
Nelson Marlborough > Mental Health & Addictions >

Te Piki Oranga

Mental Health Service, Community Health, Kaupapa Māori, Stop Smoking, Addiction


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.


Te Piki Oranga is a kaupapa Māori wellness provider in Nelson/Tasman/Marlborough providing a wide range of free and confidential wellness services.

We have qualified kaimahi  (staff) who provide healthcare and prevention programmes for whānau from our three health hubs in Wairau (Blenheim), Whakatū (Nelson) and Motueka, or in homes.

Our  kaimahi create a supportive environment for whānau, providing quality and accessible Māori health and wellness services that are consistent with the concepts of whānau ora and tino rangatiratanga (self-reliance and independence).

Services are free and mobile, designed to improve health outcomes for Māori in Te Tau Ihu.


Please visit the Te Piki Oranga website for more information on our kaimahi.

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

No fees apply.


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Marlborough Anniversary (3 Nov), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken

English, Māori, Samoan, Tongan


Adult Mental Health Non-Clinical | Ngā Pūkenga Manaaki Hauora mo Ngā Pakeke

Pūkenga Manaaki (experienced mental health support workers) provide a recovery oriented community based assessment, treatment and therapy service for mental health and addiction problems that is accessible, coordinated and effectively targeted for Māori. The Service is based within a Kaupapa Māori framework and responsive to the needs of tangata whaiora and their whānau. Care planning is jointly agreed and implemented in a coordinated manner by all parties involved. The care plan will identify the relative roles of the clinical and non-clinical staff, and other relevant professionals, including matters in relation to: crisis responsiveness risk identification and management medication management managed withdrawal psychological and other interventions support interventions information The care plan sets out specific plans and goals and will be reviewed regularly.

Programme Areas

Mental health, Maternal & infant - mental health & addictions, Addictions - drug & alcohol, Smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health, Face to face smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori (AOD), Kaupapa Māori - mental health, Kaupapa Māori - smoking cessation, Maternal mental health - community support, Non-acute specialist mental health community services, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support


Nelson Marlborough

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

The service is specifically designed for Māori over the age of 18 years diagnosed with a major mental illness, but is not exclusive to Māori.

Referral is from Nelson Marlborough DHB adult mental health service and whānau that have serious mental health diagnosis, however where appropriate Pūkenga Maanaki will assist whānau to access the service.


Pūkenga Manaaki (experienced mental health support workers) provide a recovery oriented community based assessment, treatment and therapy service for mental health and addiction problems that is accessible, coordinated and effectively targeted for Māori. The Service is based within a Kaupapa Māori framework and responsive to the needs of tangata whaiora and their whānau.

Care planning is jointly agreed and implemented in a coordinated manner by all parties involved. The care plan will identify the relative roles of the clinical and non-clinical staff, and other relevant professionals, including matters in relation to:

  • crisis responsiveness
  • risk identification and management
  • medication management
  • managed withdrawal
  • psychological and other interventions
  • support interventions
  • information

The care plan sets out specific plans and goals and will be reviewed regularly.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Clinical | Ngā Pūkenga Hauora Hinengaro mō ngā Tamariki me Rangatahi

Mental health clinicians provide a community-based mental health treatment and therapy service across a range of settings for kohungahunga/infants, tamariki/children and rangatahi/youth that is strengths based and mana enhancing. This Service includes, but is not be limited to: Access to specialist assessment and diagnosis Monitoring of medication in accordance with a documented comprehensive management plan with identified desired outcomes Provision of appropriate psychotherapies Ongoing monitoring of symptoms and regular review of progress and treatment at specified intervals Attention to matters concerning early intervention, maintenance of health, relapse prevention, problem prevention and promotion of good mental health Provision of consulting, liaising and advocating for services with primary care providers and other relevant agencies. Working strongly to collaborate with numerous external services that work with kahungahunga/infants, tamariki/children and rangatahi/youth.

Programme Areas

Mental health, Kaupapa Māori, Pacific People

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health, Eating disorders, Kaupapa Māori - mental health, Non-acute specialist mental health community services, Pacific People - mental health, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support


Nelson Marlborough

Age Groups

Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Service users include tamariki and rangatahi up to 18 years old who present with mental health concerns, for assessment and treatment.

Referrals can come from  your GP and/ or secondary services. All referrals will go to the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board (NMCAMHS) team for intake. From there they will be triaged and once accepted, allocated to a service. There are two CAMHS services that are provided in the Nelson Marlborough area. One is held with the Nelson Marlborough DHB and one held within Te Piki Oranga. The whānau have a choice of which service they feel will best suit their needs.

