Nelson Marlborough > Mental Health & Addictions >
Yellow Brick Road - Nelson
Mental Health Service, Addiction
83A Buxton Square, Nelson
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Motueka Community House, Decks Reserve, Motueka
9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
We support families and whānau to navigate through mental health services and agencies to get the help they and their family member need. We provide face to face and telephone support, peer support groups, educational programmes for children, and self care strategies for families and whānau.
Our service extends from Murchison to Motueka and Golden Bay, Richmond to Nelson and as far as Rai Valley.
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
How do I access this service?
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Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
All our services are free and completely confidential.
83A Buxton Square, Nelson
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Nelson Anniversary (2 Feb), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Motueka Community House, Decks Reserve, Motueka
9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mon – Tue | 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM |
Thu | 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM |
Our Motueka Family whānau support worker also visits Golden Bay regularly (appointments necessary).
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Nelson Anniversary (2 Feb), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL), English
We are here to provide information and education about mental illness, and to help family and whānau safely navigate their way through mental health services to get the support they need. It does not matter if your family member does not have a current clinical diagnosis, or wants to accept support for themselves. Parents, partners, siblings, children and friends can all have different questions about what is happening, and need different kinds of support and information. Our services are: Free Mobile Independent Confidential Cover the Nelson/Tasman area with offices located in Nelson and Motueka We can arrange a time and place to meet that suits you. In addition to our family support services, we support an initiative to advocate for children and young people affected by parental mental health and addiction issues.
We are here to provide information and education about mental illness, and to help family and whānau safely navigate their way through mental health services to get the support they need. It does not matter if your family member does not have a current clinical diagnosis, or wants to accept support for themselves. Parents, partners, siblings, children and friends can all have different questions about what is happening, and need different kinds of support and information. Our services are: Free Mobile Independent Confidential Cover the Nelson/Tasman area with offices located in Nelson and Motueka We can arrange a time and place to meet that suits you. In addition to our family support services, we support an initiative to advocate for children and young people affected by parental mental health and addiction issues.
- Programme Areas
Mental health
- Programme Type
Eating disorders, Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support
- Regions
Nelson Marlborough
- Age Groups
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
We accept referrals from anyone seeking support for a family/whānau who has a family member with a mental illness or addiction.
We are here to provide information and education about mental illness, and to help family and whānau safely navigate their way through mental health services to get the support they need.
It does not matter if your family member does not have a current clinical diagnosis, or wants to accept support for themselves.
Parents, partners, siblings, children and friends can all have different questions about what is happening, and need different kinds of support and information.
Our services are:
- Free
- Mobile
- Independent
- Confidential
- Cover the Nelson/Tasman area with offices located in Nelson and Motueka
We can arrange a time and place to meet that suits you.
In addition to our family support services, we support an initiative to advocate for children and young people affected by parental mental health and addiction issues.
Peer Support Group for those who support someone living with bipolar disorder Please contact Deanne on 03 546 6090 or for more information. Carers Support Group for those who support someone living with a mental illness and/or addiction Meets monthly at Motueka Community House Please contact Jeannette on 027 528 7790 or for more information. Peer Support Group for Mothers supporting/caring for their young person who has a mental illness Please contact Deanne on 03 546 6090 or for more information. Education and Peer Support group for families and whānau of people who have Emotional Dysregulation Disorders Group sessions run over 6 weeks and we run 2 groups per year, subject to numbers. Please call Deanne 03 546 6090 or email
Peer Support Group for those who support someone living with bipolar disorder Please contact Deanne on 03 546 6090 or for more information. Carers Support Group for those who support someone living with a mental illness and/or addiction Meets monthly at Motueka Community House Please contact Jeannette on 027 528 7790 or for more information. Peer Support Group for Mothers supporting/caring for their young person who has a mental illness Please contact Deanne on 03 546 6090 or for more information. Education and Peer Support group for families and whānau of people who have Emotional Dysregulation Disorders Group sessions run over 6 weeks and we run 2 groups per year, subject to numbers. Please call Deanne 03 546 6090 or email
- Programme Areas
Mental health
- Programme Type
Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support
- Regions
Nelson Marlborough
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
For more information on family whānau support groups please contact:
03 546 6090 or 027 546 6010 or email and in Tasman email
Peer Support Group for those who support someone living with bipolar disorder
Please contact Deanne on 03 546 6090 or for more information.
Carers Support Group for those who support someone living with a mental illness and/or addiction
Meets monthly at Motueka Community House
Please contact Jeannette on 027 528 7790 or for more information.
Peer Support Group for Mothers supporting/caring for their young person who has a mental illness
Please contact Deanne on 03 546 6090 or for more information.
Education and Peer Support group for families and whānau of people who have Emotional Dysregulation Disorders
Group sessions run over 6 weeks and we run 2 groups per year, subject to numbers. Please call Deanne 03 546 6090 or email
We provide a children's educational and resilience building programme about mental illness for children 6- 12 years who have a parent or sibling with a mental illness/addiction. Programme consists of 5 sessions run weekly for one hour. Children usually attend with a trusted adult from their family or whānau.
We provide a children's educational and resilience building programme about mental illness for children 6- 12 years who have a parent or sibling with a mental illness/addiction. Programme consists of 5 sessions run weekly for one hour. Children usually attend with a trusted adult from their family or whānau.
- Programme Areas
Mental health, Addictions - drug & alcohol
- Programme Type
Advocacy / group / family whānau support (AOD), Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support
- Regions
Nelson Marlborough
- Age Groups
Child / Tamariki
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
Please contact Deanne on 03 546 6090 or for more information.
We provide a children's educational and resilience building programme about mental illness for children 6- 12 years who have a parent or sibling with a mental illness/addiction. Programme consists of 5 sessions run weekly for one hour. Children usually attend with a trusted adult from their family or whānau.
A five session educational programme for young people aged 12-16 years who have a parent or sibling with a mental illness and/or addiction.
A five session educational programme for young people aged 12-16 years who have a parent or sibling with a mental illness and/or addiction.
- Programme Areas
Mental health, Addictions - drug & alcohol
- Programme Type
Advocacy / group / family whānau support (AOD), Peer / advocacy / group / family whānau support
- Regions
Nelson Marlborough
- Age Groups
Youth / Rangatahi
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
Please contact Deanne on 03 546 6090 or for more information.
A five session educational programme for young people aged 12-16 years who have a parent or sibling with a mental illness and/or addiction.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, Phone
Document Downloads
(PDF, 510.1 KB)
A guide to our services in Nelson
Plenty of parking is available at both locations.
Contact Details
83A Buxton Square, Nelson
Nelson Marlborough
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
(03) 546 6090
027 546 6010
Motueka Community House, Decks Reserve, Motueka
Nelson Marlborough
9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
(03) 528 7790
027 528 7790
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This page was last updated at 11:31AM on December 18, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Yellow Brick Road - Nelson.