Mental Health & Addictions in Featherston, Wairarapa
These services support people who have problems with alcohol or drug use.
These programmes may provide: advocacy, support groups and support for family/whānau with a family member experiencing drug and/or alcohol problems.
Advocacy / group / family whānau support (AOD) Services 11 results
Ka Puta Ka Ora Emerge Aotearoa Free
We support people from diverse communities across Aotearoa and from all walks of life through a broad range of health, housing, social and wellbeing services.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
King Street Artworks Free
A creative space for people who use, or have used mental health services and for their whanau and friends and for the whole community.
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. (06) 378 9777
Explore Free $$ Fees apply
We support people to become more empowered, independent, and enjoy better wellbeing.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 605 001
The Turning Point NZ $$ Fees apply
Private clinical treatment facility that focuses on the detoxification and rehabilitation from addictive substances, tailored to the individual needs of each guest.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 863 3869
Al-Anon Family Groups and Alateen Free
When you don’t know where to turn because someone drinks too much, Al-Anon Family Groups can help.
0508 425 2666
Te Hauora Runanga O Wairarapa - Mental Health & Addictions Free
We provide alcohol and drug community support and mental health services with an aim to improve the total holistic well being of Tangata Whaiora.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (06) 378 0140
GROW Mental Health Free
GROW runs a free service providing community support groups, face-to-face and online, for mental health, self-development and friendship PHONE: 021 049 1360
Narcotics Anonymous New Zealand Free
NA is a recovery group made up of addicts who are trying to help each other stay clean, and recover from the effects of addiction.
0800 628 632
Eating Disorder Carer Support NZ (EDCS) Free
EDCS NZ supports and represents parents/whanau and carers of people who have eating disorders.
Yellow Brick Road - Wairarapa Free
We support families/whānau who have a family member living with mental illness.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (06) 377 3081
Pathways Health Free
Pathways is a leading national provider of community-based mental health and addiction services operating in communities across New Zealand.