Mental Health & Addictions in Lakes
These services support people who are experiencing mental health concerns.
Mental health programme types
Mental health Services 69 results
0800 WHAT'S UP Free
0800 WHAT'S UP is a FREE confidential counselling helpline and web-chat service for children and teenagers.
11:00 AM to 11:00 PM. 0800 942 8787
Youthline Free
Youthline is part of a National Helpline for Youth or those needing support with Youth.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 376 633
Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) | Lakes Free $$ Fees apply
Assessment and treatment for people 65 years and older living in our community with suspected severe mental illness and/or addiction
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (across multiple locations).
Hoarding Unpacked $$ Fees apply
Offering services to front line workers and organisations who are responding to hoarding behaviours and individual therapy for those living with hoarding disorder
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0273 943 379
Golden Glen Activity Centre Free
We are a community based Day Activity Centre for older adults who have an experience of mental illness.
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
ADHD Association Inc. Free $$ Fees apply
We provide support and information for people affected by ADHD to live valued lives and realise their potential.
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Beehyve $$ Fees apply
We offer a range of telehealth services that support and empower individuals or families living with ADHD
(07) 808 3080
Workplace Support $$ Fees apply
We enhance workplace well-being by caring for people at work.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 333 200 or 03 477 8065
Small Steps Free
Small Steps provides a range of digital tools supporting people of Aotearoa New Zealand to take small steps on their journey to improve wellbeing
Bainfield Park Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
Bainfield Park Residential Care is a residential service with a small number of beds for mental health clients.
WRAPT Services Free
Residential and community support for adult clients who experience mental health issues
8:00 AM to 7:30 PM.
Addictive Eaters Anonymous Free
AEA is a 12 Step fellowship for recovery from binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, other forms of addictive eating and compulsive exercise.
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
Our mission is to eliminate the stigma around perinatal mental health in NZ through professional development, information, support and community events.
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. (04) 461 6318
0800 LIFELINE Free
Nationwide, 24/7 helpline and textline for confidential support.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 54 33 54
Ngaa Ringa Awhina Free
Ngaa Ringa Awhina is a kaupapa Maori Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination Service (NASC).
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (07) 839 5146
Adult Community Mental Health & Addiction Services | Lakes Free $$ Fees apply
Our two adult community teams provide mental health, addictions and perinatal mental health support.
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (across multiple locations).
Primary Mental Health Intervention Service (PRIMHIS) | Lakes Free $$ Fees apply
PRIMHIS is a counselling service for people with mild to moderate mental health and/or addiction issues who need some professional support.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Workwise Employment Agency Free
Our aim is to help people into decent, lasting jobs, and to help everyone get the best from the employment relationship.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Pathways Health Free
Pathways is a leading national provider of community-based mental health and addiction services operating in communities across New Zealand.
Piringa Mental Health Support Free $$ Fees apply
Kaupapa Māori charitable trust providing Residential Services, Home Based Support and Respite services for mental wellbeing.
Adult Inpatient Mental Health Services | Southern Free
Inpatient Units at Wakari Hospital and Southland Hospital support clients in an acute phase of a mental health disorder and/or with associated intellectual disabilities.
Anxiety New Zealand Trust Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
Free 24/7 National 0800 ANXIETY Helpline and Peer Support Groups.
9:30 AM to 6:00 PM. (09) 846 9776
LinkPeople Free
We link people to healthy and affordable homes, and the right support services for their health and wellbeing needs.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Acute Response Team (ART) | Lakes Free $$ Fees apply
24/7 mobile Acute Response Team (ART) responds to mental health and addiction crisis in the Lakes DHB region.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
Kia Puāwai Free
Kia Puāwai provides a range of evidence-based and culturally informed services for tamariki, rangatahi and whānau.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Rural Support Trust Free
Supporting primary producers through tough times.
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. 0800 787 254
The Lowdown Free
Online support for young people managing depression or anxiety.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
Te Whare Mahana Trust Free $$ Fees apply
Provides 24/7 mental health crisis support to the Golden Bay area, as well as treatment, support, respite services and a national DBT residential treatment programme
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
0508 TAUTOKO Free
Nationwide, 24/7 free-to-call suicide crisis helpline
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0508 828 865
Whāraurau Free
Improving mental health and wellbeing for infants, children and young people through service improvement, workforce development, and advocacy.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Candid Cares Free
Treatment, respite and community support for Te Whatu Ora clients aged 65 and over who are suffering from mental health issues.
9:00 AM to 9:00 AM.
GROW Mental Health Free
GROW runs a free service providing community support groups, face-to-face and online, for mental health, self-development and friendship PHONE: 021 049 1360
Eating Disorder Carer Support NZ (EDCS) Free
EDCS NZ supports and represents parents/whanau and carers of people who have eating disorders.
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Free
FA is a 12-step group recovery programme for people who suffer from food obsession, overeating, bulimia and under-eating.
6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. 027 499 2669
The Seneca Clinic by PsychPartners $$ Fees apply
Specialists in psychological medicine and therapies
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Suicide Postvention Response | Lakes Free
Te Whatu Ora - Lakes has developed an organised response providing hope and healing support after a suicide.
Asian Family Services Free $$ Fees apply
Asian Family Services provides professional and confidential face-to-face or telephone counselling support and social worker support to all Asians living in New Zealand.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 862 342
Returned and Services Association (RSA) Free
Every day the RSA movement helps all current and former service personnel and their families get the support they need.
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (04) 384 7994
Starship Paediatric Child & Family Unit Free
The Child and Family Unit (CFU) is a supra-regional acute psychiatric child and adolescent mental health inpatient unit hosted by Auckland District Health Board.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.