Mental Health & Addictions
These services offer crisis mental health support and acute mental health services. These include crisis teams and hospital mental health units.
If you are in an emergency where a person may harm themself or others, please dial 111.
Crisis / acute programme types
Crisis / acute Services 83 results
Child and Youth Mental Health Services | Southern Free $$ Fees apply
Three teams deliver specialist mental health and addictions support to children and young people.
Mental Health Services for Older Adults (MHSOA) | Waitematā Free
Mental Health Services for Older Adults is a service for service users aged 65 and over, provided in both an inpatient and community settings
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Community Mental Health | South Canterbury Free
This team of health professionals helps people experiencing moderate to severe mental illness in their recovery journey.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 277 997
Te Rūnanga o Kirikiriroa - Mental Health & Addiction Services Free
Provides adult mental health services including day programmes, supported accommodation, respite, as well as a Youth Connex programme.
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. 0800 787 733
Te Kupenga Net Trust Free
Providing mental health & addiction advocacy, peer support and single point of access services to Gisborne consumers and their whānau.
9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. (06) 868 4045
Acute Care Team, Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Service | Bay of Plenty | Hauora a Toi Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
The Acute Care Team provides a 24/7 response service to people in mental health or addiction crisis.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
Mental Health & Addictions - Psychiatry for Older People Service (POPS) | Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) Free
Provides community based assessment and treatment for older people with mental illness, including crisis support.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Mental Health Emergency Services | Southern Free $$ Fees apply
Two teams provide 24/7 emergency services to people with acute mental health needs.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (iCAMHS) | Nelson Marlborough Free
Regional service, including crisis response, for infants, children and youth with serious mental health disorders.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Awhi Mātua | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai Free
Awhi Mātua provides support to help older adults experiencing serious mental health problems reach their best possible function and wellness
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Older Persons Mental Health | Nelson Marlborough Free
Specialist community service and inpatient unit for older adults living with significant mental illness and/or cognitive decline.
Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance (EBPHA) - Mental Health & Addiction Services Free
EBPHA supports the provision of essential primary health care services, including mental health and addiction services to Whakatāne, Ōpōtiki, Kawerau and other outlying communities.
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. (07) 306 2300
Triage, Assessment, Crisis & Treatment Team (TACT) | South Canterbury Free
24/7 advice, assessment and/or treatment to people in acute phase of a Mental Health illness.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 277 997
Kensington Inpatient Unit | South Canterbury Free
Inpatient unit for those who are experiencing a severe mental health issue requiring intensive treatment.
Te Whare Awhiora (Ward 11) | Tairāwhiti Free
Te Whare Awhiora provides a safe place for people who are experiencing mental distress and require 24hr clinical care to recover.
Acute Inpatient Mental Health Unit - Ward 21 | MidCentral Free
High Needs and Acute units for those service users who require a higher level of treatment and observation for their mental health.
CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services | MidCentral Free
Specialist mental health service for pre-schoolers, children/tamariki & adolescents/rangatahi and their families/whānau who are experiencing serious mental health difficulties.
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Adult Inpatient Mental Health Services | Southern Free
Inpatient Units at Wakari Hospital and Southland Hospital support clients in an acute phase of a mental health disorder and/or with associated intellectual disabilities.
Wings Trust Free
Auckland Central AOD residential treatment centre
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. (09) 815 1631
Mental Health Crisis Team | Tairāwhiti Free
The Mental Health Crisis Team provides mental health triage and assessments, including crisis response.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 243 500 or (06) 867 2435
Hauora Waikato Free
Hauora Waikato is a kaupapa Maori organisation which provides a range of secondary level community mental health services.
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (07) 839 9916
Te Awhina, Inpatient Acute Mental Health Service | Whanganui Free
Inpatient unit for adults in the acute phase of their mental illness.
Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment (CAHT) | Waikato Free
CAHT provides crisis mental health assessment for individuals who require an urgent response.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 50 50 50
Acute Mental Health Services | Waitematā Free
Provides acute mental health support to those in the Waitematā region.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
Te Kete Hauora o Rangitāne Free
We offer a comprehensive range of services built around the needs of our whānau and work in collaboration with other providers
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. (06) 374 6860
Intensive Mental Health Services | Hawke's Bay Free
Intensive Mental Health Services are provided through the Ngā Rau Rākau inpatient facility and Harakeke day programme.
He Puna Waiora | Waitematā Free
He Puna Waiora - "A pool of wellness" - is Waitematā DHB's new 46-bed mental health facility on Shakespeare Road, adjacent to North Shore Hospital.
Acute Response Team (ART) | Lakes Free $$ Fees apply
24/7 mobile Acute Response Team (ART) responds to mental health and addiction crisis in the Lakes DHB region.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
Whare Tiaki Hauora Free
Whare Tiaki Hauora is a kaupapa Maaori health provider in Taamaki Makaurau.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 024 321
West Coast Central Crisis Response Free
The Crisis Response team provides emergency psychiatric assessment and interventions to those people appropriately triaged and referred.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 757 678
Older Persons Mental Health Services | Southern Free $$ Fees apply
Provides community support for older people with mental health issues, alongside inpatient and day units at Dunedin Hospital.
Trauma Recovery Aotearoa Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
Dealing to Difficulties facing all people in Aotearoa, resulting from Life Changes, Trauma, Addictions and/or Abuse
9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. 0800 636263
Mental Health Service for Older People | Waikato Free
Specialist community, inpatient and crisis support for people over the age of 65 years who experience mental illness for the first time in their lives.
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (07) 839 8603
Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Service | Hawke's Bay Free
The Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Service assists Hawke's Bay DHB Hospital staff in the management of general hospital patients who also have concurrent psychiatric presentations.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Ngaa Ringa Awhina Free
Ngaa Ringa Awhina is a kaupapa Maori Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination Service (NASC).
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (07) 839 5146
Te Whare Mahana Trust Free $$ Fees apply
Provides 24/7 mental health crisis support to the Golden Bay area, as well as treatment, support, respite services and a national DBT residential treatment programme
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Tiaho Mai (Mental Health - Inpatient Unit) | Counties Manukau Free
Tiaho Mai is a residential unit, supporting people with mental health problems during a crisis.
Anteris $$ Fees apply
What is Mental Illness? Mental illness is a clinically significant behaviour or psychological (to do with the mind) disorder that is associated with distress or
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Mental Health & Addictions - Child & Adolescent Service (Te Roopu Kimiora) | Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) Free
Provides community based assessment and treatment for children and youth with mental illness, including crisis support.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Mental Health Service Older Persons (MHSOP) | MHAIDS Free
The Mental Health Service Older Persons (MHSOP) is predominantly a community based service, with a 16 bed specialist inpatient unit.