Central Auckland > Maternity Services > Self-employed Midwives >
Cindy Zhou - Midwife
Midwifery Service
I am a self-employed midwife who provides continuity of care to women throughout pregnancy, labour and birth, until 4-6 weeks postnatally. I speak both English and Mandarin. Before self-employed midwifery practice, I used to work as a core midwife in Auckland Hospital for nearly 3 years. Currently, my antenatal clinic is at Peary Rd, Mt Eden, close to Dominion Rd. I do delivery in Labour and Birthing Suite of Auckland Hospital. After birth, I will do home visits. My back-up midwife is Helen Han who also speaks Mandarin and English. I am also a Childbirth Educator teaching free Mandarin antenatal class at Asian Family Assistance Trust in Mt Albert. I believe that pregnancy and childbirth is a normal life event for healthy women. Therefore, I aim to support women and their family with education, guidance, and encouragement to promote physiological process of childbirth experience.
I mainly look after mothers in Central Auckland. However, I am happy to take women from West Auckland, North Shore, and East Auckland if I am available.
Back up midwives:
Helen Han
English & Mandarin
Bachelor of Health Science (Midwifery), Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Philosophy of care:
I believe that pregnancy and childbirth is a normal life event for healthy women. Therefore, I aim to support women and their family with education, guidance, and encouragement to promote the physiological process of the childbirth experience. I utilise ADHB referral services when appropriate intervention is indicated and required.
Cindy Zhou
How do I access this service?
Contact us
Please contact me as soon as you believe you are pregnant. We will arrange a time to meet to discuss your needs from a Lead Maternity Carer.
You can call my mobile number 021-858482 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday or text me if I am not able to answer your call. You can also email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I am currently not practising in 2024 as doing full-time post graduate study.
Languages Spoken
English, Mandarin Chinese
Birthing Facilities Midwife/s Attend
Auckland DHB Labour and Birthing Suite
Click on the following link for more information on Auckland DHB Labour and Birthing Suite.
Click on the following link for more information on Auckland DHB Labour and Birthing Suite.
Services Provided
Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi. Your midwife will be on-call for you and will attend your labour and birth. In the event that they are away or busy, they will have arranged a back-up midwife to be available instead. Make sure you know who the back-up is and how to contact them. Make sure you understand the signs of labour and when to call your midwife. Every labour and birth is different and not all go according to plan. Make sure you understand what can happen and be prepared to change your birth plan. Your midwife will talk to you about what may happen and also about what strategies you can use to manage labour pain. Some midwives provide care for women with an epidural, oxytocin drip and abnormal fetal heart trace, others do not. Please check to see if the midwife you choose offers these services. Pain management Your midwife will discuss birth plan around the third trimester which includes the information on the pain relief options available to you during labour.
Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi. Your midwife will be on-call for you and will attend your labour and birth. In the event that they are away or busy, they will have arranged a back-up midwife to be available instead. Make sure you know who the back-up is and how to contact them. Make sure you understand the signs of labour and when to call your midwife. Every labour and birth is different and not all go according to plan. Make sure you understand what can happen and be prepared to change your birth plan. Your midwife will talk to you about what may happen and also about what strategies you can use to manage labour pain. Some midwives provide care for women with an epidural, oxytocin drip and abnormal fetal heart trace, others do not. Please check to see if the midwife you choose offers these services. Pain management Your midwife will discuss birth plan around the third trimester which includes the information on the pain relief options available to you during labour.
Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi.
Your midwife will be on-call for you and will attend your labour and birth. In the event that they are away or busy, they will have arranged a back-up midwife to be available instead. Make sure you know who the back-up is and how to contact them.
Make sure you understand the signs of labour and when to call your midwife. Every labour and birth is different and not all go according to plan. Make sure you understand what can happen and be prepared to change your birth plan. Your midwife will talk to you about what may happen and also about what strategies you can use to manage labour pain.
Some midwives provide care for women with an epidural, oxytocin drip and abnormal fetal heart trace, others do not. Please check to see if the midwife you choose offers these services.
Pain management
Your midwife will discuss birth plan around the third trimester which includes the information on the pain relief options available to you during labour.
Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website. Pregnancy Confirmation Your pregnancy may be confirmed with a urine pregnancy test. If you are not sure of your first day of the last menstrual period, or you have irregular periods, please ask your GP or your midwife to arrange a dating scan to confirm your due date.
Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website. Pregnancy Confirmation Your pregnancy may be confirmed with a urine pregnancy test. If you are not sure of your first day of the last menstrual period, or you have irregular periods, please ask your GP or your midwife to arrange a dating scan to confirm your due date.
Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website.
Pregnancy Confirmation
Your pregnancy may be confirmed with a urine pregnancy test.
