
South Auckland > Mental Health & Addictions >

Penina Trust

Mental Health Service, Pacific People, Stop Smoking, Addiction


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.


Penina Trust (previously known as Penina Health Trust) provides a range of mental health and addiction support and housing services in South Auckland. 

Penina was first registered in March 2001. Penina formally began operations in June 2001 with its Family Support Service. Since its humble beginnings, Penina has developed to provide a wide range of services including;

  • Family Support Service
  • Level IV Forensic Residential Rehabilitation Service
  • Youth Community Living Services 
  • Adult Community Living Services
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Learning & Development Programme
  • CSW - Cultural Support Services
  • Transitional Housing - by MSD referral only
  • Social Housing - by MSD referral only
  • Primary Mental Health Support
  • Financial Capability Programme (Home Ownership) - *This requires registration and you may be put to a waiting list. 
  • Perinatal Mental Health Support (by referral only)
  • Suicide Postvention Programme (by referral only)

COVID 19 Update: Penina Trust are back to Business as Usual integrating over the phone and online support where required by service users.


Roine Lealaiauloto Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Anura Jayasekara Chief Financial Officer
Angeline Hekau General Manager - Mental Health and Addiction Services
Ioane Lealaiauloto Property & Assets Manager and Matua
Catherine Ioane General Manager - Housing Services
Faith Esoto Peer Support and Reporting Service Leader
Emily Davidson Executive Assistant

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Send us a contact request on https://penina.org.nz/contact-us/


Referrals through GP, CMDHB, and ADHB. 

Website / App


Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

Our services are provided free of charge.


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Please note we run with minimal staff over the Christmas break period only in our Residential and Housing services. No Community Services will be available during the Christmas period. 

Public Holidays: Closed Labour Day (28 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (27 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb), Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun).
Christmas: Open 23 Dec — 24 Dec. Closed 25 Dec — 26 Dec. Open 27 Dec. Closed 28 Dec — 29 Dec. Open 30 Dec — 31 Dec. Closed 1 Jan — 2 Jan. Open 3 Jan. Closed 4 Jan — 5 Jan. Open 6 Jan — 10 Jan.

Languages Spoken

Cook Islands Māori, English, Niuean, Samoan, Tongan, Tuvaluan, Sinhala


Adult Community Living Service (CLS)

This service has a strengths-based, recovery orientation. It assists people who would previously have stayed in inpatient services or residential rehabilitation, or who could no longer remain in their accommodation, to develop their own solutions to achieve any of the following: plan for a better future rapidly obtain housing when they have none live in affordable housing and in the community of their choice receive supports that will enable them to live full and active lives within the community enhance their ability to complete activities of daily living that increase wellbeing achieve their goals in terms of work and of friendship and family connections minimise the impact of their mental illness on their lives. The service also works with members of the community (e.g. landlords, employers) to improve opportunities for clients of the service. For some consumers, especially for those who are exiting a residential facility where they may have been for some time, living a quality life in the community will require some planned support. Penina's Community Living Service seeks to work in partnership with consumers to identify and assess their recovery needs, and to find personalised solutions that can enable them to succeed and recover in their communities of choice. Our staff provide one-on-one support for consumers and their families who are referred to this service. This support includes advocacy, accessing appropriate accommodation and benefits with HousingNZ and WINZ respectively, planned support towards employment and education (supporting with enrolments to appropriate courses and other education facilities), networking with other services and agencies etc.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health


South Auckland, East Auckland

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Referrals are made via Faletoa Counties-Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB), Pacific Mental Health Service.


This service has a strengths-based, recovery orientation. It assists people who would previously have stayed in inpatient services or residential rehabilitation, or who could no longer remain in their accommodation, to develop their own solutions to achieve any of the following:

  • plan for a better future
  • rapidly obtain housing when they have none
  • live in affordable housing and in the community of their choice
  • receive supports that will enable them to live full and active lives within the community
  • enhance their ability to complete activities of daily living that increase wellbeing
  • achieve their goals in terms of work and of friendship and family connections
  • minimise the impact of their mental illness on their lives.

The service also works with members of the community (e.g. landlords, employers) to improve opportunities for clients of the service.

