

MB ChB 1990 Otago; FRNZCGP 2003


Male / Tāne

Registration Date

22 November 1991

Vocationally Registered

Yes (What's this?)

A "Vocationally Registered" doctor has qualifications and experience that allow them to be registered as a specialist in a particular scope of practice e.g. General Practice, Urgent Care. These doctors can work independently in New Zealand.

To learn more about different scopes of practice and types of registration visit the Medical Council of New Zealand website.

Contact Details

Dr Stephen Graham is available at the following service:

This service is available at the following location:

127b Stafford Street, Dunedin

3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.


reception@portseamedical.co.nz can be contacted between 0845 and 1045 weekdays on 0272629082


Ivan Graham: email: manager@portseamedical.co.nz 


Dr Katie Graham email: katie@portseamedical.co.nz

Dr Stephen Graham email: stephen@portseamedical.co.nz