Turuki Health Care is a charitable trust based in Māngere, South Auckland, providing services to the wider Counties Manukau catchment area.
'Born' in 1995 as Putea o Pua, a Māori midwifery service, Turuki Health Care now provides a comprehensive range of primary health care and social services specifically targeting women, children and their whānau.
Turuki Health Care is an accredited specialist provider of services to women, babies and whānau. Everything that we do is ultimately focused on achieving Wahine Oranga, Whānau Oranga.
Other services we offer include:
- B4Baby
- School Based Health Team
- Teen parenting
- Family start
- AWHI - Healthy homes initiative
- Whānau ora navigators
We have over 300 staff across a range of disciplines, roles and responsibilities, who deliver a wide range of health care and social services from Māngere to Papakura.
We are the lead provider for the Kotahitanga Whānau Ora Collective which includes Te Kaha o te Rangatahi and Papakura Marae.
For Kotahitanga, Whānau Ora is about the overall wellbeing of Whānau, which includes protecting the Mana of Whakapapa. Accordingly, we believe that all Whānau should have every opportunity to:
- Fulfill their potential
- Achieve their aspirations
- Model intergenerational success