Bachelor of Midwifery, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, 11 November 2005
Congratulations on your pregnancy :)
I decided to become a midwife because of the awe I felt when I was around pregnant women. Their unique ability to grow, give birth and nurture a baby was, and still is, a miraculous event to me. I believe that pregnancy, labour and birth, and breastfeeding are an incredibly special time in a woman's life and it is a real privilege to care for women and their babies during this precious journey.
I have been working as an LMC midwife on the Hibiscus Coast since 2005, and I love my job. I work together with my caring and professional midwife partners, and my clinic is in Ōrewa. I support women in their individual choices for homebirths, water births and hospital births.
My background is as a Childbirth Educator, teaching antenatal classes for 5 years, then I went to Massey University and gained a B HSc and then to AUT for my B Mid. I have also worked as a midwife at Birthcare Parnell. I am married and have 2 daughters who were born at home.
Registration Date
5 December 2005
Languages Spoken
Contact Details
Kim Haley-George is available at the following service:
Weiti Midwives
This service is available at the following location:
498 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Ōrewa
Healthlink EDI
Gail Stockwell
Phone: 021 1326 301
Email: gstockwell@xtra.co.nz
Kim Haley-George
Phone: 027 441 5385
Email: kimhaleygeorge@gmail.com
Cath Copley
Phone: 022 425 4197
Email: cathcopleymidwife@gmail.com
Justine Down
Phone: 021 486 112
Email: justinedown@hotmail.com