Mental Health & Addictions
These services support people who have problems with alcohol or drug use.
Social detox programmes help people to withdraw from alcohol and/or drug addiction using social support and counselling, instead of medications.
Social detox Services 17 results
Alcohol & Other Drugs (A&OD) | South Canterbury Free
Specialist service providing assessment and treatment for those experiencing a moderate to severe addiction, including a Methadone Programme.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. 022 000 7628
Mōkihi Hauora Free $$ Fees apply
We support people recovering from substance dependency and mental health issues
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. (03) 6846647
The Salvation Army Bridge Centre (Alcohol and Drug Support) - Lower South Island $$ Fees apply
Provides a residential alcohol and other drug treatment service as well as alcohol and drug day programmes.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (03) 477 9852 or 0800 530 000
Ocean Hills Detox & Rehabilitation $$ Fees apply
A private residential sanctuary for drug & alcohol treatment
7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. 027 573 7744
The Salvation Army Bridge Centre (Alcohol and Drug Support) - Hamilton Free
Provides a residential alcohol and other drug treatment service as well as alcohol and drug day programmes and social detox support.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. (07) 839 6871
The Turning Point NZ $$ Fees apply
Private clinical treatment facility that focuses on the detoxification and rehabilitation from addictive substances, tailored to the individual needs of each guest.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 863 3869
Ashburn Clinic Free $$ Fees apply
A therapeutic community providing psychiatric assessment and treatment for mental health and addictions including inpatient and outpatient programmes.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (03) 476 2092
Mental Health & Addictions - Alcohol and Drug Services | Te Tai Tokerau (Northland)
Specialist alcohol and drug service including Opiate Substituion Programme, Inpatient Detoxification Service and support for family/whanau.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
The Difference $$ Fees apply
The Difference is a rurally located, private rehabilitation centre for people with drug or alcohol dependency.
0800 155 545
Piritahi Hau Ora Trust Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
Piritahi Hau Ora provides a range of Primary Health Care, Alcohol and Drug Services, Whanau Therapy, Social Work and Awhi Ora support.
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. (09) 372 0022
Christchurch City Mission Alcohol & Other Drugs Service Free
Provides support for people suffering from addictions and co-existing mental health concerns including detoxification, counselling and supportive accommodation.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (03) 365 0635
Hanmer Clinic Tauranga (Hanmer BOP Charitable Trust) Free $$ Fees apply
Hanmer Clinic Tauranga provides effective, abstinence based outpatient treatment services for alcohol and other drug dependence to assist clients and their families/whanau to achieve recovery
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. (07) 579 6470
Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) Auckland Free For all CADS services ph: (09) 845 1818
Auckland City Mission - Addiction Services $$ Fees apply
Helping people recover from alcohol and other drug use and abuse, through assessment, Residential Social Detoxification (Detox) and Community Alcohol and Drug Workers.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (09) 303 3008
St Marks Addiction Residential Treatment Centre Free $$ Fees apply
Alcohol and drug residential treatment service including supportive detoxification and after care support.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
CareNZ Manaaki Aotearoa Free
CareNZ supports anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s use of alcohol or other drugs.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Addiction Services | Bay of Plenty | Hauora a Toi Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
If you or a loved one are experiencing problems related to your use of alcohol or drugs, we may be able to support you.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.