Canterbury > Mental Health & Addictions >
He Waka Tapu
Mental Health Service, Abuse and Violence Support, Community Health, Kaupapa Māori, Stopping Violence, Stop Smoking, Addiction
111 Tancred Street, Ashburton
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
He Waka Tapu is a Kaupapa Māori organisation with a range of programmes and services to help individuals and the community
He Waka Tapu provides support for Whānau and individuals in need of improving their "Te Whare Tapa Wha". Our programmes cater to Taha Wairua (Spiritual Health), Taha Tinana (Physical Health), Taha Hinengaro (Mental Well-Being) and Taha Whānau (Family Health).
Our skilled kaimahi (over 100+ staff) are kind and caring individuals with one goal which is to help people and to make our communities stronger.
With a mix of skills from clinicians, whānau support workers, nurses, personal trainers and more we have a huge range of resources at our fingertips.
How do I access this service?
Contact us
Contact us for non judgemental advice and support.
Make an appointment
He Waka Tapu has a wide range of programmes and services to help both individuals and the community. There is a referral process that must be completed before accessing any services.
Website / App
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
No fees apply
111 Tancred Street, Ashburton
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
English, Māori, Samoan
We provide the following alcohol and drug services: Te Aratiaia is for assessment and treatment planning for co-existing alcohol and drug and mental health related problems. Takahi te Taniwha programme is designed for whaiora looking at a harm reduction approach to work towards a goal of abstinence. Relapse prevention is a maintenance space where whaiora have opportunities to engage with other people in the community who have been abstinent or have reduced from substances and require that additional support group to kōrero about their journey this far. Mauri Ora Experience is an intensive alcohol and drug residential treatment programme which has rolling access throughout the year. Read more here
We provide the following alcohol and drug services: Te Aratiaia is for assessment and treatment planning for co-existing alcohol and drug and mental health related problems. Takahi te Taniwha programme is designed for whaiora looking at a harm reduction approach to work towards a goal of abstinence. Relapse prevention is a maintenance space where whaiora have opportunities to engage with other people in the community who have been abstinent or have reduced from substances and require that additional support group to kōrero about their journey this far. Mauri Ora Experience is an intensive alcohol and drug residential treatment programme which has rolling access throughout the year. Read more here
- Programme Areas
Addictions - drug & alcohol, Smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori
- Programme Type
Advocacy / group / family whānau support (AOD), Coexisting problems – mental health & addictions, Community / social support (AOD), Face to face smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori (AOD), Residential alcohol & other drug treatment
- Regions
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
Accessing our service is a simple process. A referral form will need to be completed by the organisation you are currently working with or you can call in to 161 Pages Rd Wainoni and complete a self referral. You will be allocated to an appropriate service and kaimahi within 24hrs and we will contact you within 7 days to setup your first appointment.
We provide the following alcohol and drug services:
- Te Aratiaia is for assessment and treatment planning for co-existing alcohol and drug and mental health related problems.
- Takahi te Taniwha programme is designed for whaiora looking at a harm reduction approach to work towards a goal of abstinence.
- Relapse prevention is a maintenance space where whaiora have opportunities to engage with other people in the community who have been abstinent or have reduced from substances and require that additional support group to kōrero about their journey this far.
- Mauri Ora Experience is an intensive alcohol and drug residential treatment programme which has rolling access throughout the year. Read more here
He Waka Tapu has a smoke free coach who is available on week days with flexiblity depending on each individuals situation. This service involves receiving one to one or group smoking cessation sessions where you will set goals, find strategies and achieve mile stones. Time frames are established between the individual and the coach. Free nicotine replacement therapy will be provided to those who are interested in using these products. This is a great effective way to receive support along your journey in becoming smoke free. Our Stop Smoking Practitioners are part of Te Ha – Waitaha network of practitioners.
He Waka Tapu has a smoke free coach who is available on week days with flexiblity depending on each individuals situation. This service involves receiving one to one or group smoking cessation sessions where you will set goals, find strategies and achieve mile stones. Time frames are established between the individual and the coach. Free nicotine replacement therapy will be provided to those who are interested in using these products. This is a great effective way to receive support along your journey in becoming smoke free. Our Stop Smoking Practitioners are part of Te Ha – Waitaha network of practitioners.
- Programme Areas
Smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori
- Programme Type
Face to face smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori - smoking cessation
- Regions
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
Accessing our service is a simple process. A referral form will need to be completed by the organisation you are currently working with or you can call in to 161 Pages Rd Wainoni and complete a self referral. You will be allocated to an appropriate service and kaimahi within 24hrs and we will contact you within 7 days to setup your first appointment.
Appointment times are suited to your availability Mon-Fri 9am-4pm.
He Waka Tapu has a smoke free coach who is available on week days with flexiblity depending on each individuals situation.
