Central Auckland > Community Health and Social Services >
Te Waipuna Puawai
Social Service, Abuse and Violence Support, Kaupapa Māori
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Te Waipuna Puawai is committed to working with and alongside women, children and families who are in need. We aim to improve the lives of families by providing family support services and adult education.
We build supportive relationships with whānau by connecting them with others in the local community and developing a pathway to achieve and celebrate their goals.
Mercy Oasis Ltd is a thriving community development initiative of the Sisters of Mercy New Zealand. We were established in 1999, building on a decade of highly respected community development work in Glen Innes.
Our Vision
Whakamana te oranga wairua o te tangata me te whenua
Wellbeing for our communities and restoration of the earth.
Our Mission
Kia u ki te mahi kotahi whakarawea te mana wahine, te mana whānau me te mana iwi whanui
Working together to strengthen women, strengthen families and strengthen the community.
Te Waipuna Puawai weaves together three important strands to create our approach:
Papatuanuku - a strong commitment to fostering earth awareness and responding to the call to heal the environment.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi - our commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi and to working in ways that work for Māori whānau and communities.
Tikanga Atawhai – the practice of Mercy values.
Services and programmes:
- Community Education Courses, including Gardening, Pantry Cooking, Wahine Hauora, Aua Hoki, Reiki, Rongoa and Te Reo Māori.
- Environment Services project twin streams, educating local schools in Rānui and surrounding suburbs around restoration of the local reserves/parks and streams, maintenance and being kaitiaki's in these areas. Pa Harakeke Gardens, for local weavers to educate the community around the different types of harakeke, how to harvest appropriately and the art of raranga.
- Young Wahine Mentorship Programme developed around a previous model from earlier years, this programme is in the developing stages of supporting young wahine navigate through their lives around what supports they need through the renowned Māori wellbeing model Te Whare Tapa Wha. This looks into assisting around further education pathways, employment pathways, basic foundation skills such as reading and writing, counselling, maara kai, budgeting, cooking and much more...
Our approach is community-based, accessible, and whānau-centred. We adopt a wraparound, holistic, stepping-stone approach with quality service and a hospitable and peaceful learning environment.
Bill Takerei Manukura/Chief Executive Officer
Mara Kōpū Kaiawhina Whaiaro me Te Awhina Hapori/Personal Assistant/Community Liaison
Ani Wood Kaitiaki Mahi Kohikohinga/Operations Administrator
Hinemoa Key Kairuruku Tiaki whare ki Waikimete/Glendene Coordinator
Josie Ruawhare Kairuruku Kaupapa/Programme Coordinator
Richard Kirby Kairuruku Taiao/Environment Coordinator
Roi Boyd Kaitautoko Whakahaere/Administration Support
Isoa Kavakimotu Kairuruku Papaho Papori me te Whakawhitiwhiti kōrero/Social Media and Communications Coordinator
Programme Facilitators/Nga Kaihautu Kaupapa
Tamati Patuwai - Wheiao Reo Wanānga
Caroline Ripley - Wāhine Hauora
Maria Shearer - Pantry Cooking
Sophie Strickland - Aua Hoki
Chieko McGee - Emotional Energy Transforming Workshop
Francis Hapi-Rewita - Rongoa Wanānga
Volunteers/Mahi Tuao
Sister Marie Brown
Karen Nathan
Volunteers - Rānui
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Fees and Charges Categorisation
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
English, Māori, Cook Islands Māori
Services Provided
Abuse and violence support services provide support to individuals and whānau who are impacted by abuse, violence or family harm.
Abuse and violence support services provide support to individuals and whānau who are impacted by abuse, violence or family harm.
- Education programmes
- Information and support
- Referral to specialist services
- Support groups
Abuse and violence support services provide support to individuals and whānau who are impacted by abuse, violence or family harm.
