
Mental Health & Addictions >


Mental Health Service, Addiction, Problem gambling



Over the past 5 yrs I have been reducing my workload to the point where I am down to just two days per week of paid work. I now think it is time for me to take the next step.

So, with a level of both excitement and trepidation, I have decided to retire.

I am no longer accepting new clients and will finish with those currently engaged.

I've had the privilege of being accompanied on my journey by amazing peers, colleagues, and supervisors and I am hugely grateful to you all – thank you.

Rob Francis


Rob Francis 
Grad. Dip Addictions
Registered Addictions/problematic Gambling Practitioner & Clinical Supervisor– D.A.P.A.A.N.Z

Fees and Charges Categorisation

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Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi

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This page was last updated at 7:52AM on September 27, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by addiction2life.