North Auckland > GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care > Torbay Community Doctors >
Dr Paul Hunter
General Practitioner
MB ChB 1983 Auckland; M 1997 F 1998 RNZCGP
Male / Tāne
Registration Date
25 November 1983
Vocationally Registered
Yes (What's this?)
A "Vocationally Registered" doctor has qualifications and experience that allow them to be registered as a specialist in a particular scope of practice e.g. General Practice, Urgent Care. These doctors can work independently in New Zealand.
To learn more about different scopes of practice and types of registration visit the Medical Council of New Zealand website.
Contact Details
Dr Paul Hunter is available at the following service:
Torbay Community Doctors
This service is available at the following location:
987 Beach Road, Torbay, Auckland
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
(09) 473 9594
Healthlink EDI
The surgery is open for consultations. The surgery has been reconfigured to separate different areas of care and to better protect our staff and patients.
Video or Phone Consultations can be booked through the portal or via reception.
We need to know if you or anyone in your group have symptoms of cough, fever, runny nose, shortness of breath at the time of booking. If you are attending the surgery then phone the reception to let them know you have arrived in the carpark. Remain in your car until you are directed to appropriate areas of care.
Appointment booking is available through our patient portal or through reception. Please sign up to use this service through reception.
Access to the Portal is at Dr Hunter - portal at Manage My Health
Video Consultations are by appointment only.
Enter the Virtual Waiting Room - Click Virtual Waiting (https://doxy.me/drphunter) - enter and wait just prior to your appointment time
Phone Consultation- The Doctor will call you at your appointment time.
We prefer contactless electronic forms of payment.
Text phone (Txt only) 021 223 6775
Nurse email tcdnurse@outlook.com
Admin email tcdfax@outlook.com