
Central Auckland, West Auckland > Maternity Services > Self-employed Midwives >

The Midwives Green Bay

Midwifery Service


We are a group of self employed midwives who are proud to offer individualised care throughout your pregnancy, labour, birth and the first 4 to 6 weeks after your baby's birth.

Our midwives are:

  • Emma-Jane Cooper
  • Wendy Reynolds
  • Tracey Davson
  • Rebecca Fraser
  • Roz Garty
  • Samantha Lauchlan
  • Louise Lucas
  • Kerry Martin
  • Annie Menzies
  • Sam Salisbury
  • Arnia Rupa
  • Glenda Southey
  • Cindy Zheng


We service Central to West Auckland and will meet with you at our house at 33 Godley Road, Green Bay. We specialise in all birthing options including water births and home births. We also provide care for women birthing at Home and Waitakere Hospital 

Many of our clients are strongly motivated towards natural pregnancy, birth and parenting. Supporting this philosophy, we are all happy to work with homeopaths, naturopaths and acupuncture throughout your care.


How do I access this service?

Contact us

Please phone us on our mobiles:

  • Emma-Jane Cooper: 021 047 7303
  • Abbe Cherry: 021 683 993
  • Tracey Davson 027 356 6725
  • Rebecca Fraser: 027 202 9977
  • Roseanne Garty: 021 117 4786
  • Samantha Lauchlan: 021 025 98619
  • Louise Lucas: 021 426 776
  • Kerry Martin: 021 537 791
  • Annie Menzies: 021 303 909
  • Samantha Salisbury: 021 222 4224
  • Arnia Rupa: 021 151 2499
  • Glenda Southey: 021 980 466
  • Cindy Zheng: 022 372 2120

Languages Spoken


Birthing Facilities Midwife/s Attend

Waitemata DHB Maternity Services - Waitakere Hospital

Click on the following link for more information on Waitemata DHB Maternity Services - Waitakere Hospital.

Services Provided

Labour and birth care

Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi.

Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi.

Pregnancy care

Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website.

Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website.

Staying at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth

Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby. After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre for 48 hours. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in a primary unit if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is.

Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby.

After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre for 48 hours. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in a primary unit if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is.

Home visits from a midwife (from birth to age 4 - 6 weeks)

Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development.

Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development.

Ongoing care for you and your baby

Your midwife will help connect you with a Well Child/Tamariki Ora service once your baby / pēpi is 6 weeks old. Well Child/Tamariki Ora services provide free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks old to 5 years. It is also important to register your baby with a local GP for ongoing medical care and to organise immunisations. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register.

Your midwife will help connect you with a Well Child/Tamariki Ora service once your baby / pēpi is 6 weeks old. Well Child/Tamariki Ora services provide free health checks for your tamariki from 6 weeks old to 5 years.

It is also important to register your baby with a local GP for ongoing medical care and to organise immunisations. All babies born in New Zealand are registered with the National Immunisation Register.

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access


There is plenty of free parking.

Contact Details

  • Emma-Jane Cooper: 021 047 7303
  • Wendy Reynolds: 021 185 0801
  • Tracey Davson 027 356 6725
  • Rebecca Fraser: 027 202 9977
  • Roseanne Garty: 021 117 4786
  • Louise Lucas: 027 70 70 444
  • Kerry Martin: 021 537 791
  • Annie Menzies: 021 303 909
  • Samantha Salisbury: 021 222 4224
  • Arnia Rupa: 021 151 2499
  • Glenda Southey: 027 70 70 444
  • Cindy Zheng: 022 372 2120


33 Godley Road
Green Bay

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Street Address

33 Godley Road
Green Bay

Postal Address

33 Godley Road
Green Bay
Waitakere 0604

This page was last updated at 12:25PM on January 20, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by The Midwives Green Bay.