

OHF will get the referral and contact you and get as much information as possible about your child so respite breaks meet their needs as well as yours.

We need to make sure we can tell the Oasis family as much as possible about your child’s likes, dislikes, habits and preferences to ensure transition to respite is as easy for them as possible. As part of this process, we will ask your permission to speak with people who know your child outside of home, such as a teacher or therapist.

Teen Parent Home - Rotorua

Home for Young Parents Rotorua Open Home Foundation (OHF), Te Whare Kaupapa Awhina has a home for young parents. We work using Appreciative Inquiry and trauma informed approaches. We have registered Social Workers, House Parent, and Support Workers for our 24 hour 7 day a week service. This is a voluntary entry service and there is an agreement and contract to enter into the service and a referral form. We run a modular programme, and it includes parenting, attachment and bonding with child, monitored feeding and sleeping schedule, health and well being, budgeting, and cooking. This is based in Rotorua and covers Rotorua and Taupo and the Bay of Plenty, for young parents and their children. We encourage education including attending the school for young parents, health and wellbeing, and developing and making relationships and networks in their communities and family/whanau. Working on their future picture and plan and fulfilling the modular programme outcomes during their stay in the home. There is a cost for this service Home for Young Parents Rotorua Open Home Foundation (OHF), Te Whare Kaupapa Awhina has a home for young parents. We work using Appreciative Inquiry and trauma informed approaches. We have registered Social Workers, House Parent, and Support Workers for our 24 hour 7 day a week service. This is a voluntary entry service and there is an agreement and contract to enter into the service and a referral form. We run a modular programme, and it includes parenting, attachment and bonding with child, monitored feeding and sleeping schedule, health and well being, budgeting, and cooking. This is based in Rotorua and covers Rotorua and Taupo and the Bay of Plenty, for young parents and their children. We encourage education including attending the school for young parents, health and wellbeing, and developing and making relationships and networks in their communities and family/whanau. Working on their future picture and plan and fulfilling the modular programme outcomes during their stay in the home. There is a cost for this service

  • Parenting education
  • Parent wellbeing
  • Family / whānau support
  • Support for Dads

Home for Young Parents Rotorua

Open Home Foundation (OHF), Te Whare Kaupapa Awhina has a home for young parents. We work using Appreciative Inquiry and trauma informed approaches. We have registered Social Workers, House Parent, and Support Workers for our 24 hour 7 day a week service.

This is a voluntary entry service and there is an agreement and contract to enter into the service and a referral form. We run a modular programme, and it includes parenting, attachment and bonding with child, monitored feeding and sleeping schedule, health and well being, budgeting, and cooking.

This is based in Rotorua and covers Rotorua and Taupō and the Bay of Plenty, for young parents and their children. We encourage education including attending the school for young parents, health and wellbeing, and developing and making relationships and networks in their communities and family/whānau. Working on their future picture and plan and fulfilling the modular programme outcomes during their stay in the home.

There is a cost for this service 

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Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access




Contact Details

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

1239 Haupapa Street
Rotorua 3010

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Street Address

1239 Haupapa Street
Rotorua 3010

Postal Address

Open Home Foundation
PO Box 587
Rotorua 3040

This page was last updated at 1:03PM on April 24, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Open Home Foundation - Rotorua.