Enquiries are welcomed, assistance can be provided to whānau to access this service, and discuss the options between the two services.


Mental health clinicians provide a community-based mental health treatment and therapy service across a range of settings for kohungahunga/infants, tamariki/children and rangatahi/youth that is strengths based and mana enhancing.

This Service includes, but is not be limited to:

  • Access to specialist assessment and diagnosis
  • Monitoring of medication in accordance with a documented comprehensive management plan with identified desired outcomes
  • Provision of appropriate psychotherapies
  • Ongoing monitoring of symptoms and regular review of progress and treatment at specified intervals
  • Attention to matters concerning early intervention, maintenance of health, relapse prevention, problem prevention and promotion of good mental health
  • Provision of consulting, liaising and advocating for services with primary care providers and other relevant agencies. Working strongly to collaborate with numerous external services that work with kahungahunga/infants, tamariki/children and rangatahi/youth.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Non-Clinical | Ngā Pūkenga Manaaki Hinengaro mō ngā Tamariki me ngā Rangatahi

Pūkenga Manaaki (experienced mental health support workers) provide a flexible mobile collaborative whānau support service for tamariki and rangatahi who are living in the community either with their whānau or independently. This service targets tamariki and rangatahi who have high and ongoing support needs related to whānau and community living, education and/or employment and self-management of their wellbeing. This service includes, but is not limited to: Assisting the tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau in determining their support and cultural needs Coordination of access to the support resources and services that the whānau wish to use Provision of a range of support options, including but not limited to home-based support, community support and support for independence Assisting tamariki/rangatahi to create a plan to manage the activities of daily routines Assisting tamariki/rangatahi to maintain connection with or access to community based activities, health, education, vocational and social services Collaboration with clinical services.

Programme Areas

Mental health, Kaupapa Māori, Pacific People

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health, Eating disorders, Kaupapa Māori - mental health, Non-acute specialist mental health community services, Pacific People - mental health, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support


Nelson Marlborough

Age Groups

Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

This service includes tamariki and rangatahi that are eligible for CAMHS service.

Access to a Pūkenga Manaaki/Navigator is through being a CAMHS client when the clinician identifies support needed in the wider whānau.


Pūkenga Manaaki (experienced mental health support workers) provide a flexible mobile collaborative whānau support service for tamariki and rangatahi who are living in the community either with their whānau or independently. This service targets tamariki and rangatahi who have high and ongoing support needs related to whānau and community living, education and/or employment and self-management of their wellbeing.

This service includes, but is not limited to:

  • Assisting the tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau in determining their support and cultural needs
  • Coordination of access to the support resources and services that the whānau wish to use
  • Provision of a range of support options, including but not limited to home-based support, community support and support for independence
  • Assisting tamariki/rangatahi to create a plan to manage the activities of daily routines
  • Assisting tamariki/rangatahi to maintain connection with or access to community based activities, health, education, vocational and social services
  • Collaboration with clinical services.
Alcohol and Other Drug Specialist Services | Te Puna Hononga - Waipiro me ērā atu taukino

This service provides a community or outpatient based assessment and treatment service. This Service includes, but is not limited to: Screening and brief intervention Specialist comprehensive assessment Drug and alcohol treatment, therapy, support and case management (both individual, group and inclusive of whānau) Integrated care for those experiencing co-existing problems of addiction and mental health Ongoing monitoring of symptoms and regular review of progress and treatment Development of cultural links Working with whānau and offering support and other interventions Liaison and consultation services to other providers of health services including mental health services and other agencies in contact with people with current or potential substance use problems Community development services Referral to other services or agencies where appropriate Support to enhance recovery and reduce the risk of relapse for example this may include facilitating engagement with a support group Each Service user will be offered interventions that are appropriate according to assessed need in terms of their drug and alcohol use, related problems and readiness for change.

Programme Areas

Mental health, Maternal & infant - mental health & addictions, Addictions - drug & alcohol, Kaupapa Māori, Pacific People

Programme Type

Advocacy / group / family whānau support (AOD), Coexisting problems – mental health & addictions, Community / social support (AOD), Kaupapa Māori (AOD), Kaupapa Māori - mental health, Maternal alcohol & drug addiction, Pacific People (AOD), Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support, Peer support (AOD), Respite


Nelson Marlborough

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

The service is specifically designed for Māori but not exclusive to. Individuals and whānau harmed by alcohol and/or drug use are eligible for comprehensive community or outpatient based assessment and treatment services.

