West Coast, Canterbury, Northland, South Auckland, Hutt, Taranaki, Waitaki, Hawke's Bay, Central Lakes, Central Auckland, Tairāwhiti, West Auckland, South Canterbury, Bay of Plenty, Southland, Waikato, Wellington, Dunedin - South Otago, MidCentral, East Auckland, Nelson Marlborough, Wairarapa, Whanganui, Lakes, North Auckland > GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care >
Tend Online
Virtual Care Clinic Service, General Practice (GP)
7:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Got a medical concern you need advice on? Run out of your usual prescription and need more? Need peace of mind on something? Our team of online doctors and nurse practitioners are here to help.
Tend Online Now is a nationwide online GP service for anyone in Aotearoa accessible via the Tend app.
Our expert doctors and nurses can diagnose and manage common health concerns remotely through online appointments.
You can either see the next available GP online for immediate care or, if you are in Auckland, you can book an online appointment in advance.
See an online doctor now
New Zealand wide
- 10 min appointment
- One-off condition or immediate need
- No doctor choice, see the next available GP
- Same day appointment
- First-in first served
- Estimated waiting time until your appointment
Dr Nazlee Abdullah
General Practitioner
Dr Mohammad Abu Dalu
General Practitioner
Dr Mark Conrad
General Practitioner - Vocationally Registered
Dr Graham Denyer
General Practitioner - Vocationally Registered; Chief Medical Officer
Dr Jin Gao
General Practitioner - Vocationally Registered
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
Website / App
Download the Tend app to get started!
Make an appointment
- Download the Tend app and sign up
- Click 'See the next available GP' on the homepage and follow the instructions in app to book an appointment
- You’ll be shown an estimated wait time
- Join a virtual queue, our doctors will call you back when it’s your turn
- We’ll send a notification 20 mins before your appointment starts
- Available nationwide online, 7 days a week till 9pm every day
- Same day GP appointments up to 10 mins
Anyone can access
Casual (not enrolled) patients
Enrolled patients
Enrolling new patients
This practice is welcoming new patients to enrol.
Tend is enrolling new patients in Auckland, Tauranga, Christchurch and Ashburton only for the following clinics:
- Tend Kingsland
- Tend Symonds Street
- Tend Pakuranga
- Tend Bethlehem
- Tend Greerton
- Tend Pāpāmoa
- Tend South City
- Tend Linwood
- Tend Beckford
- Tend Waltham
- Tend Ashburton
Enrolled patients will enjoy enrolled pricing for our Online Now service. All other patients will pay a flat rate of $79.95.
For enrolled Tend patients, the cost will be as per your clinic's enrolled patient fee
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees apply
7:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM |
Sat – Sun | 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM |
Public Holidays: Open on all public holidays The following public holidays differ to standard opening hours: Good Friday (18 Apr, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM), Easter Monday (21 Apr, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM), ANZAC Day (25 Apr, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM), King's Birthday (2 Jun, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM), Matariki (20 Jun, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM), Labour Day (27 Oct, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM), Waitangi Day (6 Feb, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM).
Languages Spoken
English, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi
Services Provided
A virtual consultation is a way of having an appointment with your healthcare provider, but not in person. This is usually done via a video app or a phone call. For more detailed information about telehealth consultations, please see the guide from Healthify. Connect with a Tend GP over video consultation for same day care via the Tend app. Appointments are up to 10 minutes long. This service is available to anyone in New Zealand, even overseas visitors. Simply download the Tend app to get started.
A virtual consultation is a way of having an appointment with your healthcare provider, but not in person. This is usually done via a video app or a phone call. For more detailed information about telehealth consultations, please see the guide from Healthify. Connect with a Tend GP over video consultation for same day care via the Tend app. Appointments are up to 10 minutes long. This service is available to anyone in New Zealand, even overseas visitors. Simply download the Tend app to get started.
- Video consultations
- Telehealth consultations - anyone can access
A virtual consultation is a way of having an appointment with your healthcare provider, but not in person. This is usually done via a video app or a phone call. For more detailed information about telehealth consultations, please see the guide from Healthify.
Connect with a Tend GP over video consultation for same day care via the Tend app. Appointments are up to 10 minutes long. This service is available to anyone in New Zealand, even overseas visitors. Simply download the Tend app to get started.
Your GP's surgery is far more than a place to go when you are feeling unwell and needing a quick cure. The doctor who sees you has gone through an extensive medical training to equip her or him to help children and adults of all ages with a range of physical and emotional difficulties. GPs are at the centre of the healthcare hub and will be aware of services and expertise that are available locally and further-a-field. GPs are also aware of the link that stress and unhappy life events have on physical health so know when to suggest a talking therapy rather than medication.
