Bachelor of Health Science (Midwifery), Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, 8 March 2013
Philosophy of care:
- Pregnancy and childbirth is a normal life event for healthy women.
- I work in partnership with women, providing safe, considerate and women-centred midwifery care during the process of childbirth.
- With informed consent, I support pregnant women and their families through education, empowerment and encouragement to promote the physiological process of pregnancy and the childbirth experience, working in collaboration with other health professionals and utilising ADHB referral services when appropriate.
Back up midwives: Helen Han
Birth facilities attended: Auckland City Hospital and Birthcare
General Bio: I am working as a midwife and this will be my lifelong career. I am proud of the professional care I provide pregnant women and mothers.
I am also a Childbirth Educator teaching Mandarin antenatal class at Birthcare Parnell.
Registration Date
19 April 2013
Languages Spoken
English, Mandarin Chinese
Contact Details
Cindy Zhou is available at the following service:
Cindy Zhou - Midwife
This service is available at the following location:
Epsom, Auckland
021 858 482
Healthlink EDI
Please call my mobile number or txt me from 9am to 6pm Monday -Friday. If I am not able to answer your call, you can always txt me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.