Mental Health & Addictions in Eden Terrace, Central Auckland
These services support people who have problems with alcohol or drug use.
Alcohol and/or drug programmes provided in a Kaupapa Māori framework.
Kaupapa Māori (AOD) Services 7 results
Raukura Hauora O Tainui - Mental Health & Addiction Services Free
Maori health organisation providing a range of mental health and addiction services through a tikanga based approach.
(09) 263 8040
Hāpai Te Hauora Free
Hāpai Te Hauora aim to improve community health through public policy and national advocacy.
Manaaki Ora Trust Free
Manaaki Ora Trust is a kaupapa Māori health, social services and education provider
0800 348 2400
Piritahi Hau Ora Trust Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
Piritahi Hau Ora provides a range of Primary Health Care, Alcohol and Drug Services, Whanau Therapy, Social Work and Awhi Ora support.
(09) 372 0022
Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) Auckland Free For all CADS services ph: (09) 845 1818
Mahitahi Trust Free
A Kaupapa Maori mental health and addictions provider committed to helping individuals and whanau achieve wellness through the delivery of Integrated Tikanga Māori services
(09) 262 4533
Te Ha Oranga Mental Health & Addiction Service Free
We operate a free community based Maori mental health service, and a free comprehensive and discrete Alcohol and Other Drug addiction service.