Referral from primary health care, inpatient, community mental health teams, alcohol and other drug services or self-referral.


This service provides a community or outpatient based assessment and treatment service. This Service includes, but is not limited to:

  • Screening and brief intervention
  • Specialist comprehensive assessment
  • Drug and alcohol treatment, therapy, support and case management (both individual, group and inclusive of whānau)
  • Integrated care for those experiencing co-existing problems of addiction and mental health
  • Ongoing monitoring of symptoms and regular review of progress and treatment
  • Development of cultural links
  • Working with whānau and offering support and other interventions
  • Liaison and consultation services to other providers of health services including mental health services and other agencies in contact with people with current or potential substance use problems
  • Community development services
  • Referral to other services or agencies where appropriate
  • Support to enhance recovery and reduce the risk of relapse for example this may include facilitating engagement with a support group

Each Service user will be offered interventions that are appropriate according to assessed need in terms of their drug and alcohol use, related problems and readiness for change.

Stop Smoking Services | Te Hā Aukati Kaipapaipa

Te Hā is Te Piki Oranga Services contribution to the Nelson Marlborough model of stop smoking services where the partners (Nelson Marlborough Health, Marlborough Primary Health, Nelson Bays Primary Health and Te Piki Oranga Limited) have agreed a collaborative model to ensure maximum coverage of all smokers across Te Tau Ihu. The service aims to: Deliver stop smoking services to priority smokers by trained stop smoking coaches Deliver a course of individual face to face sessions Deliver group programmes Supply Nicotine Replacement Therapy at no cost to smokers Provide education and advice on vaping Deliver Smoke-free health promotion activities

Programme Areas

Mental health, Smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori, Pacific People

Programme Type

Face to face smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori - smoking cessation, Maternal smoking cessation, Pacific People - smoking cessation, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support, Workforce training - stop smoking


Nelson Marlborough

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Māori, Pacific people, pregnant women (of any ethnicity), smoking partners, and family living with a pregnant woman, vulnerable populations, including the refugee population who use tobacco products, are eligible to access this service.


Te Hā is Te Piki Oranga Services contribution to the Nelson Marlborough model of stop smoking services where the partners (Nelson Marlborough Health, Marlborough Primary Health, Nelson Bays Primary Health and Te Piki Oranga Limited) have agreed a collaborative model to ensure maximum coverage of all smokers across Te Tau Ihu.

The service aims to:

  • Deliver stop smoking services to priority smokers by trained stop smoking coaches
  • Deliver a course of individual face to face sessions
  • Deliver group programmes
  • Supply Nicotine Replacement Therapy at no cost to smokers
  • Provide education and advice on vaping
  • Deliver Smoke-free health promotion activities

Services Provided

Health screening

Te Piki Oranga provides free and mobile cervical screening services for wahine Māori and Pacifica who are due for their cervical smear aged 25- 69 years. We will assist wahine to remove any barriers that might be preventing them from having a smear. The service runs cervical screening clinics at locations and times that are convenient to wahine and can be in their own home. Please phone us 0800 672 642 to speak with our Service Manager, Lorraine. Te Piki Oranga provides free and mobile cervical screening services for wahine Māori and Pacifica who are due for their cervical smear aged 25- 69 years. We will assist wahine to remove any barriers that might be preventing them from having a smear. The service runs cervical screening clinics at locations and times that are convenient to wahine and can be in their own home. Please phone us 0800 672 642 to speak with our Service Manager, Lorraine.

  • Cervical screening

Te Piki Oranga provides free and mobile cervical screening services for wahine Māori and Pacifica who are due for their cervical smear aged 25- 69 years.

We will assist wahine to remove any barriers that might be preventing them from having a smear. The service runs cervical screening clinics at locations and times that are convenient to wahine and can be in their own home.

Please phone us 0800 672 642 to speak with our Service Manager, Lorraine.

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Child / Tamariki friendly

Public Transport


Nelson Marlborough


Contact Details

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.


22 Queen Street
Marlborough 7201

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Street Address

22 Queen Street
Marlborough 7201

Postal Address

PO Box 994
Blenheim 7240

117 Pah Street, Motueka

Nelson Marlborough

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

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This page was last updated at 9:33AM on November 29, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Piki Oranga.