Your GP's surgery is far more than a place to go when you are feeling unwell and needing a quick cure. The doctor who sees you has gone through an extensive medical training to equip her or him to help children and adults of all ages with a range of physical and emotional difficulties. GPs are at the centre of the healthcare hub and will be aware of services and expertise that are available locally and further-a-field. GPs are also aware of the link that stress and unhappy life events have on physical health so know when to suggest a talking therapy rather than medication.
Your GP's surgery is far more than a place to go when you are feeling unwell and needing a quick cure. The doctor who sees you has gone through an extensive medical training to equip her or him to help children and adults of all ages with a range of physical and emotional difficulties. GPs are at the centre of the healthcare hub and will be aware of services and expertise that are available locally and further-a-field. GPs are also aware of the link that stress and unhappy life events have on physical health so know when to suggest a talking therapy rather than medication.
Sometimes your doctor needs to take a sample of blood or urine either to discover what is wrong with you or to measure something in your blood so that the right medication is given to you. These tests could be anything from blood sugar to a full blood count or a sample of tissue to test for cancer. While urine can generally be tested in the surgery, blood and other specimens are usually sent away for testing at a laboratory. Most results come back within 48 hours unless a very rare test is needed which has to go to a specialist lab further away when it might take a little longer.
Sometimes your doctor needs to take a sample of blood or urine either to discover what is wrong with you or to measure something in your blood so that the right medication is given to you. These tests could be anything from blood sugar to a full blood count or a sample of tissue to test for cancer. While urine can generally be tested in the surgery, blood and other specimens are usually sent away for testing at a laboratory. Most results come back within 48 hours unless a very rare test is needed which has to go to a specialist lab further away when it might take a little longer.
Sometimes your doctor needs to take a sample of blood or urine either to discover what is wrong with you or to measure something in your blood so that the right medication is given to you. These tests could be anything from blood sugar to a full blood count or a sample of tissue to test for cancer.
While urine can generally be tested in the surgery, blood and other specimens are usually sent away for testing at a laboratory. Most results come back within 48 hours unless a very rare test is needed which has to go to a specialist lab further away when it might take a little longer.
*The prescribing of controlled medications such as strong pain killers, sedatives and stimulants requires close monitoring by your regular GP. As a result these cannot normally be prescribed for casual patients.
*The prescribing of controlled medications such as strong pain killers, sedatives and stimulants requires close monitoring by your regular GP. As a result these cannot normally be prescribed for casual patients.
Service types: Repeat Prescriptions.
*The prescribing of controlled medications such as strong pain killers, sedatives and stimulants requires close monitoring by your regular GP. As a result these cannot normally be prescribed for casual patients.
Sexually Transmissable Infection (STI) screening, contraception, reproductive issues, HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Sexually Transmissable Infection (STI) screening, contraception, reproductive issues, HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Sexually Transmissable Infection (STI) screening, contraception, reproductive issues, HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Heavy, irregular menstrual bleeding etc, menopause
Heavy, irregular menstrual bleeding etc, menopause
Heavy, irregular menstrual bleeding etc, menopause
Each GP surgery or primary care practice will have its own procedure for repeat prescribing but the following rules are common to most, if not all. Patients who are well-known to the practice who have a stable condition like asthma, hypertension or diabetes could be allowed to get a repeat prescription for up to six months. Repeat prescriptions are never given to patients who are not known to the practice and there is probably a blanket ban on repeats for narcotics and other drugs that could be misused as doctors are expected to monitor these drugs carefully.
Each GP surgery or primary care practice will have its own procedure for repeat prescribing but the following rules are common to most, if not all. Patients who are well-known to the practice who have a stable condition like asthma, hypertension or diabetes could be allowed to get a repeat prescription for up to six months. Repeat prescriptions are never given to patients who are not known to the practice and there is probably a blanket ban on repeats for narcotics and other drugs that could be misused as doctors are expected to monitor these drugs carefully.
Each GP surgery or primary care practice will have its own procedure for repeat prescribing but the following rules are common to most, if not all. Patients who are well-known to the practice who have a stable condition like asthma, hypertension or diabetes could be allowed to get a repeat prescription for up to six months. Repeat prescriptions are never given to patients who are not known to the practice and there is probably a blanket ban on repeats for narcotics and other drugs that could be misused as doctors are expected to monitor these drugs carefully.
Additional Details
Online / virtual / app, Speak with women / wahine, Speak with men / tane, Child / Tamariki friendly, LGBTQIA+ friendly
Online Booking URL
Contact Details
7:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
(09) 300 5076
Healthlink EDI
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This page was last updated at 11:56AM on November 28, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Tend Online.