Waikato > Community Health and Social Services >
Waahi Whaanui Trust
Social Service, Abuse and Violence Support, Community Health, Kaupapa Māori, Addiction
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
We aim to provide coordinated and integrated services that support the development of our Whānau, Hapu and Iwi. The Kaupapa of Waahi Whaanui – Whenua Ora, Wai Ora, Whaanau Ora – If we care for our Whenua and our waterways, in turn it will care and provide for our whaanau. We aim to provide coordinated and integrated services that support the development of our Whānau, Hapu and Iwi.
Our services cover from Mercer in the North, Raglan to the West, Te Hoe to the East and Hamilton to the South and provide:
Whakaritenga mahi Hauora - Health Services
- Community Alcohol and Other Drug Services (including Outreach Clinics by appointment. See times below)
- Whaanui Immunization and Vaccination centre
Whakaritenga mahi Papori - Social Services
- Family Support Services
- Family Start
- Social Workers in Schools
- Building Financial Capability
- Family Violence Support
- Incredible Years Programme
- Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters
- Integrated Safety Response
- Rangatahi Services
- Whānau Ora Services
Whakaritenga mahi Whakaakoranga - Education Services
- Whanui Early Learning Centre
Kaitiakitanga o Te Taiao - Environmental Protection
Read more about these services below
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Contact us
Please contact us for non judgemental support and advice from our team of caring and skilled professionals.
Make an appointment
Fees and Charges Categorisation
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM |
We offer AOD Outreach Clinics by appointment:
Ngāruawāhia | Ngāruawāhia Community House, 13 Galileo Street |
Tuesday 9:30AM - 4:30PM Wednesday 9:30AM - 4:30PM |
Te Kauwhata | D.I.S.C, 1a Waerenga Road |
Thursday 9:30AM - 4:30PM |
Raglan | Raglan Community House, 45 Bow Street |
Wednesday 9:30AM - 4:30PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
English, Māori
This service unit provides community alcohol and drug services to support individuals and whānau to address the effects of alcohol and drugs. We cater to the needs of our community by applying the Kaupapa of Mana Tangata (respect the individual), and Mana Whānau (respect the family). We provide: Individual assessments and treatment plans Individual and whānau support Counselling Substance use issues support Group sessions for men and women, when required *We also offer professional referrals to substance detoxification and rehabilitation centres. We also run Outreach Clinics by appointment.
This service unit provides community alcohol and drug services to support individuals and whānau to address the effects of alcohol and drugs. We cater to the needs of our community by applying the Kaupapa of Mana Tangata (respect the individual), and Mana Whānau (respect the family). We provide: Individual assessments and treatment plans Individual and whānau support Counselling Substance use issues support Group sessions for men and women, when required *We also offer professional referrals to substance detoxification and rehabilitation centres. We also run Outreach Clinics by appointment.
- Programme Areas
Addictions - drug & alcohol, Kaupapa Māori
- Programme Type
Advocacy / group / family whānau support (AOD), Community / social support (AOD), Kaupapa Māori (AOD)
- Regions
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
We accept referrals from a range of sources including:
- GP
- Self Referral
- Family/Whānau
- Justice Department
- Oranga Tamariki
- Police
- Other mental health/community agencies
This service unit provides community alcohol and drug services to support individuals and whānau to address the effects of alcohol and drugs. We cater to the needs of our community by applying the Kaupapa of Mana Tangata (respect the individual), and Mana Whānau (respect the family).
We provide:
- Individual assessments and treatment plans
- Individual and whānau support
- Counselling
- Substance use issues support
- Group sessions for men and women, when required
*We also offer professional referrals to substance detoxification and rehabilitation centres.
We also run Outreach Clinics by appointment.
