Central Auckland > Private Hospitals & Specialists > Auckland Obstetric Centre >
Dr Aimee Brighton
General Practitioner
BM BCh 2010 Oxfd; FRANZCOG 2021
Aimee graduated from the University of Oxford in 2010. She originally planned to spend a year in New Zealand, but loved it so much that she never left! Becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2021, she started working as a consultant at Middlemore Hospital. Aimee has always been interested in high risk obstetrics and decided to further sub-specialise in Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM). She has now completed her training and works as a MFM consultant at Auckland City Hospital. Aimee balances her work life with a busy home life. She has a husband and three young children. Her twins were delivered under the care of AOC.
Title or Designation
Consultant Obstetrician
Full NZ Registration Date
27 February 2012
Vocational Scope
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Contact Details
Dr Aimee Brighton is available at the following service:
Auckland Obstetric Centre
This service is available at the following location:
20 Titoki Street, Parnell, Auckland
(09) 367 1200
(09) 367 1201
Healthlink EDI