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Mental Health Service for Older People | Waikato
Mental Health Service
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Specialist community, inpatient and crisis support for people over the age of 65 years who experience mental illness for the first time in their lives.
The team includes Consultant Old Age Psychiatrists, Community Mental Health Nurses, Social Workers, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and a Community Support Worker.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
No fees apply.
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
For after hours mental health emergencies, phone 0800 50 50 50
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
This service is intended for people over the age of 65 years who experience mental illness for the first time in their lives. The service is also intended for adults of any age with an established diagnosis of dementia complicated by significant behavioural or psychological symptoms. Outpatient clinics are located at 214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Level B1, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Waikato Hospital.
This service is intended for people over the age of 65 years who experience mental illness for the first time in their lives. The service is also intended for adults of any age with an established diagnosis of dementia complicated by significant behavioural or psychological symptoms. Outpatient clinics are located at 214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Level B1, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Waikato Hospital.
- Programme Areas
Mental health
- Programme Type
Non-acute specialist mental health community services
- Regions
- Age Groups
Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
Referrals are accepted from all sources. However, we prefer the involvement of the General Practitioner. Most referrals will be initially assessed in their place of residence by a community mental health nurse, consultant or registrar.
This service is intended for people over the age of 65 years who experience mental illness for the first time in their lives. The service is also intended for adults of any age with an established diagnosis of dementia complicated by significant behavioural or psychological symptoms.
Outpatient clinics are located at 214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Level B1, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Waikato Hospital.
Ward OPR1 is located at 214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Level B2, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Waikato Hospital.
Ward OPR1 is located at 214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Level B2, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Waikato Hospital.
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
- Age Groups
Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
Most referrals will be initially assessed in their place of residence by a community mental health nurse, consultant or registrar.
Ward OPR1 is located at 214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Level B2, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Waikato Hospital.
Mental Health Service for Older People aims to provide an urgent response to all patients over 65 years Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. This service is often provided in conjunction with the Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment Team.
Mental Health Service for Older People aims to provide an urgent response to all patients over 65 years Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. This service is often provided in conjunction with the Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment Team.
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Intake / assessment
- Regions
- Age Groups
Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm contact the Mental Health Service for Older People team.
Out of hours, the Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment Team (CAHT) can be contacted on 0800 50 50 50.
Mental Health Service for Older People aims to provide an urgent response to all patients over 65 years Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. This service is often provided in conjunction with the Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment Team.
Provision of assessment and diagnosis, treatment and advice to people, of any age, suffering from a non rapid progressive cognitive impairment.
Provision of assessment and diagnosis, treatment and advice to people, of any age, suffering from a non rapid progressive cognitive impairment.
- Programme Areas
Mental health
- Programme Type
Non-acute specialist mental health community services
- Regions
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Referral Process
There is an expectation that the Map of Medicine Midland Regional Dementia Pathway will have been used prior to referral to specialist services.
Entry Criteria:
People with a primary complaint of objective/observed non-rapid progressive cognitive impairment, unexplained by a pre-existing medical, surgical or psychiatric condition, with a complexity that requires Specialist assessment. i.e.
a) A multi-disciplinary approach to assessment is needed. AND/OR
b) The person meets at least one of the following ‘Red flag’ criteria on the Midland Regional Dementia Pathway.
a. Less than 65 years old
b. History of head injury now presenting with progressive cognitive impairment
c. Culture and/or language is a barrier to assessment by Primary Care.
d. Major Psychiatric disorder. (An assessment by Mental Health Services may be requested prior to acceptance of the referral.)
e. Major Personality change
f. Atypical cognitive decline
g. Strong family history of neurodegenerative disorder
Exclusion Criteria:
1. People with a confirmed intellectual disability: Refer to the Intellectual Disability Dual Diagnosis Service (IDDDS).
2. People currently abusing alcohol or drugs without commitment to change.
3. A referral to Neurology is more appropriate for
a) People younger than 50 years old AND/OR
b) Where there are new or unexplained neurological symptoms e.g. abnormal gait and/or movement disorder.
Provision of assessment and diagnosis, treatment and advice to people, of any age, suffering from a non rapid progressive cognitive impairment.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone
Contact Details
Waikato Hospital
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
(07) 839 8603
Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building
Waikato Hospital, Gate 3
214 Pembroke Street
Waikato Hospital
Waikato 3204
Street Address
Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building
Waikato Hospital, Gate 3
214 Pembroke Street
Waikato Hospital
Waikato 3204
Postal Address
Mental Health Service for Older People
Level B1, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building
214 Pembroke Street
Private Bag 3200
Hamilton 3240
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This page was last updated at 10:32AM on November 6, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Mental Health Service for Older People | Waikato.