For some consumers, especially for those who are exiting a residential facility where they may have been for some time, living a quality life in the community will require some planned support. Penina's Community Living Service seeks to work in partnership with consumers to identify and assess their recovery needs, and to find personalised solutions that can enable them to succeed and recover in their communities of choice.

Our staff provide one-on-one support for consumers and their families who are referred to this service. This support includes advocacy, accessing appropriate accommodation and benefits with HousingNZ and WINZ respectively, planned support towards employment and education (supporting with enrolments to appropriate courses and other education facilities), networking with other services and agencies etc.

Youth Community Living Services (YCLS)

This service provides intensive community support for clients aged up to 20 years with high and ongoing mental health requirements. The unmet needs of our young people are priority health concerns in New Zealand. In mental health, this is evident through the large number of our young people who have high and ongoing support needs. The YCLS team is there to help support the mental health needs of young people in the Counties Manukau region. The motto, which reflects the purpose for this service, is to “Realise peoples' Mana”. YCLS therefore seeks to support young people who have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, to recover and live quality lives in the community. This service is provided by skilled staff who are passionate about working with young people. The service provides one-on-one support, as well as group support and activities, which seek to involve young people in their communities. The service also runs a funfilled and educational programme for the young people and their families called 'Fun Squad' which supports recovery, group work and activities which can help individual young people with their journey to recovery and discovery (of themselves and their abilities). Our YCLS team works closely and in collaboration with the Pacific clinical team: Vaka Toa team which sits within Whirinaki, as well as the general Whirinaki team – CMDHB Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health


South Auckland, East Auckland

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Referrals to YCLS are via the Vaka Toa and/or Whirinaki Clinical Teams. The referrals are directed to Penina YCLS team and are allocated according to appropriateness of staff, caseload levels and entry criteria etc.


This service provides intensive community support for clients aged up to 20 years with high and ongoing mental health requirements.

The unmet needs of our young people are priority health concerns in New Zealand. In mental health, this is evident through the large number of our young people who have high and ongoing support needs. The YCLS team is there to help support the mental health needs of young people in the Counties Manukau region.

The motto, which reflects the purpose for this service, is to “Realise peoples' Mana”. YCLS therefore seeks to support young people who have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, to recover and live quality lives in the community. This service is provided by skilled staff who are passionate about working with young people. The service provides one-on-one support, as well as group support and activities, which seek to involve young people in their communities. The service also runs a funfilled and educational programme for the young people and their families called 'Fun Squad' which supports recovery, group work and  activities which can help individual young people with their journey to recovery and discovery (of themselves and their abilities). Our YCLS team works closely and in collaboration with the Pacific clinical team: Vaka Toa team which sits within Whirinaki, as well as the general Whirinaki team – CMDHB Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.

Family Support Service

Services provided include: supplying information about mental illnesses, the mental health service system, community resources and supports that are available assistance with strategies for coping with the client’s illness and its impact on the family/whānau making contact with other relevant mental health services or support groups supplying information about relevant legislation, rights and responsibilities. Majority of our Pacific families/whānau are left with the overwhelming responsibility of caring and supporting a family member that is affected by a mental illness, and without the adequate/appropriate training and advice. Our Family/Whānau Support Team provide appropriate training and workshops that caters to the individual needs of the families it serves. It assists with building good networks and contacts with the appropriate public services, such as Housing NZ, WINZ, employment and educational facilities/organisations etc, so that they may receive timely and effective service when they need it. .

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support


South Auckland, East Auckland

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Referral to Family/Whānau Service is open to organisations, family/whānau and self referrals.


Services provided include:

  • supplying information about mental illnesses, the mental health service system, community resources and supports that are available
  • assistance with strategies for coping with the client’s illness and its impact on the family/whānau
  • making contact with other relevant mental health services or support groups
  • supplying information about relevant legislation, rights and responsibilities.

Majority of our Pacific families/whānau are left with the overwhelming responsibility of caring and supporting a family member that is affected by a mental illness, and without the adequate/appropriate training and advice.

Our Family/Whānau Support Team provide appropriate training and workshops that caters to the individual needs of the families it serves. It assists with building good networks and contacts with the appropriate public services, such as Housing NZ, WINZ, employment and educational facilities/organisations etc, so that they may receive timely and effective service when they need it. 