Services Provided
Integrated Safety Response - ISR is a multi-agency approach to ensure the immediate safety of victims and children. We work collaboratively to make a difference for families and whanau experiencing family violence. To ensure the immediate safety of victims and children, and to work with perpetrators to prevent further violence. We also provide: Group Programme for non-protected adult and youth victims of violence Integrated Safety Response - ISR is a multi-agency approach to ensure the immediate safety of victims and children. We work collaboratively to make a difference for families and whanau experiencing family violence. To ensure the immediate safety of victims and children, and to work with perpetrators to prevent further violence. We also provide: Group Programme for non-protected adult and youth victims of violence
Integrated Safety Response - ISR is a multi-agency approach to ensure the immediate safety of victims and children. We work collaboratively to make a difference for families and whanau experiencing family violence. To ensure the immediate safety of victims and children, and to work with perpetrators to prevent further violence. We also provide: Group Programme for non-protected adult and youth victims of violence Integrated Safety Response - ISR is a multi-agency approach to ensure the immediate safety of victims and children. We work collaboratively to make a difference for families and whanau experiencing family violence. To ensure the immediate safety of victims and children, and to work with perpetrators to prevent further violence. We also provide: Group Programme for non-protected adult and youth victims of violence
- Information and support
Integrated Safety Response - ISR is a multi-agency approach to ensure the immediate safety of victims and children. We work collaboratively to make a difference for families and whānau experiencing family violence. To ensure the immediate safety of victims and children, and to work with perpetrators to prevent further violence.
We also provide:
- Group Programme for non-protected adult and youth victims of violence
Family Support Services (FSS) - The Family Support Services was established in 1995 and offers a wide range of support for whānau and individuals of all backgrounds. Staff are available for assistance in information, advice and advocacy Family Support Services (FSS) - The Family Support Services was established in 1995 and offers a wide range of support for whānau and individuals of all backgrounds. Staff are available for assistance in information, advice and advocacy
Family Support Services (FSS) - The Family Support Services was established in 1995 and offers a wide range of support for whānau and individuals of all backgrounds. Staff are available for assistance in information, advice and advocacy Family Support Services (FSS) - The Family Support Services was established in 1995 and offers a wide range of support for whānau and individuals of all backgrounds. Staff are available for assistance in information, advice and advocacy
Family Support Services (FSS) - The Family Support Services was established in 1995 and offers a wide range of support for whānau and individuals of all backgrounds. Staff are available for assistance in information, advice and advocacy
We provide HIPPY and Incredible Years Programmes HIPPY (Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters) - The home-based programme supports parents in becoming actively involved in their four and five-year-old children's learning. HIPPY gives parents the tools and support to help their children learn while fostering their parent’s skills as educators. The 2-year programme runs over 30 weeks per year. Incredible Years Programme - The Incredible Years Programme aims to reduce challenging behaviours in children aged three to nine and to increase their social and self-control skills. The programme enables Parent and/or caregivers develop effective strategies for managing their children. We provide HIPPY and Incredible Years Programmes HIPPY (Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters) - The home-based programme supports parents in becoming actively involved in their four and five-year-old children's learning. HIPPY gives parents the tools and support to help their children learn while fostering their parent’s skills as educators. The 2-year programme runs over 30 weeks per year. Incredible Years Programme - The Incredible Years Programme aims to reduce challenging behaviours in children aged three to nine and to increase their social and self-control skills. The programme enables Parent and/or caregivers develop effective strategies for managing their children.
We provide HIPPY and Incredible Years Programmes HIPPY (Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters) - The home-based programme supports parents in becoming actively involved in their four and five-year-old children's learning. HIPPY gives parents the tools and support to help their children learn while fostering their parent’s skills as educators. The 2-year programme runs over 30 weeks per year. Incredible Years Programme - The Incredible Years Programme aims to reduce challenging behaviours in children aged three to nine and to increase their social and self-control skills. The programme enables Parent and/or caregivers develop effective strategies for managing their children. We provide HIPPY and Incredible Years Programmes HIPPY (Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters) - The home-based programme supports parents in becoming actively involved in their four and five-year-old children's learning. HIPPY gives parents the tools and support to help their children learn while fostering their parent’s skills as educators. The 2-year programme runs over 30 weeks per year. Incredible Years Programme - The Incredible Years Programme aims to reduce challenging behaviours in children aged three to nine and to increase their social and self-control skills. The programme enables Parent and/or caregivers develop effective strategies for managing their children.
