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Dr Grant Galpin
MB ChB 1991 Cape Town; FRANZCP 2002
Dr Grant Galpin is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and has expertise in forensic and general psychiatry. He is also a Deputy Psychiatric Member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal.
Dr Galpin has experience and a keen interest in the assessment and treatment of adults with trauma related psychiatric illness, mood disorders, psychoses and anxiety disorders. He also has much interest in Māori Mental Health, having worked part time in general and forensic psychiatry for a Kaupapa Mental Health Service for the past seven years.
With regard to Dr Galpin’s forensic expertise, he was until recently the clinical head of court report writing at Regional Forensic Psychiatric Services, Mason Clinic for three and a half years, and now directs Court Liaison Services at Hauora Waikato Mental Health Services (NGA RINGA AWHINA). Dr Galpin has a wide range of experience including court report writing regarding Fitness to Plead, Insanity, and risk related assessments for psychiatric matters in mitigation at sentence. He has, in addition, experience in civil forensic psychiatry, which includes the assessment of Accident Compensation claimants and medical malpractice litigants.
Dr Galpin has been working as a consultant psychiatrist for the Refugees as Survivors Centre for two and a half years.
Title or Designation
General & Forensic Psychiatrist
Full NZ Registration Date
14 September 1995
Vocational Scope
Contact Details
Dr Grant Galpin is available at the following service:
Practice 92 Limited
This service is available at the following location:
1 St Albans Avenue, Mt Eden, Auckland
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
(09) 638 9804
(09) 638 9814