This service involves receiving one to one or group smoking cessation sessions where you will set goals, find strategies and achieve mile stones. Time frames are established between the individual and the coach. Free nicotine replacement therapy will be provided to those who are interested in using these products. This is a great effective way to receive support along your journey in becoming smoke free.
Our Stop Smoking Practitioners are part of Te Ha – Waitaha network of practitioners.
Our rangatahi and community are important to us and we want to work towards reducing the negative numbers in this space and provide tools and information that helps people strengthen their happy place. If you don't know what to do or where to access supports? Then contact us and we can walk beside you to get the information you need for yourself, your whānau or your friends. We have dedicated kaimahi in this area who are understanding, relatable and accesible. We also work closely with other great organsations to make sure we can offer a wide range of options. There is a lot of info out there and sometimes it can be hard to navigate. Our focus is to provide the information so its uncomplicated and easy to understand. We will check out the other organisations that are providing mental health and well-being services and let you know what they provide, how to access them and you can choose if its the right fit for your situation.
Our rangatahi and community are important to us and we want to work towards reducing the negative numbers in this space and provide tools and information that helps people strengthen their happy place. If you don't know what to do or where to access supports? Then contact us and we can walk beside you to get the information you need for yourself, your whānau or your friends. We have dedicated kaimahi in this area who are understanding, relatable and accesible. We also work closely with other great organsations to make sure we can offer a wide range of options. There is a lot of info out there and sometimes it can be hard to navigate. Our focus is to provide the information so its uncomplicated and easy to understand. We will check out the other organisations that are providing mental health and well-being services and let you know what they provide, how to access them and you can choose if its the right fit for your situation.
- Programme Areas
Mental health, Kaupapa Māori
- Programme Type
Kaupapa Māori - mental health, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support
- Regions
- Age Groups
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral
Referral Process
If you don't know what to do or where to access support? Want to chat to a professional? We can arrange that too! Contact us now on 0800 HE WAKA (43 9252) or email
Our rangatahi and community are important to us and we want to work towards reducing the negative numbers in this space and provide tools and information that helps people strengthen their happy place.
If you don't know what to do or where to access supports? Then contact us and we can walk beside you to get the information you need for yourself, your whānau or your friends. We have dedicated kaimahi in this area who are understanding, relatable and accesible. We also work closely with other great organsations to make sure we can offer a wide range of options.
There is a lot of info out there and sometimes it can be hard to navigate. Our focus is to provide the information so its uncomplicated and easy to understand. We will check out the other organisations that are providing mental health and well-being services and let you know what they provide, how to access them and you can choose if its the right fit for your situation.
Services Provided
Integrated whānau services: Individual and group programmes are available to learn about your behaviours and ways to keep your whānau safe. Groups consist of kōrero and action-based activities like mau rākau, waka ama, MMA & bread making! Integrated whānau services: Individual and group programmes are available to learn about your behaviours and ways to keep your whānau safe. Groups consist of kōrero and action-based activities like mau rākau, waka ama, MMA & bread making!
Integrated whānau services: Individual and group programmes are available to learn about your behaviours and ways to keep your whānau safe. Groups consist of kōrero and action-based activities like mau rākau, waka ama, MMA & bread making! Integrated whānau services: Individual and group programmes are available to learn about your behaviours and ways to keep your whānau safe. Groups consist of kōrero and action-based activities like mau rākau, waka ama, MMA & bread making!
- Education programmes
- Information and support
- Referral to specialist services
- Support groups
Integrated whānau services: Individual and group programmes are available to learn about your behaviours and ways to keep your whānau safe. Groups consist of kōrero and action-based activities like mau rākau, waka ama, MMA & bread making!
We are a family court accredited stopping violence provider here in Christchurch and Ashburton. Our court-directed programmes focus on stopping violence and abuse against others. We are a family court accredited stopping violence provider here in Christchurch and Ashburton. Our court-directed programmes focus on stopping violence and abuse against others.
We are a family court accredited stopping violence provider here in Christchurch and Ashburton. Our court-directed programmes focus on stopping violence and abuse against others. We are a family court accredited stopping violence provider here in Christchurch and Ashburton. Our court-directed programmes focus on stopping violence and abuse against others.
We are a family court accredited stopping violence provider here in Christchurch and Ashburton. Our court-directed programmes focus on stopping violence and abuse against others.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.
Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.
- Cervical screening
Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.
Disability Assistance
Wheelchair access
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone, Speak with women / wahine, Speak with men / tane, LGBTQIA+ friendly
Online Booking URL
Onsite parking available
Contact Details
111 Tancred Street, Ashburton
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Book an appointment111 Tancred Street
Canterbury 7700
Street Address
111 Tancred Street
Canterbury 7700
Postal Address
PO Box 150 37
Christchurch 8643
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This page was last updated at 12:35PM on December 9, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by He Waka Tapu.