Hello and welcome to the journey of parenthood!
I have been working as a midwife since qualifying in the UK in 1995 and joined Hibiscus Coast Midwives in 2002. Since then I have worked hard to create a practice of experienced midwives that work well together, support each other and have a similar philosophy.
It is a great privilege to be involved during this very special time and I look forward to helping each family achieve a safe and fulfilling birth experience. I plan woman centered care on an individualised basis and adapt that care as each woman’s needs change.
I have a particular interest in Home Birth, Natural Birth and Water Births and often use homeopathy. Women progress well in labour if they feel safe in their own environment especially if they have trust in their bodies and also know their wishes have been respected by their midwife. My many years of experience enable me to deal with any complications which may arise in a timely and appropriate manner whether in hospital, birthing unit or at home.
My caseload is kept at a manageable level to enable me to give all my families excellent care and attention.
My back up midwife is Eve Kozeluh; you will meet her during your pregnancy.
I am married and have three children – aged 7 to 18! My leisure time (when I get some!) is spent with my family on the water or relaxing with a good book.
Registration Date
18 September 2004
Languages Spoken
Contact Details
Helena Humphries is available at the following service:
Hibiscus Coast Midwives
This service is available at the following location:
17 Link Crescent, Whangaparāoa
0800 932 4784