
South Auckland > Community Health and Social Services >

Papakura Marae Social and Community Services

Social Service, Community Health, Kaupapa Māori


8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.


Papakura Marae provides cultural, health and social services for the education, support and betterment of the people of Papakura and its surrounding suburbs.

Services provided by the Marae include:

  • Tamariki Ora
  • Teen Parents Support
  • Mana Kidz
  • Food Bank
  • Whānau Ora 
  • Family Start
  • Te Pae Oranga
  • Te Pae Aronui
  • Social Services
  • Oranga ki Tua - Long Term Conditions
  • Diabetes Self Management Education Classes
  • Tāne / Wahine Groups
  • Te Reo classes (Te Wananga o Aotearoa)
  • Driver Licence Classes

Papakura Marae Medical Clinic offers all of your health needs in one location.


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Tēnā koe, we want to make sure we get your enquiry as soon as possible. 

Please see below for the list of email addresses to send your enquiry to.

General Administration: admin@papakuramarae.co.nz

Health Centre: reception@papakuramarae.co.nz

Whānau social services - whanauss@papakuramarae.co.nz (download referral form and send through)

Tamariki Ora - tamarikirora@papakuramarae.co.nz

Manakidz - manakidz@papakuramarae.co.nz


Download the Papakura Marae referral form and email it to

General Administration: admin@papakuramarae.co.nz

Health Centre: reception@papakuramarae.co.nz

Whānau social services - whanauss@papakuramarae.co.nz

Tamariki Ora - tamarikiraora@papakuramarae.co.nz

Manakidz - manakidz@papakuramarae.co.nz

Make an appointment


8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken

Māori, English, Samoan, Tongan, French

Services Provided

Hauora Services

Survive & Thrive - SUDI prevention - safe sleep coordinators - wahakura & pepi pod distributor, Mana Kidz - Mana Kidz is a free, nurse-led, school-based programme that provides comprehensive healthcare for children in 8 schools in the Papakura Area., Oranga Ki Tua - Mobile service for socioeconomically disadvantaged clients aged 15+ years with high or complex health needs., Papakura Marae Health Centre - See Papakura Marae Health Centre link for full details, Green Prescription - free health and wellbeing support service for those who would like to be more active, improve their lifestyle., Tamariki Ora - Well child checks for your child from 3 weeks old to 5 years from a registered nurse and community health worker. All in the comfort of your home.

  • Survive & Thrive - SUDI prevention - safe sleep coordinators - wahakura & pepi pod distributor
  • Mana Kidz  - Mana Kidz is a free, nurse-led, school-based programme that provides comprehensive healthcare for children in 8 schools in the Papakura Area.
  • Oranga Ki Tua - Mobile service for socioeconomically disadvantaged clients aged 15+ years with high or complex health needs.
  • Papakura Marae Health Centre - See Papakura Marae Health Centre link for full details
  • Green Prescription - free health and wellbeing support service for those who would like to be more active, improve their lifestyle.
  • Tamariki Ora - Well child checks for your child from 3 weeks old to 5 years from a registered nurse and community health worker. All in the comfort of your home.
Well Child Tamariki Ora

Tamariki Ora - Well child checks for your child from 3 weeks old to 5 years from a registered nurse and community health worker. All in the comfort of your home., Tamariki Ora - Well child checks for your child from 3 weeks old to 5 years from a registered nurse and community health worker. All in the comfort of your home.

  • Tamariki Ora - Well child checks for your child from 3 weeks old to 5 years from a registered nurse and community health worker. All in the comfort of your home.
Pregnancy and parenting

Teen Parents - providing information, advocacy support, emotional and practical support for teen parents to improve health, education and welfare for themselves and their babies., Family Start - enables families with young children to access a comprehensive range of welfare, health, education and other services they may need. Family Start provides intensive, home-based support services for families with high needs, to ensure that their children have the best possible start in life., Teen Parents - providing information, advocacy support, emotional and practical support for teen parents to improve health, education and welfare for themselves and their babies. Family Start - enables families with young children to access a comprehensive range of welfare, health, education and other services they may need. Family Start provides intensive, home-based support services for families with high needs, to ensure that their children have the best possible start in life.

  • Parenting education
  • Parent wellbeing
  • Family / whānau support
  • Support for Dads
  • Young mums
  • Teen Parents - providing information, advocacy support, emotional and practical support for teen parents to improve health, education and welfare for themselves and their babies.
  • Family Start - enables families with young children to access a comprehensive range of welfare, health, education and other services they may need. Family Start provides intensive, home-based support services for families with high needs, to ensure that their children have the best possible start in life.
Social work

Papakura Marae Social Service - provides community social work utilising services and specialists to support the needs of Whanau / individual stressors in a professional and highly confidential capacity., Papakura Marae Social Service - provides community social work utilising services and specialists to support the needs of Whanau / individual stressors in a professional and highly confidential capacity.

  • Papakura Marae Social Service - provides community social work utilising services and specialists to support the needs of Whānau / individual stressors in a professional and highly confidential capacity.
Kaupapa Māori

Te Reo classes - Wednesday 6pm to 9pm (Te Wananga o Aotearoa), Whiri Aroha - Korowai classes - Mondays 10am to 2pm, Te Reo classes - Wednesday 6pm to 9pm (Te Wananga o Aotearoa) Whiri Aroha - Korowai classes - Mondays 10am to 2pm

  • Te Reo classes - Wednesday 6pm to 9pm (Te Wananga o Aotearoa)
  • Whiri Aroha - Korowai classes - Mondays 10am to 2pm
Whānau Ora

Supporting whānau to fulfill their potential, achieve their aspirations and model intergenerational success. Supporting whānau to fulfill their potential, achieve their aspirations and model intergenerational success.

  • Kaupapa Māori

Supporting whānau to fulfill their potential, achieve their aspirations and model intergenerational success.

Food support

Food bank Food bank

Food bank

Wellness / healthy lifestyle

Green Prescription - free health and wellbeing support service for those who would like to be more active, improve their lifestyle., Green Prescription - free health and wellbeing support service for those who would like to be more active, improve their lifestyle.

  • Green Prescription - free health and wellbeing support service for those who would like to be more active, improve their lifestyle.

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South Auckland

Contact Details

8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.


29 Hunua Road
Auckland 2110

Information about this location

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Street Address

29 Hunua Road
Auckland 2110

Postal Address

PO Box 72322
Papakura 2110

This page was last updated at 12:30PM on May 22, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Papakura Marae Social and Community Services.