Central Auckland > Private Hospitals & Specialists > TinyGiants Paediatric Specialists >
Dr Candice Feben-Small
MB BCh 2004 Witwatersrand; FC (Med Genet) SA 2012; MMed (Med Genet) SA 2012
Candice is a clinical geneticist and is passionate about caring for people and families who have, or are at risk for, genetic disorders. She completed her undergraduate medical degree in South Africa and then specialised in the field of Medical Genetics though the College of Medical Geneticists of South Africa. She has subsequently also been recognised as a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in the Child Health and Paediatric Branch. She holds a Masters of Medicine degree (through the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) and a Diploma in Child Health (through the College of Paediatricians of South Africa). She practised both in state and private healthcare in South Africa for over 10 years. Her family relocated to New Zealand in 2020 and she has since held the position of specialist Clinical Geneticist at Starship Hospital in Auckland, with full vocational registration with the Medical Council of New Zealand
- Severe developmental delay or formally diagnosed intellectual disability of a moderate or severe type
- Severe autism spectrum disorder with at least mild developmental delay / intellectual disability or an atypical presentation
- Severe epilepsy disorders (so called “syndromic epilepsies”)
- Babies identified in utero or born with one or more congenital malformations (heart, brain, kidney, spine, craniofacial. limb etc)
- A family history of a known genetic disorder
- Connective tissue disease (including a personal or family history of thoracic aortic aneurysms, severe scoliosis, hollow organ rupture (bladder, uterus), severe and unusual skin scarring or poor wound healing)
- Congenital deafness or blindness
- Congenital or unusual dermatological features, such as multiple birth marks, unusual skin lesions, severe skin disorders which may also involve the hair, nails and teeth
Title or Designation
Clinical Geneticist
Vocational Scope
Clinical Genetics
Contact Details
Dr Candice Feben-Small is available at the following service:
TinyGiants Paediatric Specialists
This service is available at the following location:
eastMED, 188 St Heliers Bay Road, St Heliers, Auckland
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
(09) 242 3777
Healthlink EDI