

MB ChB 1996 Glasgow; CCT (UK) (Gen Surg) 2009; FRCS (Gen surg) Glasg 2009


I graduated from Glasgow University in 1996 with a MB. ChB, and a B.Sc. (Honours) in gross anatomy. My postgraduate training was under the West of Scotland Higher Surgical Training scheme culminating in CCT in 2009. In the same year I successfully completed an MD thesis on the topic of chronic pain and inguinal hernia repair. I spent a year as a post CCT fellow in New Zealand in 2010. 

For the next five years I worked as a consultant surgeon in two large public teaching hospitals in contrasting health care systems, Scotland and Singapore. I have been employed at Lakes DHB since 2016.

I have published regularly throughout my career.


My current research interests include cultural and societal influences on the doctor patient relationship and management of the older frail surgical patient.

I have contributed to the successful implementation of a One Stop Clinic/Prehabilitation and Enhanced Recovery Programs for patients requiring GI resections at Lakes.


  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy/Colonoscopy 
  • General Surgery ( abdominal and groin hernia repair, benign gallbladder disease)
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Colorectal Surgery
  • Coloproctology

I am trained as a General Surgeon, but have also been credentialed in the subspecialty of Colorectal Surgery. In this subspecialist field my interests include benign and malignant coloproctological conditions and Pelvic Floor Disorders (PFD).

Title or Designation

General & Colorectal Surgeon

Post-Fellowship Training

Current membership of professional/other bodies:

  • Fellow  Royal College of Surgeons (Glasgow)
  • Member Association of General Surgeons Great Britain and Ireland
  • Member Society of Colorectal Surgeons Singapore/UK
  • Honorary Member Waikato University

Full NZ Registration Date

19 February 2018

Vocational Scope

General Surgery

Contact Details

Dr Blaithin Page is available at the following services:

This service is available at the following location:

Kuirau Surgical Centre, 1239 Ranolf Street, Rotorua

Public Services

Bowel Screening | Lakes

This service is available at the following location:

Rotorua Hospital

General Surgery | Lakes

This service is available at the following locations:

Rotorua Hospital

Taupō Hospital

Private Surgical Services

Southern Cross Rotorua Hospital - General Surgery

This service is available at the following location:

Southern Cross Rotorua Hospital