If you are not sure of your first day of the last menstrual period, or you have irregular periods, please ask your GP or your midwife to arrange a dating scan to confirm your due date.
Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby. After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre for 48 hours. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in a primary unit if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is.
Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby. After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre for 48 hours. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in a primary unit if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is.
Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby.
After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre for 48 hours. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in a primary unit if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is.
Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development. Home visits provide an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns you have about your health or the health of your baby. Your midwife will assist you with breastfeeding and will monitor your baby's growth and development. Your midwife will visit you the day after you get home. You will then receive between 5 and 10 visits until your baby is around 4-6 weeks old. It is important to let your midwife know where you are, if you are planning to stay at another address after the birth.
Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development. Home visits provide an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns you have about your health or the health of your baby. Your midwife will assist you with breastfeeding and will monitor your baby's growth and development. Your midwife will visit you the day after you get home. You will then receive between 5 and 10 visits until your baby is around 4-6 weeks old. It is important to let your midwife know where you are, if you are planning to stay at another address after the birth.
Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development.
Home visits provide an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns you have about your health or the health of your baby. Your midwife will assist you with breastfeeding and will monitor your baby's growth and development. Your midwife will visit you the day after you get home. You will then receive between 5 and 10 visits until your baby is around 4-6 weeks old. It is important to let your midwife know where you are, if you are planning to stay at another address after the birth.
Your midwife will help connect you with a Well Child/Tamariki Ora service once your baby / pēpi is 6 weeks old. Well Child/Tamariki Ora services provide free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks old to 5 years. It is also important to register your baby with a local GP for ongoing medical care and to organise immunisations. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register. Your midwife will transfer the care of your baby to a Well Child / Tamariki Ora Service before your baby is 6 weeks old. Well Child / Tamariki Ora Health providers work with families to provide support, advice and care for all children under 5 years old. The most common Well Child / Tamariki Ora provider is Plunket but there are others in your region, ask your midwife for information about this service. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register. To find out more about the NIR click here. It is important that you register with a local GP. If you do not have a GP or a GP for your baby, it is important to do this when you are pregnant.
Your midwife will help connect you with a Well Child/Tamariki Ora service once your baby / pēpi is 6 weeks old. Well Child/Tamariki Ora services provide free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks old to 5 years. It is also important to register your baby with a local GP for ongoing medical care and to organise immunisations. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register. Your midwife will transfer the care of your baby to a Well Child / Tamariki Ora Service before your baby is 6 weeks old. Well Child / Tamariki Ora Health providers work with families to provide support, advice and care for all children under 5 years old. The most common Well Child / Tamariki Ora provider is Plunket but there are others in your region, ask your midwife for information about this service. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register. To find out more about the NIR click here. It is important that you register with a local GP. If you do not have a GP or a GP for your baby, it is important to do this when you are pregnant.
Your midwife will help connect you with a Well Child/Tamariki Ora service once your baby / pēpi is 6 weeks old. Well Child/Tamariki Ora services provide free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks old to 5 years.
It is also important to register your baby with a local GP for ongoing medical care and to organise immunisations. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register.
Your midwife will transfer the care of your baby to a Well Child / Tamariki Ora Service before your baby is 6 weeks old. Well Child / Tamariki Ora Health providers work with families to provide support, advice and care for all children under 5 years old. The most common Well Child / Tamariki Ora provider is Plunket but there are others in your region, ask your midwife for information about this service.
All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register. To find out more about the NIR click here.
It is important that you register with a local GP. If you do not have a GP or a GP for your baby, it is important to do this when you are pregnant.
Free off-street parking.
Suburbs Covered by Midwifery Service
Avondale, Blockhouse Bay, Balmoral, Eden Terrace, Ellerslie, Epsom, Freemans Bay, Glendowie, Glen Innes, Grafton, Greenlane, Grey Lynn, Herne Bay, Hillsborough, Kingsland, Kohimarama, Lynfield, Meadowbank, Mission Bay, Mount Albert, Mount Eden, Mount Roskill, Mount Wellington, Newmarket, Newton, New Windsor, Onehunga, One Tree Hill, Orakei, Owairaka, Panmure, Parnell, Penrose, Point England, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, Royal Oak, Saint Heliers, Saint Johns, Saint Mary’s Bay, Sandringham, Stonefields, Three Kings, Waterview, Waikowhai, Wesley, Western Springs

Contact Details
Epsom, Auckland
Central Auckland
021 858 482
Healthlink EDI
Please call my mobile number or txt me from 9am to 6pm Monday -Friday. If I am not able to answer your call, you can always txt me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Street Address
Postal Address
Please contact me for my postal address
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This page was last updated at 10:17AM on July 8, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Cindy Zhou - Midwife.