- Programme Areas
Mental health
- Programme Type
Eating disorders,
Non-acute specialist mental health community services
- Regions
- Age Groups
Child / Tamariki,
Youth / Rangatahi
- Referral Types
Self referral,
DHB clinical services
Referral Process
Referrals can be made by GPs, doctors, schools, public health nurses, other agencies and other health related specialties.
A referral needs to be made in writing (you may choose to use the referral form below).
Who do we see?
We usually see people aged 0 - 19, (however where there are concerns for those individuals outside the usual age range we can be consulted to determine appropriate service).
We see people who might be worried they have depression, anxiety, eating disorders, psychosis, alcohol and drug abuse, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention/hyperactivity deficit disorder (ADHD). If you would like to discuss a self referral please contact us.
What do we do?
We provide and offer:
- specialist assessment and diagnosis for a range of mental health and addiction conditions (moderate to severe emotional and behavioural disorders)
- consultation and liaison services to primary care providers and other agencies that deal with infants/pepi, children/tamariki and youth/rangatahi
- several kinds of psychological therapy, support and liaison to other community based providers who offer additional therapy.
Where can we see you?
We have two community teams that cover the Lakes region and operate from two sites:
- iCAMHS Southern Lakes (Taupō, Tūrangi and Mangakino)
See map here
We can see you
- onsite
- in your home
- in your school
- in hospital
- in a residential setting or youth friendly place in the community
What happens when we see you?
When a referral is received we will:
- call you to arrange a "Choice Appointment" with a clinician. Choice appointments help work out what is going on and where to next. We strongly encourage you to bring a family/whānau member to this appointment
- discuss any concerns you and your family/whānau have
- hopefully at the end of this time have a shared understanding of these things so you can make a choice about what comes next.
What happens after the choice appointment?
- another agency might be identified as a 'better fit' to help you solve any issues
- you might decide to try a few strategies and not come back to iCAMHS
- we agree that a particular therapy might help and you are referred to the right clinician for this work at iCAMHS or another agency
- if you decide you don't need iCAMHS right now, you can come back another time if you need support again