Courses A range of courses are available at our Ellerslie Office and through collaborative services within the Tamaki Community. These courses will change every school term and it is best to check our website for the current courses available. Young Wahine Mentorship This course is based out in Glendene, West Auckland. Environment Based out in Ranui, Swanson. Please contact our Ellerslie Office for more information: Ph (09) 521 2098 Email: programmecoord@twp.org.nz Courses A range of courses are available at our Ellerslie Office and through collaborative services within the Tamaki Community. These courses will change every school term and it is best to check our website for the current courses available. Young Wahine Mentorship This course is based out in Glendene, West Auckland. Environment Based out in Ranui, Swanson. Please contact our Ellerslie Office for more information: Ph (09) 521 2098 Email: programmecoord@twp.org.nz
Courses A range of courses are available at our Ellerslie Office and through collaborative services within the Tamaki Community. These courses will change every school term and it is best to check our website for the current courses available. Young Wahine Mentorship This course is based out in Glendene, West Auckland. Environment Based out in Ranui, Swanson. Please contact our Ellerslie Office for more information: Ph (09) 521 2098 Email: programmecoord@twp.org.nz Courses A range of courses are available at our Ellerslie Office and through collaborative services within the Tamaki Community. These courses will change every school term and it is best to check our website for the current courses available. Young Wahine Mentorship This course is based out in Glendene, West Auckland. Environment Based out in Ranui, Swanson. Please contact our Ellerslie Office for more information: Ph (09) 521 2098 Email: programmecoord@twp.org.nz
- Life skills
- Skills courses
A range of courses are available at our Ellerslie Office and through collaborative services within the Tamaki Community. These courses will change every school term and it is best to check our website for the current courses available.
Young Wahine Mentorship
This course is based out in Glendene, West Auckland.
Based out in Rānui, Swanson.
Please contact our Ellerslie Office for more information:
Ph (09) 521 2098
Email: programmecoord@twp.org.nz
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Pasifika services providing community health and/or social support with a focus on health and wellbeing for Pacific peoples.
Pasifika services providing community health and/or social support with a focus on health and wellbeing for Pacific peoples.
Pasifika services providing community health and/or social support with a focus on health and wellbeing for Pacific peoples.
A wide range of community connections that can help assist in supporting the needs of you and your whanau. A wide range of community connections that can help assist in supporting the needs of you and your whanau.
A wide range of community connections that can help assist in supporting the needs of you and your whanau. A wide range of community connections that can help assist in supporting the needs of you and your whanau.
A wide range of community connections that can help assist in supporting the needs of you and your whānau.
Weekly kai hub based out in Ranui. Supporting local registered whanau with food necessities. Weekly kai hub based out in Ranui. Supporting local registered whanau with food necessities.
Weekly kai hub based out in Ranui. Supporting local registered whanau with food necessities. Weekly kai hub based out in Ranui. Supporting local registered whanau with food necessities.
Weekly kai hub based out in Rānui. Supporting local registered whānau with food necessities.
Provide transport for all participants in our programmes based in Ellerslie.
Provide transport for all participants in our programmes based in Ellerslie.
Provide transport for all participants in our programmes based in Ellerslie.
Support young people/rangatahi to live confidently and achieve their goals.
Support young people/rangatahi to live confidently and achieve their goals.
Support young people/rangatahi to live confidently and achieve their goals.
Disability Assistance
Wheelchair access
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, LGBTQIA+ friendly, Speak with women / wahine, Child / Tamariki friendly
Parking onsite.
Central Auckland
Contact Details
5a Waddell Avenue, Glen Innes
Central Auckland
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
(09) 571 2098
12A Umere Crescent, Ellerslie
Central Auckland
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
(09) 571 2098
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This page was last updated at 2:12PM on December 16, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Waipuna Puawai.
Supporting and hosting collaborative community events with strong local connections. Supporting and hosting collaborative community events with strong local connections.
Supporting and hosting collaborative community events with strong local connections.