- Parenting education
We provide HIPPY and Incredible Years Programmes
HIPPY (Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters) - The home-based programme supports parents in becoming actively involved in their four and five-year-old children's learning.
HIPPY gives parents the tools and support to help their children learn while fostering their parent’s skills as educators. The 2-year programme runs over 30 weeks per year.
Incredible Years Programme - The Incredible Years Programme aims to reduce challenging behaviours in children aged three to nine and to increase their social and self-control skills. The programme enables Parent and/or caregivers develop effective strategies for managing their children.
Building Financial Capability - The service aims to enhance the financial management skills whanau possess and support them to create a financial plan of action, which will lead to them achieving their aspirations. Services can be one on one with a financial mentor or money mates group sessions depending on the needs of the whanau. Whanau are encouraged to retain control over their finances as they build their confidence in financial management Building Financial Capability - The service aims to enhance the financial management skills whanau possess and support them to create a financial plan of action, which will lead to them achieving their aspirations. Services can be one on one with a financial mentor or money mates group sessions depending on the needs of the whanau. Whanau are encouraged to retain control over their finances as they build their confidence in financial management
Building Financial Capability - The service aims to enhance the financial management skills whanau possess and support them to create a financial plan of action, which will lead to them achieving their aspirations. Services can be one on one with a financial mentor or money mates group sessions depending on the needs of the whanau. Whanau are encouraged to retain control over their finances as they build their confidence in financial management Building Financial Capability - The service aims to enhance the financial management skills whanau possess and support them to create a financial plan of action, which will lead to them achieving their aspirations. Services can be one on one with a financial mentor or money mates group sessions depending on the needs of the whanau. Whanau are encouraged to retain control over their finances as they build their confidence in financial management
Building Financial Capability - The service aims to enhance the financial management skills whānau possess and support them to create a financial plan of action, which will lead to them achieving their aspirations. Services can be one on one with a financial mentor or money mates group sessions depending on the needs of the whānau. Whānau are encouraged to retain control over their finances as they build their confidence in financial management
We provide Strengthening Families (SF), Family Start (FS) and Whānau Ora Services Strengthening Families (SF) - Strengthening Families has been operating since 2000 and is a means to providing coordinated support for whānau who are already working with two or more Government agencies. Agencies come together to better support the whānau; this enables solutions to be made as a collective rather than each agency working in isolation. Family Start (FS) - Family Start is a child-centred, family-focused, early intervention, intensive home visiting programme that works with families with the greatest needs. The Programme is designed to enable families with young children to access a comprehensive range of welfare, health, education and other necessary services. The curriculum includes linking whānau to key specialist services as required and aligned with the outcome goals of the Family Start programme. Whānau Ora Services - Whānau Ora is an inclusive approach to providing services and opportunities to whānau across New Zealand. It empowers whānau, rather than focusing separately on individual whānau members and their problems
We provide Strengthening Families (SF), Family Start (FS) and Whānau Ora Services Strengthening Families (SF) - Strengthening Families has been operating since 2000 and is a means to providing coordinated support for whānau who are already working with two or more Government agencies. Agencies come together to better support the whānau; this enables solutions to be made as a collective rather than each agency working in isolation. Family Start (FS) - Family Start is a child-centred, family-focused, early intervention, intensive home visiting programme that works with families with the greatest needs. The Programme is designed to enable families with young children to access a comprehensive range of welfare, health, education and other necessary services. The curriculum includes linking whānau to key specialist services as required and aligned with the outcome goals of the Family Start programme. Whānau Ora Services - Whānau Ora is an inclusive approach to providing services and opportunities to whānau across New Zealand. It empowers whānau, rather than focusing separately on individual whānau members and their problems
We provide Strengthening Families (SF), Family Start (FS) and Whānau Ora Services
Strengthening Families (SF) - Strengthening Families has been operating since 2000 and is a means to providing coordinated support for whānau who are already working with two or more Government agencies. Agencies come together to better support the whānau; this enables solutions to be made as a collective rather than each agency working in isolation.
