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Mental Health of Older People | South Canterbury
Mental Health Service
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Specialist community and inpatient service for older people presenting with mental illness.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM |
An Older Person's Mental Health Nurse is available Monday - Friday 8.00am - 4.30pm, excluding public holidays.
Crisis assistance is provided outside these hours by the South Canterbury DHB - Triage, Assessment, Crisis & Treatment Team (TACT). Call 0800 277 997.
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
The Older Person's Mental Health Nurse is the initial point of contact. Following an initial triage of referrals, arrangements are made for the assessment process at a suitable venue that is most convenient for the patient and family/whānau. Following an initial comprehensive assessment, a treatment plan is generated to determine the best next step to assist the older person and family/whānau. Treatment plans can range in the following manner: Arranging further appropriate investigations, Advice / recommendations to the patient and/or referrer about further management, Arranging an outpatient appointment with the Consultant Psychiatrist for Older Persons Mental Health, Referral on to the Needs Assessment Service and / or support services in the community e.g. Alzheimer’s South Canterbury Support the initiation of case management where the patient receives ongoing follow up.
The Older Person's Mental Health Nurse is the initial point of contact. Following an initial triage of referrals, arrangements are made for the assessment process at a suitable venue that is most convenient for the patient and family/whānau. Following an initial comprehensive assessment, a treatment plan is generated to determine the best next step to assist the older person and family/whānau. Treatment plans can range in the following manner: Arranging further appropriate investigations, Advice / recommendations to the patient and/or referrer about further management, Arranging an outpatient appointment with the Consultant Psychiatrist for Older Persons Mental Health, Referral on to the Needs Assessment Service and / or support services in the community e.g. Alzheimer’s South Canterbury Support the initiation of case management where the patient receives ongoing follow up.
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Intake / assessment, Non-acute specialist mental health community services
- Regions
South Canterbury
- Age Groups
Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
The patient can be referred by their GP, other Doctors within the hospital, rest home managers, NGO's, family or self referral. Patients or their family can self refer by calling 0800 277 997.
The Older Person's Mental Health Nurse is the initial point of contact. Following an initial triage of referrals, arrangements are made for the assessment process at a suitable venue that is most convenient for the patient and family/whānau.
Following an initial comprehensive assessment, a treatment plan is generated to determine the best next step to assist the older person and family/whānau. Treatment plans can range in the following manner:
- Arranging further appropriate investigations,
- Advice / recommendations to the patient and/or referrer about further management,
- Arranging an outpatient appointment with the Consultant Psychiatrist for Older Persons Mental Health,
- Referral on to the Needs Assessment Service and / or support services in the community e.g. Alzheimer’s South Canterbury
- Support the initiation of case management where the patient receives ongoing follow up.
The admission site of the patient varies depending on the needs of the individual. The ambulatory person could be admitted to the Kensington Centre in-patient unit while the frail, older person with high physical needs or parenteral food or fluids will be admitted to the main hospital. This is determined case by case.
The admission site of the patient varies depending on the needs of the individual. The ambulatory person could be admitted to the Kensington Centre in-patient unit while the frail, older person with high physical needs or parenteral food or fluids will be admitted to the main hospital. This is determined case by case.
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
South Canterbury
- Age Groups
Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
The patient can be referred by their GP, other Doctors within the hospital, rest home managers, NGO's, family or self referral. Patients or their family can self refer by calling 0800 277 997.
The decision to admit the patient to the hospital rests with the Consultant Psychiatrist for Older Persons Mental Health or the On-call Psychiatrist, if the former is away or unavailable. The admission decision follows the usual triage and comprehensive assessment that is done with every patient entering the Service.
The admission site of the patient varies depending on the needs of the individual. The ambulatory person could be admitted to the Kensington Centre in-patient unit while the frail, older person with high physical needs or parenteral food or fluids will be admitted to the main hospital. This is determined case by case.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi
Contact Details
Timaru Hospital
South Canterbury
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
0800 277 997
A,T&R Ward
Timaru Hospital
Queen Street, Parkside
Timaru 7910
Street Address
A,T&R Ward
Timaru Hospital
Queen Street, Parkside
Timaru 7910
Postal Address
Private Bag 911
Queen Street
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This page was last updated at 10:25AM on November 28, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Mental Health of Older People | South Canterbury.