8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Synergy Wellness is a mental health needs assessment and service co-ordination service (NASC).
Synergy Wellness does not provide treatment for mental health or any other disorders.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
No fees apply.
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Otago Anniversary (24 Mar), Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
Synergy Wellness is a mental health needs assessment and service co-ordination service (NASC). We work with people experiencing disability as a result of a significant mental health issue, for which there is treatment provided by a suitably qualified practitioner. Needs Assessment: This is the stage we gather information from you and others involved (such as family/whānau, health professionals) in order to understand your situation and help you figure out what support you need. We will write a report that summarises your strengths and challenges, aspirations and needs. Service Co-Ordination: This involves discussing support options with you, making suggestions about what might be helpful, and making referrals to support services of your choice that match the needs we identify. We can arrange government funded supports from a range of services for you – these include community support, household management, personal care, carer support, planned respite and supported accommodation; depending on what you need. We will keep working on your support package until you are happy with it. Follow Up: Synergy Wellness will keep working with you for as long as you need; there is no set timeframe. We will try as hard as possible to find supports that meet your needs, but this may not always be possible. We highlight any unmet needs with the Southern District Health Board Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability Directorate.
Synergy Wellness is a mental health needs assessment and service co-ordination service (NASC). We work with people experiencing disability as a result of a significant mental health issue, for which there is treatment provided by a suitably qualified practitioner. Needs Assessment: This is the stage we gather information from you and others involved (such as family/whānau, health professionals) in order to understand your situation and help you figure out what support you need. We will write a report that summarises your strengths and challenges, aspirations and needs. Service Co-Ordination: This involves discussing support options with you, making suggestions about what might be helpful, and making referrals to support services of your choice that match the needs we identify. We can arrange government funded supports from a range of services for you – these include community support, household management, personal care, carer support, planned respite and supported accommodation; depending on what you need. We will keep working on your support package until you are happy with it. Follow Up: Synergy Wellness will keep working with you for as long as you need; there is no set timeframe. We will try as hard as possible to find supports that meet your needs, but this may not always be possible. We highlight any unmet needs with the Southern District Health Board Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability Directorate.
- Programme Areas
Mental health
- Programme Type
Community based support - mental health, Disability support
- Regions
Waitaki, Dunedin - South Otago
- Age Groups
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
Synergy Wellness will take a referral from any source, as long as eligibility criteria are met. Commonly referrals come from:
- Southern DHB clinical services
- NGO mental health services
- Other social service agencies
- Self referrals
Synergy Wellness is contracted by the Southern District Health Board to provide services to people in Dunedin, and North and South Otago.
There is information we need, such as details of the diagnosis and treatment, and the effect of illness symptoms on daily life, and this information is generally held by clinical services. It is the responsibility of the referrer to source this information from clinicians, but we are here to help if needed.
Click here to download our referral form and read more about our eligibility criteria.
Synergy Wellness is a mental health needs assessment and service co-ordination service (NASC). We work with people experiencing disability as a result of a significant mental health issue, for which there is treatment provided by a suitably qualified practitioner.
Needs Assessment:
This is the stage we gather information from you and others involved (such as family/whānau, health professionals) in order to understand your situation and help you figure out what support you need. We will write a report that summarises your strengths and challenges, aspirations and needs.
Service Co-Ordination:
This involves discussing support options with you, making suggestions about what might be helpful, and making referrals to support services of your choice that match the needs we identify.
We can arrange government funded supports from a range of services for you – these include community support, household management, personal care, carer support, planned respite and supported accommodation; depending on what you need.
We will keep working on your support package until you are happy with it.
Follow Up:
Synergy Wellness will keep working with you for as long as you need; there is no set timeframe.
We will try as hard as possible to find supports that meet your needs, but this may not always be possible. We highlight any unmet needs with the Southern District Health Board Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability Directorate.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Child / Tamariki friendly
Contact Details
150D Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin
Dunedin - South Otago
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
(03) 476 2577
027 8423 282
150D Kaikorai Valley Road
Dunedin 9011
Street Address
150D Kaikorai Valley Road
Dunedin 9011
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This page was last updated at 1:48PM on March 20, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Synergy Wellness.