Family Start (FS) - Family Start is a child-centred, family-focused, early intervention, intensive home visiting programme that works with families with the greatest needs. The Programme is designed to enable families with young children to access a comprehensive range of welfare, health, education and other necessary services. The curriculum includes linking whānau to key specialist services as required and aligned with the outcome goals of the Family Start programme.
Whānau Ora Services - Whānau Ora is an inclusive approach to providing services and opportunities to whānau across New Zealand. It empowers whānau, rather than focusing separately on individual whānau members and their problems
Oranga Tamariki and Waahi Whaanui Trust will work together to provide quality care to tamariki and their whānau when transitioning from care or youth justice placement. This includes: 1. Transition from Care to Adulthood: Whanui will support eligible rangatahi on their path to adulthood and long-term wellbeing. This will include preparation for their transition from youth justice care.
Oranga Tamariki and Waahi Whaanui Trust will work together to provide quality care to tamariki and their whānau when transitioning from care or youth justice placement. This includes: 1. Transition from Care to Adulthood: Whanui will support eligible rangatahi on their path to adulthood and long-term wellbeing. This will include preparation for their transition from youth justice care.
Oranga Tamariki and Waahi Whaanui Trust will work together to provide quality care to tamariki and their whānau when transitioning from care or youth justice placement. This includes:
1. Transition from Care to Adulthood: Whanui will support eligible rangatahi on their path to adulthood and long-term wellbeing. This will include preparation for their transition from youth justice care.
Whanui Early Learning Centre (WELC) - The Early Learning Centre was established in 1995 to provide a bi-cultural education programme to pre-schoolers. The centre is limited to 30 children to allow for a good child: staff ratio. The centre accommodates 25 children over 2 years and 5 children less than 2 years. Whanui Early Learning Centre (WELC) - The Early Learning Centre was established in 1995 to provide a bi-cultural education programme to pre-schoolers. The centre is limited to 30 children to allow for a good child: staff ratio. The centre accommodates 25 children over 2 years and 5 children less than 2 years.
Whanui Early Learning Centre (WELC) - The Early Learning Centre was established in 1995 to provide a bi-cultural education programme to pre-schoolers. The centre is limited to 30 children to allow for a good child: staff ratio. The centre accommodates 25 children over 2 years and 5 children less than 2 years. Whanui Early Learning Centre (WELC) - The Early Learning Centre was established in 1995 to provide a bi-cultural education programme to pre-schoolers. The centre is limited to 30 children to allow for a good child: staff ratio. The centre accommodates 25 children over 2 years and 5 children less than 2 years.
- Pre-school education
Whanui Early Learning Centre (WELC) - The Early Learning Centre was established in 1995 to provide a bi-cultural education programme to pre-schoolers. The centre is limited to 30 children to allow for a good child: staff ratio. The centre accommodates 25 children over 2 years and 5 children less than 2 years.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi
Contact Details
23 Parry Street, Huntly
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
(07) 828 9695
Food Hub
23 Parry Street
Waikato 3700
Street Address
Food Hub
23 Parry Street
Waikato 3700
Postal Address
PO Box 227
Huntly 3740
77 Rotowaro Road, Huntly
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
(07) 828 9695
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This page was last updated at 8:07AM on December 17, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Waahi Whaanui Trust.
Social Workers in Schools - SWIS are an early intervention scheme linked to the Strengthening Families. SWIS places a social worker right in school grounds, bringing together a child or young person’s home and school life. A SWIS social worker is there to help when difficult family circumstances cause a young person to struggle with education, where issues of health or social development are barriers to learning. Social Workers in Schools - SWIS are an early intervention scheme linked to the Strengthening Families. SWIS places a social worker right in school grounds, bringing together a child or young person’s home and school life. A SWIS social worker is there to help when difficult family circumstances cause a young person to struggle with education, where issues of health or social development are barriers to learning.
Social Workers in Schools - SWIS are an early intervention scheme linked to the Strengthening Families. SWIS places a social worker right in school grounds, bringing together a child or young person’s home and school life.
A SWIS social worker is there to help when difficult family circumstances cause a young person to struggle with education, where issues of health or social development are barriers to learning.