Residential level IV Step- Down Facility

Stepping out of a hospital environment, like Regional Forensic Services (where people have been looked after for significant periods of time), and stepping out into the community is not an easy step to make. Sometimes, before this can happen, another step must be made before fully integrating back into the community. Our step down facility provides 24/7 care, 365 days of the year to people who experience mental illness and are making this exciting move. Our services are supported by competent, dedicated staff, who are from various cultural backgrounds and disciplines. The step down facility is limited to referrals by the community team of the Regional Forensic Services at Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB). Standard length of stay can be from 6 months to 2 years.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Residential support


South Auckland, East Auckland, West Auckland

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

DHB clinical services

Referral Process

We only take referrals from the Regional Forensic team at Waitemata DHB. 


Stepping out of a hospital environment, like Regional Forensic Services (where people have been looked after for significant periods of time), and stepping out into the community is not an easy step to make. Sometimes, before this can happen, another step must be made before fully integrating back into the community.

Our step down facility provides 24/7 care, 365 days of the year to people who experience mental illness and are making this exciting move. Our services are supported by competent, dedicated staff, who are from various cultural backgrounds and disciplines. The step down facility is limited to referrals by the community team of the Regional Forensic Services at Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB). Standard length of stay can be from 6 months to 2 years.

Cultural Support Service

Similar to our other support services, this service works on recovery goals and aspirations. The service works on a one to one basis with service users to understand their recovery goals, and supports personalised solutions, working with the service user to achieve positive outcomes. Supports include improving access to clinical support services, support in finding accommodation, vocational support, etc. The service can be accessed directly or by referral from family, whānau, primary or other healthcare services and social and community agencies.

Programme Areas

Mental health, Addictions - drug & alcohol, Smoking cessation, Pacific People

Programme Type

Community / social support (AOD), Pacific People (AOD), Community based support - mental health, Pacific People - smoking cessation, Pacific People - mental health


South Auckland, East Auckland

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Referrals to the CSW service are via Faletoa Counties-Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB), Pacific Mental Health Service and via ACLS


Similar to our other support services, this service works on recovery goals and aspirations. The service works on a one to one basis with service users to understand their recovery goals, and supports personalised solutions, working with the service user to achieve positive outcomes. Supports include improving access to clinical support services, support in finding accommodation, vocational support, etc.

The service can be accessed directly or by referral from family, whānau, primary or other healthcare services and social and community agencies.

Peer Support

This service provides clients with support from people who have lived experience of mental illness or addiction (peers). The support is individualised to each person’s needs and helps them to understand and implement their own recovery and to strengthen their involvement in the wider community.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support


South Auckland, East Auckland

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections


This service provides clients with support from people who have lived experience of mental illness or addiction (peers). The support is individualised to each person’s needs and helps them to understand and implement their own recovery and to strengthen their involvement in the wider community.

Penina Transitional Housing

Transitional Housing is Penina’s newest service in a contract with MSD. We work with referrals from MSD to get individuals or families into long term sustainable houses. We have 2 transitional housing facilities and our focus is on Pacific families and whānau but we also accept other ethnicities.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Residential support


South Auckland

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Process

All referrals are from the Ministry of Social Development


Transitional Housing is Penina’s newest service in a contract with MSD. We work with referrals from MSD to get individuals or families into long term sustainable houses. We have 2 transitional housing facilities and our focus is on Pacific families and whānau but we also accept other ethnicities.

Awhi Ora

Community based services are for people who require additional support to remain actively involved with family/whānau, community living, education, employment and self-management of their own wellbeing. The person is supported to determine their own needs and to retain or regain control of their own recovery process.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health


South Auckland

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types


Referral Process

All referrals must come from GP services at South Seas Healthcare


Community based services are for people who require additional support to remain actively involved with family/whānau, community living, education, employment and self-management of their own wellbeing. The person is supported to determine their own needs and to retain or regain control of their own recovery process.

New programme

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi

Public Transport

The Auckland Transport website is a good resource to plan your public transport options.


Parking available behind the building and around the surrounding streets (OSP).

Contact Details

1 Beach Rd, Weymouth, Auckland

South Auckland

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

More details…

This page was last updated at 2:30PM on May 27, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Penina Trust.